User talk:Dom
Five Archives:Look, I've made another archive of old messages! Do NOT read them - they're private!
Start messages here... insert random crap... Those are Ladies?Woah! Are you sure? XD Just kiddin'.... Stickers.....I'll try! We had to do a similar project in school; draw our favorite "cartoon" character! And it's pretty obvious who I chose... Heh heh, here's a non-creepy story: My Geography teacher's chair broke last year because some really big "iCarly" fan unscrewed part of her chair and when she sat in it she fell. The kid was suspended in school! Talk about boring! And the funniest is this: my school's guidence counsillor (sp?) was walking down the stairs, tripped over herself, and fell, broke her leg, and didn't come back for the rest of the school year!
Random Grannies Rule The WorldThanks, I greatly appreciated it. XD Actually, I can delete User and User Talk pages; although I don't plan on doing so. Cool archive name; it gives me the feeling that you really like this place. o: I'm sure you would. ;) No doubts in my mind. Of course you're a close friend! I'd say you easily make my top five. Actually, I did know that. "G'day" is kind of a stereotypical phrase that us Americans like to associate you Aussies with. :P And, LOL at the goats in the outback. XD Wow, odd questions...but: Legal drinking age: Driving age: Most people are allowed to drive on their own at the age of 16, but some can start driving (accompanied) at the age of 14. Legal WTF age: 18. Well, I don't know of any articles that need editing, but you can always check here if you'd like. ;) — Stooben Rooben In America, the legal 'be rude to others' age is 3. o: 11:44, 25 September 2008 (EDT) Ohai!ROFL LOL XD I love randomn3ss. If there was no randomness in the world, I'd be dead by the time I said this XD Cool! The theme is FTW. Its cool to know that you're trip is almost over. Hmm... I just scrolled over the link and saw that it was a link to Serebii about the new forms in Platinum. Are those possibly the new Rotom forms that link leads too, then? ... ... AMIRITE?! :O Holy Crip! (That's what... uhhh... uhhh... I'll get back to you on that ^^;)LOL, your jokes are very special. Yes, Archiving has become easy for me. Thanks, I had to think of a title very hard for the other archive. Yes, a template. CC has his own template and I think users are allowed them. What you should do is remember how many points you've given to users and put them in boxes. Not just any ordinary boxes, make them special; add your colors and character images. Thanks for the 50 pts. *starts evolving* My user name in the Bulbapedia region is *warps you to a top secret military base* Xknight 511. You're right, I get no respect whatsoever on that Wiki. What's your user name? *warps underground* I'm glad you're appreciated in that magazine, but I'm afraid I've never heard of it before. Well, have you added me to your Userboxes yet? I've added you (I gave you the special ranking of good friend because of your kindness towards me :^) Holy (that's what grave robbers say)Hello Dom. I know we haven't met before so....hi nice to meet you. I've seen you around lots and I never knew you was australian (don't hate me if I spelt that wrong) And I like your header puns Long timeHiya! We don't talk has a good time... Well, How ae you? I own Super Paper Mario!!! Anything new? Le Exploding WafflelezHey there, Dom, just tellin ya that soon i will be changin my name to Gyroid X. By the time you are back from England, I'll probably have the name changed. Negative Squad, soon to be Gyroid X My Teacher Got Fired For Sounding Like A Brand Of Chicken NuggetsSorry for not replying sooner. But don't worry about the recipe, I'm scared of it! OK, but here's a really juicy one! So there was once a teacher named Mr. Duggins (which was popular for sounding like it was a good name for chicken nuggets) who was the most perverted and inappropriate man in our school, because he's stared at girls and boys, erm, bottoms. He was frequently found in the gym locker rooms during changing time! So he got fired for indirect harassment and he had a myspace account with him in no clothes, saying swears, and at parties where he was drunk! Thank all that is living he got fired! Well...WhoaWell, patience is not one of my virtues, but I'm willing to wait for a friend. ☆R.O.B 128♂ 14:42, 29 September 2008 (EDT) That's good to hear. I'll be waiting. ☆R.O.B 128♂ 11:11, 4 October 2008 (EDT) OK, just whenever you're ready! Oh, that's Zero Two (actually put 02.) He's the final boss of Kirby 64 and he is EPIC! You gotta shoot crystal shards at his eye, which bleeds and bleeds. Then eventually he'll flip over and you have to shoot the bandage on his head, which then causes a cactus-like wound to shoot out his pointy bottom. That's his weak point. Otherwise, he's a bleeding eye-turnip-angel-cactus-bird thing! YOU'RE BACK? W00T! YAYYYYYYYYY!!! Mkay; I'll wait for the message :D -- OMG! Sounds nasty! I've heard in Geography class Asians never haad the highest farming standards..... Aww;... well bai, then! Really? Yay! So... what's up? -- YESH! YESH!!!Wherever you live, it sounds quite interesting. I've heard there are animals there that look wierd. Remember, I've been banned twice already. There are some people (like Wayoshi and RAP) who refuse to talk to me. Wayoshi tends to treat me like crap on YouTube, but I don't really care. I'm glad you acknowledged my idea. *drops tank on Wayoshi* WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Yeah, I got new moves. I've learned WRY, and Hyperzone Cannon. I'm a Steel and Electric type. Bulbapedia's name is an opinion of someone's, but some people think it's because Bulbasaur is the first pokemon. I don't go there much anymoar. The users there are major jerks (did I say that twice?... <_<) I'm not too familiar with magezines in general. lolz I figured I'd give you the rank since you're such an awesome user. Srsly, you're the only one besides some like Mrsdaisyluigi and Garlic Man (as well as Stooben) to not do something terrible to me. Thanksss for the rank asss the coolessst perssson you know. </snake_mah_boi> Here are teh answers to your questions. I think I got most of 'em right.
Actually; I just thought it was a link that covered only the forms of Rotom. Seems I was wrong, tho. No one; at least, as far I know. YAY!!! I'm not sure. I'm the one who makes other people's descisions; but it would be cool. You've given up on the BT? Why?
Actually; Nintendo gamer has already designed a userbox; saying the same thing. He's gotten my permission to due so. I wanna DSi too!Too bad it doesnt have a GBA slot...though they could fix that and make it work with the older GB and GBC games. I did hear though that it would connect to the internet or somethin like that...I sure hope so! I've been dying to play GSC again, and yadda yadda yadda. Seriously, chapter 6 is not all that great. But it is noteworthy as the only chapter in which Mario and Co. go to a place simply to get a piece of the Element Star. They go to Bowser's Castle also because of Peach, they get the one in the Master Tree "on accident", and they go to the Nothing Zone in pursuit of Mr. UDL after overhearing him say stuff about the Wind Piece. I just thought that NS sounded tacky after a while and also sounded a bit emo. Besides, it made my chapter 3 look like a raging egomaniac. "The Amazing Negative Squad"? ... to that. I have found my inner Wario and Meta Knight, I still am pretty good with R.O.B. (which is really out of place since i always use agile, light characters with good aerial game, but R.O.B. is pretty aerial, so...) and I'm ok with Luigi. However, nothing can yet match my sheer pwn-power with Mr. Game & Watch. I guess he suits my style- relentless attack without giving the opponents a chance to attack (which really ticks off my bro). Somehow, even though he's the second lightest character, I can survive at super-high percentages with him. Speaking of G&W, he is in chapter 7 (actually, there are multiple G&Ws, acting as residents of the area) but it is not due to him being my main in Brawl. I thought of it long before i ever played Brawl, just to tell you. What the crap? GYROID X IS FREAKIN' EVOLVIN'! Da da da da da da da dddddda do da do da do da do daaa DRING, DANANANAnananana...CONGRATULATIONS, CRAPPER! GYROID X EVOLVED INTO 001010001001010101010101001010101010101001(long continuous string of binary code)111010101010110WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!ERROR! ASPLODE! (GBA asplodes) Mr. Torment-E and His 7 tatoosXD Those are hillarious! After this comment I gotta read more! Tell me as many as you want! My school is under renovations right now, so I think the staff could really care less about who they hire. :O But to my story: Mr. Torrente (pronounced, tore-en-tee) is a creepy man. On the first day of school, when I first had him, he made most of us ROFL. (He teaches Reading Strategies, a very minor class.) So he was funny at first, having us read a book on Poop facts and stuff, but then one day, that changed. He yelled and called on us for stuff we didn't know, where he got the name Mr. Torment-E. It was then one day where he wore shorts and short sleeve shirt when (7 by my count) tatoos of bloody, somewhat innapropriate stuff were revealed, though it was during after-school hours. It was disturbing. And to add to it, on rainy days, he wears a long trench-coat and a black hat, and looks like he just murdered someone! When The Mercenaries Go Marching InEh, that's OK for holdin' me in suspense; besides, I was gonna wright you a random response to nothing, just to keep ya' entertained. During the time you've been gone, giant Peacocks have probably pecked your home internet connection cable to death, so I'd suggest switching to GIECO... unless, of course, you have a loaded AK-47 and a well-oiled flamethrower. As we draw nearer to Halloween, my mind is filled with frightening images. Some merely pop up for a second (like those stupid "Cool Screensaver" ads you see on the web every 5 seconds), and some will take a few minutes to finish. Here's a few random examples of the horrors I've encountered(mentally): 1.Flying monkeys with guns 2. The illsbury Doughboy will run up to me and attempt to smother me with cream cheese. 3. Samus will be running towards me, and then a 500-foot tall granola bar will come crashing down on her, crushing her in it's nutty-goodness. 4. I'll be walking along a street in America in the 1800s, wearing a top hat and other clothes of the time, when out of the blue I'll start singing songs from the play Oklahoma , and then Gollum (Lord of the Rings, not Pokermen) will appear and start rapping. Before long, the entire town will be dressed in chicken outfits, and we'll be dancing to some polka music. Then, Chuck Norris will come, and we all die. 5. The worst one of all. I go through something I call "Random Limerick-Making Syndrome." During RLMS, I start making stupid little limericks, and then start singing them to the neighbor's bulldog. A horrible example of one of these vile limericks would be: There one was a ninja named Hyi Who wanted to eat a mince-meat pie He went to Wal*Mart" To buy a Napalm-Dart But realised the federal government had recently vitoed the sale of Napalm-Darts to ninjas named Hyi.
gb (gotta boogie) --
Cheep-Cheep Super Paper coll!Well, How are you? Well, I don't have GC or any game of GC... :( When I saw Dimentio In SPM, I remember you!:P It's so coll that you put my drawing in your phone... (It's...special for me!) I'm just in chapter 1-4 I think (I Just began, I don't have time to play) I've drew Fox and kirby!!! And...I'm gonna to put your comment in my sig ^^ Ohai (No, that's not one of the 50 states.)Hey, don't feel that way. Just because I can delete things and block users, doesn't make you useless. Every good contributor (which you are) to this site is appreciated. ;) I'm glad you feel spethal. xD The article probably would be fairly long, yes, but only the first half of it would be chock full o' goodies. No, it's not because you're Australian; I talk to quite a few Aussies, actually. I just think you have a cool personality. Australia looks like it has a lot of positives over the U.S. If John McCain becomes President, my family and I are leaving the country. (Granted, it may take quite a few months to earn the money to do such a thing...) Sure, if I ever visited Australia, it'd be cool to see you...though it'd be weird to see someone in person that I talk to constantly over the internet. o.o Did I insult your questions? If I did, I'm sorry. LOLcats are awesome. I can't wait to see what you have in store. Recent changes is usually where I get my editing I also hit 'random page' quite a few times; it's often how I get ideas for proposals. My favorite genre of music? I'd have to say classic rock, though I listen to almost everything. (Unless it's sappy or vulgar.) I love 60's-90's muic; it's FTW. What's your favorite genre of music? Cultural question? Bring it on! >:D Do I consider my country safe? ... ... ... ...Sadly, no I don't. I don't trust the government, or the current President. And, as I said previously, if McCain gets into office, I'm out of this country. America has a lot of great places to go and things to do, but the government kinda scares you away from it. Dunno; I got tired of my old sig – I've had it for almost 10 months, so I decided to make a new one. I'm glad you like it. :) Your sig? Personally, I find nothing wrong with it. The rules do say that animated images or anything distracting are not allowed in your sig, but your GIF is so mellow that I don't find it distracting. Userpedia never cared about such things. What I would recommend doing, is taking both frames of the image (which are cool), cropping them in half (vertically), then placing both images in your sig. ;) — Stooben Rooben And like a beach ball floating rapidly across the angry waves of an ocean, I am gone! 17:04, 6 October 2008 (EDT) DOM, MAH BOIIIII*rubs temples* First of all, I'm not a nerd. That means I don't spend my entire life playing pokemon and going on the internet to learn the exact number for the stats of one. Secondly, you shouldn't tell people that they are wrong so crudely (I'm not mad, I'm just saying; the last thing I want to happen on this wiki is for you to get banned). Third, I was in a hurry so I couldn't think that well. Shuckle is a disgrace to bug and rock types, and Deoxys Defense forme sacrifices it's defense for some attack as well as special attack. DF Deoxys is also the slowest forme. Also, about the critical hit thing. My Honchcrow lands one 75% percent of the time and he holds the necessary items and has the right ability. I don't see how I'm wrong on that. Glalie happens to be one of my favorite ice types. lolz I have a mess load of shinies (no hacking intended) and my favorite is Metagross. I was lucky enough to capture a shiny Raquaza as well. I also have a shiny Charizard, but there is much moar. Now, I have prepared a little quiz 4 U. :)
Well, that's all I got for you rite now, but expect moar! Oh, and here is my response to your reaction to my answers: But then I was all liek: YASHI IS SUPER SAIYAN!!!ZOMG, Yoshi's Island is FTW! It's WAY more challenging that YIDS, which I easily got all 100s on. I never got perfect on world 3, world 5, and world 6, because of Go Go Morphing on world 3, Items are Fun and Kamek's Revenge for world 5, and Endless World of Yoshis (which is super-impossible) for world 6. Strangely I thought world 4 was hardest, but I got perfect on it first. The impossible maze was an awexome level. Hard, yet pwnish. Look up Super Mario Bros. Z on Newgrounds- it is sheer awesomeness. I tells ya, I can use muh Oil Panic on ur Din's Fire and unleash the sheer pwn. And I can survive at infinitely high percentages, plus I am all-powerful. I could never get the hang of Zelda- she's far too slow and she never really gets in the game. I prefer to attack head-on and KO them there, especially since a lot of characters really have no aerial game and I am amazing at aerial attacks and combos (which explains me also using Wario and Meta Knight), plus nobody expects a head-on from the second-lightest character in the game who was simply pathetic in Melee. Chapter 6, bla bla bla...Chapter 7 is goin kinda slowish. I'm gonna take a break after chapter 8 and start up a comic I thought of called The Rising Sun, or maybe practice Mario Paint (with my goal being to make all the songs from Mario Kart. I'll start with Ghost Valley, that oughta be easy) Gyroid X Surpringly, Yes!That's a vety true fact you got there. Yes, there are somewhat normal teachers, though no teacher is really normal! My Math, LA, Science, and Geopraphy teachers are uber-awesome, my Gym teachers are the best, all my last year teachers pwned, and my band teacher is so-so (BTW, I play trombone.) But the weird thing is that all my teachers were weirdos or were the best! Oh, and his tatoos were relatively offensive image-wise, I mean, the last thing you wanna show your students is a bleeding dragon-thing. OK! I must try that sometime, perhaps later this week. Tonight I have a school dance, though it's at the elementary school, we all have to wear sneakers, amission is 5 bucks, and they keep all the lights on to avoid "romance!" Billy Mays for President (USA, Mexico, and Zimbabwe elections only)Hey, sorry it took so long to respond - I was getting over the shock of you being a Ninja. I, being born a Pirate, would normally have killed you by now since you told me that, but, because I've known you for at least a month and think you're cool & random, I won't kill you.
By the end of the day, we had over 57 honks.
Halloween.... and we Americans think the Mexican's "Day of the Dead" thing is weird... at least they don't dress in Spam Costumes... see here: [1] . Yes, America can be very weird... But, of course, it gives us a chance at making random SPAM costumes :D
Random joke about: A Priest! (sent to me by a friend) A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak. After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done. The monsignor replied, 'When I am worried about getting nervous On the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. If I start to get nervous, I take a sip.' So next Sunday he took the monsignor's advice. At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink. He proceeded to talk up a storm. Upon his return to his office after the mass, he found the following note on the door: 1) Sip the vodka, don't gulp. 2) There are 10 commandments, not 12. 3) There are 12 disciples, not 10. 4) Jesus was consecrated, not constipated. 5) Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass. 6) We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the late J.C. 7) The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as Daddy, Junior and the spooky David slew Goliath, he did not kick the sh*t out of him. 9) When David was hit by a rock and was knocked off his donkey, don't say he was stoned off his ass. 10)We do not refer to the cross as the 'Big T.' 11)When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper he said, 'take this and eat it for it is my body.' He did not say ' Eat me' 12)The Virgin Mary is not called ' Mary with the Cherry,. 13)The recommended grace before a meal is not: Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub, Yeah God. 14)Next Sunday there will be a taffy pulling contest at ST.Peter's not a peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's. Well, I gotta go,
ZOMG, AMNESIA!Wow! Amnesia! But that story made me ROFL! (Oh, thank god it's early morning. Or else I would've been caught and then my secret would've been blown!) You probably know my secret, kinda weird if you ask me. For once I don't have one large story, but two mini ones! Both are about my Theater Arts teacher. One, would be that she is a lesbien, probably. She just seems like a huge suspect. Oh and also, my friends were making fun, sort of, of gay people, and she sounded all hurt. Now my second, there's a really misbehaving kid in my school, who also is on my bus. He's just terrible. So one day in Theater Arts, he kept making little obnoxious comments about everything. So the teacher got so fed up with him she screamed: "I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR D*** LITTLE COMMENTS! I DON'T NEED TO TAKE YOUR CRAP! JUST GO TO THE OFFICE, NOW!" And my brother heard that loudly and clearly from the room next door! |