Hi!! I'm Supermariofan14 As my name suggests, I'm a lover of the super mario games, having played some stars of Super Mario 64, completed Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy --my favorite--. I have a Wii, Gamecube and a DS. Mi cousin has the Nintendo 64 in which I have played Super Mario 64. I must confess that I am not good at making articles, so I don't know how to put userbox towers and those things.
Game Rating
This is an idea that I got from Stooben Rooben. However, I changed it a little bit. I will rate Nintendo games that I have played from 1-10 and explain why and how have I got to play them.
Mario Kart 64-- 2 -- I hated this game. VERY BAD!!!!!! I didn't like the graphics because they are confusing and most of its courses are veeeeeeeeeery long. I accept that it is one of the first ones and there aren't many unlockables and all of that, but there are very few characters. The impact of an item on you does not have an effect until 5 seconds later and I hated that. Plus, the Rainbow Road course is extremely long and it is impossible to fall in all the course, appart from the Chain Chomps and the confusing faces in the background.
Super Mario 64-- 7.5 -- I like the levels and the general layout of the game. Good graphics. I like levels such as the Bowser bases because they feature many jumping and skill.However, some courses were just plain and there were very few bosses.
The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker-- 7.5 -- The overall game is very good. I like the dungeon layouts and the bosses are really cool. It also has a good soundtrack. The Nintendo gallery was fun, but some figurines were just impossible to get. The bad: some of the islands on the game are very boring and have nothing interesting. It is also difficult to figure what to do in some parts of the game.
Super Mario Sunshine-- 9 -- Great game. I liked almost all of it. I would have liked that it had more secret levels (those that feature jumping and NES Mario music) and more worlds. There is also only one Bowser battle and it is not direct.