Name: Mario64
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Birthday: March 20
About Mario64
- Mario64 is a video game fanatic. He's been a user since Mid-2007. He has several systems and they are: Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Playstation 1, Nintendo Gamecube, XBOX 360, Wii, 3 Gameboy Advances and a Nintendo DS.
- Mario64 likes hogging the internet.
- Mario64 has a crush on Miranda Coscrove.
- Ask Nintendo for a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy
- Make friends on Super Mario Wiki
- Save up for an expensive Laptop
Super Mario Galaxy 2
I've played Super Mario Galaxy and I want a sequel for it. I thought it could have new galaxies, more playable characters, Wi-Fi support, Koopalings' appearence, and a special hardrive add-on that comes included with the game. So until the deadline, write letters to Nintendo with the info on this proposal. Please, I need your help for this proposal!!
Proposer: User:Mario64 Deadline: March 20, 2008, 18:00
Top 10 Favorite Games
1. Sonic R
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Nights into Dreams
4. Christmas Nights
5. Super Mario RPG
6. Super Mario 64
7. Mario Kart DS
8. Call of Duty 2
9. Sonic the Hedgehog
10. Sonic 3D Blast
Most Wanted Games
1. Mario Kart Wii
2. Sonic Chronicholes
3. Super Mario Galaxy 2
4. Sega Superstar Tennis