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The safe hatch.

Norfair is the name of a location on Planet Zebes in the Metroid series, and a stage in the upcoming, Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Similar to the Planet Zebes and Brinstar stages from the last two Super Smash Bros. games, the lava in this stage rises up from bellow. However, unlike the the last two Metroid stages, Norfair's lava can come in from any direction. It may rise from the bottom of the stage, the sides of the stage, and even behind the stage. In the case of the lava coming from behind, the only way to escape it is by hiding away in a hatch that will appear on a random platform of the stage. Only one hatch will appear, however, so the players will have to fight for the hatch. After an extended period of time, the hatch will close, and the lava from behind will hit, presumedly knocking out any players trapped outside.

Starting Songs in My Music

  • Main Theme (Metroid)
  • Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
  • Marionation Gear

Template:SSB Stages