Since I'm learning Spanish, I thought it'd be interesting to investigate The Origami King and see how it got translated into Spanish. I'm ripping these lines directly from the text data, so there are no transcription errors. I'm using the American Spanish version. For verifiability, the original Spanish text is also provided. I'm not listing everything, only major changes, errors, and ones that I feel improve the jokes.
Toad Town
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Shh... Just close your eyes and listen. A bup bup bup! No talking... | Shhh... Cierra los ojos y escucha. Es como un "bip, bup, bop"... No digas nada. | Shhh... Close your eyes and listen. It's like a "bip, bup, bop"... Don't say anything. (The translators seem to have messed up, interpreting "bup bup bup" as a description of the music rather than an interjection.) |
Ahh, this place was supposed to be bustling with business for the big Origami Festival. Maybe it can still bustle if we try hard enough. Bustle. BUSTLE, YOU! | Supuestamente, con la Feria del Origami esta zona del pueblo iba a ser un jolgorio. A lo mejor todavía podemos darle un poco de impulso. Vamos: ¡movimiento, dinamismo, proactividad, iniciativa! | Supposedly, with the Origami Festival, this part of town was going to be a celebration. Maybe we can still give it a little momentum. Let's go: movement, dynamism, proactivity, initiative! |
Toads and Goombas, living together! It's like we're total opposites! Say, this gives me a great idea for a TV show that's never been done... | ¡Toads y Goombas viviendo juntos! No me puedo imaginar más contrastes y diferencias. Se podría hacer uno de esos programas decadentes donde miran todo el día a los habitantes de una casa. | Toads and Goombas living together! I can't imagine more contrasts and differences. You could do one of those decadent shows where they watch the inhabitants of a house all day. ("Decadent" means "characterized by or reflecting a state of moral or cultural decline." While it's a more general reference, it makes more sense, since The Odd Couple is not a TV show but a movie.) |
Hey! Who got footprints all over my window?! It's called a DOOR, people! | ¡Pero bueno! ¿¡Quién dejó marcas de pisadas en mi ventana!? ¿Es que la gente cree que las puertas están de adorno o qué? | Honestly! Who left footprints on my window!? Do people think the doors are decorative or what? |
Don't tell anyone else about this place, OK? I'm growing organic kale and it's, like, a MAGNET for hipsters. | No le hables a nadie de este sitio, ¿sí? Estoy cultivando espinacas orgánicas y no quiero a los veganos del pueblo viniendo a cada rato. | Don't tell anyone about this place, okay? I'm growing organic spinach and I don't want the vegans in town coming all the time. |
Is that just a totally blank picture? Ooh, sometimes I don't think I understand art at all... | ¿Y ese lienzo en blanco? ¿O será arte moderno? Estas cosas no las entiendo... | And that blank canvas? Or is it modern art? These things I don't understand... |
I just can't get enough of the water, even though I'm paper! My therapist says I'm a contrarian, but I don't agree. | ¡Me encanta el agua! No sé por qué. Y eso que estoy hecho de papel... Mi doctor dice que tengo un problema. | I love the water! I don't know why. And the fact I'm made of paper... My doctor says I have a problem. |
Training Tough Toads Tirelessly | Todo Toad Tiene Talento | Every Toad Has Talent |
We're taking an L on this one, guys—we got rescued by Mario. know what? Maybe we should put aside our differences for a while, eh? We're all paper. Let's watch each other's backs! | Qué mal... Salvados por Mario... Es como para replantearse algunas cosas. ¿Y si nos damos una tregua? Somos todos de papel, ¿no? Hoy por mí, mañana por mí... Digo, por ti. | How bad... Saved by Mario... Makes you want to rethink some things. What if we give ourselves a truce? We're all made of paper, right? Today for me, tomorrow for me... I mean, for you. |
Hold on... You're red! Just like that other Shy Guy and nearly as handsome! So do you have the thing we need to open up the sewer lid? | Un momento... Tú te pareces a otro Shy Guy que vimos hace rato, pero un poco más pálido... En fin, ¿tienes una herramienta que necesitamos para acceder a la alcantarilla? | Wait... You look like another Shy Guy we saw a while ago, but a little paler... Anyway, do you have a tool we need to access the sewer? |
I don't know what you're talking about, but that hook isn't here. Check out the red brick building at the port—that's where I left it. | ¿Pálido? Debe ser por estar todo el día metido en las alcantarillas... y ahí, pues no pega el sol. Pero no tengo la llave que buscan. La dejé en el edificio rojo de ladrillos que está por el puerto. | Pale? It must be from being in the sewers all day... and there, because the sun doesn't hit. But I don't have the key you are looking for. I left it in the red brick building by the harbor. |
The Origami Festival is almost here! I'm so excited, I'm writing notes to myself. | La Feria del Origami está a punto de comenzar, ¡qué emoción! Escribo para distraer mi ansiedad. | The Origami Festival is about to start, what a thrill! I write to distract my anxiety. |
Awoooo—I mean, woooo! It's you! Remember me? I'm the Battle Lab Toad you rescued a while ago. I guess that makes me a Battle Lab lab, in a way. I mean, if I had been a Labrador, which I wasn't. Um... I'm kind of better at training than talking. Why don't you come on in and I'll show you? | ¡Ohhh! Pero... ¡Pero si eres tú! ¿Te acuerdas de mí? Soy el Toad del laboratorio de combate que rescataste hace un tiempo. Eso de "laboratorio" y "combate" ¿no te suena como a microscopios aguerridos listos para luchar? Perdón, las asociaciones de ideas no son lo mío. Lo mío es entrenar campeones. ¿Por qué no pasas y te enseño lo que hago? | Ohhh! But... But if it's you! Do you remember me? I'm the Toad from the Battle Lab you rescued a while ago. That "Lab" and "Battle" thing, doesn't that sound like fierce microscopes ready to fight? Sorry, idea associations are not my thing. My thing is to train champions. Why don't you come in and I'll show you what I do? |
This is fine. This is fine. This is fine. THIS IS FINE. I'm not losing it about the bridge being disconnected... | Todo va a estar bien. Todo va a estar bien. TODO VA A ESTAR BIEN... ¡Respira profundo! No voy a perder clientes por el puente. ¿O sí? Ayyy... | Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE... Take a deep breath! I'm not losing customers over the bridge. Or if? Ayyy... |
Hey, remember me? You pulled me back from another dimension so I can work 18-hour days in this shop! Can't thank you enough for that. Anyway, we've got some good items and weapons here. Check it out! | Ey, ¿te acuerdas de mí? Sí, me sacaste de aquel espacio interdimensional y me ayudaste a superar mi ansiedad. ¡Ahora solo trabajo 18 horas al día! Y no por eso ha bajado la calidad de las armas y objetos que ofrezco. ¡Ven a verlos cuando quieras! | Hey, do you remember me? Yes, you took me out of that interdimensional space and helped me overcome my anxiety. Now I only work 18 hours a day! And that is not why the quality of the weapons and objects that I offer has decreased. Come see them whenever you want! |
Yay! Thank you so much! I can't wait to adventure on the sea. Who knows what kinds of amazing things we'll see... Whoa...has anyone ever rhymed those two words before?! | ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Qué ganas tengo de empezar a navegar! ¡Seguro nos espera una aventura sin igual! Ay, rimó y todo, ¿verdad? | Thank you! I really want to start sailing! An adventure like no other awaits us! Ah, rhymed and everything, right? |
Oh, I'm sorry—you must be thinking of our White Rabbits in Snowfall collection. This is just a frame. We're holding the space to display prints of your fishing trophies. Cheep Cheeps, Bloopers, and such. By all means, catch the largest specimens that you can, and we will commemorate them here! | Creo que lo estás confundiendo con el famoso "Toad invisible sobre fondo de nieve". Pero no, eso es un marco vacío. La idea es exponer en él grabados que conmemoren las piezas que captures. Ya sabes: Cheep Cheeps, Bloopers y toda la pesca. ¡Anímate a pescar los especímenes más grandes que puedas! Nosotros nos ocuparemos de exhibirlos. | I think you are confusing it with the famous "invisible Toad on snow background". But no, that's an empty frame. The idea is to display engravings that commemorate the pieces you capture. You know: Cheep Cheeps, Bloopers and all the fishing. Go fishing for the biggest specimens you can! We will take care of exhibiting them. |
At this precise moment, the number of hearts that elude you is [x]. Dare you tempt the fickle fates and seek love lost? | En este momento, el número de corazones que eluden tu presencia es de [x]. ¿Te atreves a desafiar al destino y buscar el amor perdido? | Right now, the number of hearts avoiding your presence is [x]. Do you dare to defy destiny and search for lost love? |
Farewell, for now, I bid adieu. Perhaps one day we'll meet anew. And on that day you might just find another hint to blow your mind! |
Aunque ahora debamos despedirnos, aún se cruzarán nuestros caminos. Y ese día, que ya está a la vista, obtendrás nuevas pistas. |
Although now we must say goodbye, our paths will still cross. And that day, which is already in sight, you will get new clues. |
Under the grass one heart doth lie... Near Autumn Mountain majesty... |
El pasto cubre un corazón bisoño en la majestad del Monte del Otoño. |
The grass covers a young heart in the majesty of Autumn Mountain. |
The Water Shrine's rotating floor... conceals a window and "amor." |
El suelo gira en el santuario del agua y debajo una ventana aguarda. |
The ground turns in the sanctuary of water and underneath a window awaits. |
A Shogun creature, small and cute... Bequeaths a hidden heart as loot. |
Un samurái pequeño y muy tierno atesora un corazón con recelo. |
A small and very kind samurai treasures a heart with suspicion. |
A Shogun myst'ry must be solved... The House of Riddles is involved... |
Si vas a la Caseta del Ingenio... supera la prueba; ponte serio. |
If you go to the House of Riddles... pass the test; be serious. |
In Princess Peach's pleasure boat... A heart awaits on decks remote. |
El Princesa Peach oculta un corazón en la cubierta, en algún rincón. |
The Princess Peach hides a heart on the deck, somewhere. |
Surf's up, one said, atop a board... That did conceal a lovely hoard. |
En un hotel de un lugar árido alguien surfea bastante rápido. |
In a hotel in an arid place someone surfs quite fast. |
A circle of rocks. Scorching Sandpaper Desert. Dig in the center. |
En la esquina del Desierto de Lija... bajo un círculo de piedras, algo se cobija. |
In the corner of the Sandpaper Desert... under a circle of stones, something is sheltered. |
In temple ruins lies a crypt... A heart outside and in is kept! |
El rey Champsés tiene su tumba... donde algo dentro late y retumba. |
King Shroomses has his tomb... where something inside throbs and booms. |
I love to love an isle of love... And so do precious hearts, kind of... |
En una isla con forma de amor... un corazón late con fervor. |
On an island shaped like love... a heart beats with fervor. |
A compass on the Great Sea chart... Will lead you to another heart. |
En el Océano Eterno hay un corazón, la brújula de la carta da la posición. |
In the Great Sea there is a heart, the compass on the chart gives the position. |
From fallen icy spires you leap... The heart you find is one to keep. |
Cuando saltes de cimas heladas... verás que era cierta la corazonada. |
When you jump from icy peaks... You will see that the hunch was true. |
When visiting a famous spa, You want a souvenir...don'tcha? |
Si te bañas en un lugar paradisíaco, llévate algún recuerdo cardíaco. |
If you bathe in a heavenly place, take some cardiac memory with you. |
En route to find a rainbow spring, Go up on steam that's billowing... |
De camino a una fuente arcoíris usa el vapor que se eleva a los aires. |
On the way to a rainbow fountain use the steam that rises into the air. |
Thy shriveled heart shall beat again, Head to the spring and toss it in! |
El corazón marchito volverá a latir en el agua donde lo vas a sumergir. |
The withered heart will beat again in the water where you will submerge it. |
If tuna were a broken heart, Inside a can would be a start... |
Si el amor se puede enlatar, alguien de ahí lo podrá sacar. |
If love can be canned, someone from there can get it out. |
To all the origami... Thank you! | Gentes de origami de todo tipo y condición... Gracias. | Origami people of all types and conditions... Thank you. |
Graffiti Underground
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Musée... Marino... I'm trying to remember those words instead of that Toad's face. It just kept getting was all I could focus on! But maybe the words were more important. Should we go back to town and check out the Musée, whatever that is? | Museo... Marino... Mmm... Intento dejar de pensar en el rostro de ese Toad y concentrarme en lo que decía. ¡Es que se puso tan cerca que te podría haber contado los pelos del bigote! Tanta cercanía enturbia mi memoria. En fin... ¿Quieres ir ahora mismo al museo? ¿O necesitas recuperarte del susto? | Museum... Marino... Hmm... I'm trying to stop thinking about that Toad's face and concentrate on what he was saying. It's just that he got so close that he could have counted the hairs on your mustache! So much closeness clouds my memory. Anyway... Do you want to go to the museum right now? Or do you need to recover from the shock? |
Hey, there's a pipe over there. I wonder where it leads... I bet you can hardly contain yourself when you see a pipe that inviting, huh? | Esa tubería no parece ser una tubería cualquiera. Tiene un no sé qué... ¡Ay, pero qué voy a saber yo de estas cosas! El experto aquí eres tú. | That pipe doesn't look like just any pipe. It has a... I don't know what... Oh, but what am I going to know about these things! The expert here is you. |
Picnic Road
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
I bloomed three times and no one even noticed! | Hice un esfuerzo sobrehongano para florecer y nadie se dio ni cuenta. | I made a supermushroom effort to bloom and no one noticed. ("Sobrehongano" is not a word, but rather a portmanteau of "sobre" (super) and "hongano" (mushroom). It's like the Toad equivalent of "superhuman." No relation to the Mushroom item, that's called "Champiñón.") |
Well, I'm not gonna bloom NOW! | No puedo florecer si me ves fijamente... | I can't bloom if you stare at me... |
I never woulda got crumpled if I had equipped a weapon. Are you equippin' your weapons, Mario? You gotta stay ready! | Si tuviera un martillo o unas botas como las tuyas, nunca me hubieran podido plegar como lo hicieron. Me regreso a Villa Toad, Mario. ¡Necesito hacer unas compritas! | If I had a hammer or boots like yours, they could never have folded me up like they did. I'm going back to Toad Town, Mario. I need to do some shopping! |
Thanks, Mario! I was using my sand wedge when I started thinking about my sandwich and hit a bad shot into the sand's edge. | ¡Gracias, Mario! Estaba pensando en comida cuando me comí literalmente el suelo. | Thanks, Mario! I was thinking of food when I literally ate the ground. |
Now I have to actually call my friends. Thanks, Mario. (Sarcasm) | Ahora tendré que llamar a mis padres. Gracias, Mario. (Sarcasmo). | Now I'll have to call my parents. Thanks, Mario. (Sarcasm). |
Ahhh! The sun! The sky! Fresh air! I'm freeeee! | ¡Vuelvo a ver el sol! ¡El cielo! ¡El aire! Bueno, el aire no lo veo, pero siento la brisa. | I see the sun again! The sky! The air! Well, I don't see the air, but I feel the breeze. |
Do you have any idea how deficient I am in vitamin D right now? I'm gonna stand here until I get enough! | Seguro que después de estar ahí a oscuras necesito más vitamina D. ¡Ya me puse protector solar y pienso vitaminarme al máximo! | I'm sure that after being there in the dark, I need more vitamin D. I already put on sunscreen and I plan to vitaminize to the max! |
Welcome back to the Earth Vellumental Temple! We're back in business! Don't be shy about donating! | ¡Bienvenidos al renovado Templo de la Tierra! Sí, un nuevo concepto en materia de altares... Se aceptan donaciones. Ahora más que nunca. | Welcome to the renovated Earth Vellumental Temple! Yes, a new concept in the matter of shrines... Donations accepted. Now more than ever. |
You sure? Something good might happen! Or something bad... Maybe I should stop mentioning the bad part... | ¿Seguro? Algo bueno podría pasar. O malo, nunca se sabe... Quizá debería dejar de mencionar lo de algo malo... Me espanta a los clientes. | Sure? Something good could happen. Or bad, you never know... Maybe I should stop mentioning something bad... It scares the customers. |
Aw, sorry. You don't have enough coins. | Bueno, la predicción para ti (mejor dicho, la constatación) es que... no tienes suficientes monedas. | Well, the prediction for you (rather, the realization) is that... you don't have enough coins. |
Whew! Thanks for being a completionist, Mario! | Puf, gracias por no dejar ni a un Toad desamparado. | Poof, thanks for not leaving a Toad homeless. |
Earth Vellumental Temple
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
I just wanted to see the Earth Vellumental. Now I've heard that recording more than 400 times. It gets better every time! | Vine a visitar a la papelemental de tierra y terminé escuchando esa grabación como 500 veces. ¡Cada vez se pone más emocionante! | I came to visit the Earth Vellumental and ended up listening to that recording like 500 times. It just keeps getting more exciting! |
Whoa! Thanks for that, Mario. Now I can get back to my shop. It's the local Fun, Funky, and Functional accessories outlet! I'm set up just outside the temple. Come see me if you need any accessories, OK? | ¡Gracias por eso, Mario! Ahora puedo volver a mi tienda. Está justo en la entrada del templo. Pasa por ahí si necesitas algún accesorio bueno, bonito y barato. | Thanks for that, Mario! Now I can go back to my store. It is right at the entrance of the temple. Stop by if you need any good, pretty and cheap accessories. |
I'll need to report this to my boss, you know. Come to think of it, the boss has been away for an incredibly long time... | Voy a tener que informar a mi jefe sobre todo esto, ¿sabes? Pero no te preocupes, que no se va a molestar. Estas cosas pasan todo el tiempo. Ahora que lo pienso, hace mucho tiempo que lo que no pasa es él por aquí... | I'm going to have to report all this to my boss, you know? But don't worry, he won't bother. These things happen all the time. Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since he's been around here... |
Hey! I'm worshippin' here! | Yo estaba aquí meditando tan tranquilo. Estaba. | I was meditating here so quietly. Was. (The game uses "I'm [verb]in' here!" six times as an outdated cultural reference. The Spanish translators didn't seem to catch this, but neither did I at first.) |
Shh! The Earth Vellumental is napping. Even our divine overlord needs its beauty rest. | ¡Sssh! La papelemental de tierra está tomando su siesta. Esta hora del día es sagrada para nosotros. | Sssh! The Earth Vellumental is taking its nap. This time of day is sacred to us. |
Wait, it's just a big empty hole?! How disappointing! Where's the Earth Vellumental? We've come so far to see you! | Aish, no fue tan emocionante como esperaba. Es un agujero misterioso común y corriente. ¡Papelemental de tieeerra! ¿Dónde estás? ¡Venimos a verte desde muy lejos! | Aish, it wasn't as exciting as I expected. It's an ordinary and common mystery hole. Earth Vellumeeental! Where are you? We've come to see you from far away! |
Overlook Mountain
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
They buried me the deepest because I'm the one they were afraid of. Now, vengeance will be mine. Yaaah! | A mí me enterraron más al fondo porque me tenían miedo. Pero la venganza es dulce... ¡y a mí me gustan los postres! | They buried me deeper because they were afraid of me. But revenge is sweet... and I like desserts! |
The REAL ? I the first Toad to pop out of a ? Block? | Seguro que pasaré a la historia como el primer Toad en salir de un bloque ?. | Surely I'll go down in history as the first Toad to come out of a ? Block. |
Hear us...make Toad sounds! | ¡Hacemos cosas de Toads! | We do Toad things! |
Am I oversharing now? | A veces hablo solo de mí. | Sometimes I only talk about myself. |
I'm losin' it! You want the shirt off my back too? Take this thing away from me for 1,000 coins, will ya? | Estoy perdiendo la paciencia. ¿No quiere mi reloj también? Llévesela de mi vista por 1000, hágame el favor. | I am losing patience. Don't you want my watch too? Take it out of my sight for 1000, do me a favor. |
Sold. For 500 coins. Sorry, pal. I got no enthusiasm left for ya. | Vendida. Por 500 monedas. Con mucho gusto celebraría con usted, pero estoy agotado mentalmente. | Sold. For 500 coins. I'd be happy to celebrate with you, but I'm mentally exhausted. |
I was on the grasshopper team in high school, so this really worked out for me. | Yo fui saltamontes en una obra de teatro en mi escuela, así que ya sabía cómo era la cosa. | I was a grasshopper in a play at my school, so I already knew what it was like. |
Rest your weary bones, poor Koopa. You're in a better place now. | Descansa en paz, pequeño Koopa. El estudio de tus huesos contribuirá al avance de la ciencia. | Rest in peace, little Koopa. The study of your bones will contribute to scientific advancement. |
I always wanted to be a pro athlete. Not pro equipment! | Siempre quise ser deportista profesional. ¡Es lo más cerca que he estado en la vida! | I always wanted to be a professional athlete. It's the closest I've ever been! |
I can tell you, I sure wasn't having a ball. | Jugar fútbol es duro, ¡pero ser la pelota lo es todavía más! | Playing soccer is tough, but being the ball is even harder! |
Overlook Tower
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
I hate being stuck behind sticks. | ¡Detesto ver palos atravesados así! | I hate to see sticks crossed like that! |
Ahh, that's better. Welcome to Overlook Tower, Mario! "The tower with a gift shop." We're still working on that slogan. Annnd it looks like we've got some major cleaning to do as well. This artwork isn't bad, mind you, but every time I see it I'll think of attacked us. It was horrible. A thin, rattling body with a huge mouth filled with all manner of fangs... *shudder* | ¡Uff, así está mejor! Bienvenido a la Torre Bellavista! "La torre con la mejor tienda". Todavía estamos trabajando en el eslogan... Uy, parece que también tenemos que trabajar en la limpieza de este lugar. No es que tenga algo en contra del arte callejero... Pero solo de verlo me recuerda... a ese monstruo que nos atacó... Ese cuerpo delgado y anguloso... La boca llena de colmillos de colores... ¡Qué horror! | Oof, that's better! Welcome to Overlook Tower! "The tower with the best store". We're still working on the slogan... Oh, it looks like we have to work on cleaning this place too. Not that I have anything against street art... But just looking at it reminds me... of that monster that attacked us... That thin and angular body... The mouth full of colored fangs... The horror! |
Heyyy...could you humor me for just a second? | Quizá no es un buen momento, pero hay algo que siempre he querido hacer en un ascensor. | It may not be a good time, but there is something I've always wanted to do in an elevator. |
Owww... ...First floor, absolutely flattened princesses, crushed dreams, broken glass, and athletic wear. | Ay, ay, ay... Planta baja... Nivel de protagonistas aplastados, sueños arruinados, vidrios rotos y ropa deportiva. | Ow, ow, ow... Ground floor... Floor of crushed protagonists, ruined dreams, broken glass and sportswear. (I think the "protagonists" line might be a meta reference, but the Spanish translation did remove a lot of the other fourth wall jokes.) |
We had a little, uh, situation in the kitchen. More of an infestation if you know what I mean. | Tenemos un pequeño problemita en la cocina... Algo que empieza con "p" y termina en "laga". | We have a little problem in the kitchen... Something that starts with "p" and ends with "laga". (This means "plaga," or "plague.") |
Here, I hope you enjoy this finely chopped confetti. Bon appétit! | ¡Aquí tienes! Confeti cortado en juliana recién salido del horno. ¡Buen provecho! | Here you have [it]! Julienne cut confetti fresh from the oven. Enjoy your meal! |
You're going to come back and pay for that later, aren't you? | Podemos pagar luego, ¿verdad? No tengo efectivo... ni bolsillos. | We can pay later, right? I have no cash... no pockets. |
Aw, man! You were almost out of the picture...for good. | Casi casi te borro del mapa... ¡Lástima que fallé! | I almost, almost wiped you off the map... Shame I failed! |
Legion of Stationery?! Jean... Pi...pi... That's too long for me to remember! I'm just gonna call you Colored Pencils, OK? I suppose my brother sent you to try and stop us, right? Well, Colored Pencils, you talk tough and you draw REALLY well, but have you even HEARD of Mario? Yeah! That's what I thought. Mario is tough and he's got a mustache and he's gonna mess you up! ...Right, Mario? | ¿¡Ejército de papelería!? No entendí nada de lo que acabas de decir. Además, ¿qué te crees con ese nombre? ¡Hay que ser engreído! ¿Sabes qué? Te llamaré "colores" y ya está. Hasta pega contigo, así que perfecto. Entonces mi hermanito te envió para tratar de detenernos, ¿no?... Bueno, te ves rudo, y dibujas bastante bien, la verdad. Pero ¿tú sabes quién es Mario? Pues aquí lo tienes... Mario es el más fuerte, tiene bigote y te va a aplastar como una mosca. ¿Verdad que sí, Mario? | Legion of Stationary!? I didn't understand anything you just said. Also, who do you think you are with that name? You have to be conceited! You know what? I'll call you "colors" and that's it. It even sticks with you, so perfect. So my little brother sent you to try to stop us, right?... Well, you look tough, and you draw pretty well, really. But do you know who Mario is? Well, here you have it... Mario is the strongest, he has a mustache, and he's going to squash you like a fly. Right, Mario? |
Ugh. Everyone's a critic. I won't let my work be disrespected like this! Time to roll out my masterpiece... Behold my Rainbow Roll! | Estoy harto de los que se la dan de críticos. No permitiré que mi arte sea irrespetado de esta manera. ¡Esta vez me aseguraré de que captes el concepto estético! Prepárate para mi obra maestra... ¡Mi ciclón arcoíris! | I'm sick of the critics. I won't allow my art to be disrespected in this way. This time I'll make sure you get the aesthetic concept! Get ready for my masterpiece... my rainbow cyclone! | way. Defeated by a no-name, no-talent piece of disgusting POP CULTURE! You were better when you were a sidescroller, man... | No es posible... ¿Cómo me pudo derrotar un indigno adalid de esa horrible cultura popular? ¡Yo soy el arte de verdad! ¡El arte debe ser impactante! | It's not possible... How could an unworthy champion of that horrible popular culture defeat me? I'm the real art! Art must be impactful! |
Hey! All of those drawings by that Colored Pencils guy are gone. Maybe they disappeared when we beat him. Aww...he was a bad guy, but his art was pretty good. Whoa! That's a real doozy to think about! | ¡Mira! Desaparecieron los dibujos del malvado fulano de colores. Quizá se borraron cuando lo derrotamos. No sé si alegrarme o entristecerme. Aunque fuera el enemigo, sus dibujos eran muy bonitos... | Look! The drawings of the evil colored guy disappeared. Maybe they were erased when we defeated him. I don't know whether that makes me happy or sad. Although he was the enemy, his drawings were very beautiful... |
We got to know each other pretty well while we were all rolled up. | No nos quedó otra que hacernos mejores amigos mientras estuvimos ahí enrollados. | We had no choice but to become best friends while we were rolled up there. |
The restaurant's on this floor. I'll say one thing about the chef... his food sure is "special." | El restaurante está en este piso. ¡Tienen un plato especial del día superoriginal! | The restaurant is on this floor. They have a super original special dish of the day! |
Do you think I can put "Mario saved me" on my résumé? | ¿Ser rescatado por Mario cuenta como experiencia para el currículum? ¡Porque lo voy a poner! | Does being rescued by Mario count as resume experience? Because I'm going to put it on! |
Whew. Thanks, Mario! Now I can get back to selling tasteful souvenirs and tasty items. If you're in the market for either of those things, stop by anytime. | Eternamente agradecido, Mario. Tengo que irme, que las chucherías y los recuerditos no se van a vender solos. Estamos a la orden cuando quieras. | Eternally grateful, Mario. I have to go, the trinkets and souvenirs aren't going to sell themselves. We are at your service whenever you want. |
Welcome! I lied about the souvenirs for the sake of wordplay, but I do have tasty items. Take a look! | ¡Bienvenido! Se nos agotaron los recuerditos... Pero tenemos una gran variedad de chucherías. ¡Adelante! | Welcome! We ran out of souvenirs... But we have a great variety of trinkets. Go ahead! |
Whoa! That's quite a drawing. Now that I can see it...I kinda wish I'd been a part of it, y'know? | Ay, qué dibujo tan bonito. Me alegra haber estado tan cerca de él, aunque haya sido por poco tiempo. | Oh, what a beautiful drawing. I'm glad I was so close to him, even for a short time. |
Whee! I haven't had that much fun at work in ages. Will you fold me back up for another ride? | ¡Eso fue superdivertido! ¿Me doblas otra vez, porfa? Pero rapidito, que tengo que regresar a trabajar. | That was super fun! Will you fold me again, please? But quickly, I have to go back to work. |
This place is a disaster and I just know I'll have to clean it up. Life was easier as an egg... | Ahora que me acuerdo, cuando era pequeño, mis amigos me decían huevo frito... | Now that I remember, when I was little, my friends called me fried egg... (I have no idea what this joke means.) |
One of those folded things threw me behind its back, off of the wall, off of the CEILING, then right into that thing. ...It was actually an amazing shot. | Uno de esos tipos plegados me lanzó hacia atrás, reboté en la pared, en el techo y luego caí ahí. Fue bastante impresionante. Me pregunto si jugará básquetbol profesional... | One of those folded guys threw me backwards, I bounced off the wall, off the ceiling, and then I fell there. It was quite impressive. I wonder if he'll play professional basketball... |
Do I really look like that? I want another portrait! | ¿De verdad me veo así? Exijo otro retrato, de otro artista. | Do I really look like this? I demand another portrait, from another artist. |
Oh, I didn't see you there. I'm not seeing a lot of things these days, it seems. Here, take this before it disappears before my very eyes. | Uy, no te había visto. Aunque creo que últimamente no veo muy bien. Tendré que revisarme la vista. Toma esto antes de que desaparezca como el dibujo. | Oops, I hadn't seen you. Although I think as of late I don't see very well. I'll have to check my eyesight. Take this before it disappears like the drawing. |
Keep the kitchen clean! -Wash your hands. -Seriously, wash your hands. |
¡Mantén la cocina limpia! - Lávate las manos siempre. - Lávatelas otra vez por si acaso. |
Keep the kitchen clean! - Always wash your hands. - Wash them again just in case. |
Autumn Mountain
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Uh, the name is'am. Anyway, we should probably start following that blue streamer. | Me llamo Bob-omba, niña. No sé quién es Bomberto. En fin... ¿buscamos la serpentina esa o qué? | My name is Bob-omb, girl. I don't know who Bomberto is. Anyway... are we looking for that streamer or what? |
Careful, Bhomas! Don't fall! | ¡Ten cuidado, Bobby! ¡No te vayas a caer! | Be careful, Bobby! You better not fall! (Spanish Olivia refers to Bob-omb as "Bobby," too. However, she sticks with "Bombi" afterwards.) |
PLEASE don't call me Bhomas! My name is Bob-omb! | ¡Deja de inventarte nombres, niña, por favor! ¡Me llamo Bob-omba! | Stop making up names, girl, please! My name is Bob-omb! |
Don't worry. I definitely heard him this time. I'll be sure to get Bobby's name right from now on! | Pero qué susceptible es Bobby... Digo, Bombi. | But how sensitive Bobby is... I mean, Bombi. |
Let's see. The labels say...A-N-U-T. What is "an ut"? Oh, wait. Which region are we in? I was reading it backwards. I guess it's just..."tuna." | A ver qué dice la etiqueta... "ИÙTA". Uy, suena exótico. Ah, no, lo estaba leyendo al revés. Es "ATÚN". ¡Ya decía yo! | Let's see what the label says... "ИÙTA". Ooh, sounds exotic. Ah, no, I was reading it backwards. It's "TUNA". I was already saying! (Here, the word has been reversed, rather than Olivia just reading the letters in reverse order.) |
Oh, Bobby. You poor thing. I may not be well-traveled, but I do know that boats...float. This thing is just sitting here. It can't be a boat. The amnesia must've sapped your memories AND your brainpower. How cruel... | ¡Ay, Bombi, qué ingenuo eres! Piensa: las barcas flotan, ¿verdad? ¿Y acaso te parece que esto esté flotando? Pues, entonces, no es una barca. Pobrecito... Me parece que tu amnesia es más grave de lo que creía... | Oh, Bobby, how naive you are! Think: boats float, right? And does this seem to be floating to you? Well, then, it's not a boat. Poor thing... It seems your amnesia is more serious than I thought... |
...I know what a boat is, ma'am. And if there's a boat here...then this is supposed to be a lake. And if that's the case, this lake must be... | Mira, niña, yo sé reconocer una barca cuando la veo, ¿sabes? Y el hecho de que haya una aquí indica que esto debería ser un lago. Y si esto era un lago, entonces... | Look, girl, I know how to recognize a boat when I see it, you know? And the fact that there is one here indicates that this should be a lake. And if this is a lake, then... |
I came here to see if I could get a job with the river tours, but I ended up getting canned—literally! | Vine aquí persiguiendo mi sueño de convertirme en guía turístico en el río, no en sardina enlatada... | I came here chasing my dream of becoming a tour guide on the river, not canned sardine... |
Aaaaaaand he's gone. | (...) Excelente, se esfumó. | (...) Excellent, he vanished. (There's also a text box break after the "...") |
That was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Sorry I doubted you, ma'am! I can't believe how many awesome new memories I'm getting today. | ¡Niña, eso es lo más espectacular que he visto en lo que recuerdo de mi vida! ¡Jamás había vivido tantas aventuras en un solo día! O sí... pero no me acuerdo, ja, ja. | Girl, that's the most spectacular thing I've ever seen in my life! I've never had so many adventures in one day! Or yes... but I don't remember, ha ha. |
Ow! Hey! Is that monkey for "hello"? What a tough language... | Ay, ¿pero qué manera es esa de saludar a la gente, chico? | Ay, but what way is that to greet people, boy? |
Hmmm. I dunno. Maybe hurling that can WAS his answer. Like, "Stop bugging me, origami lady! Let me live my life! Your monkey accent is terrible!" Y'know? | Este... No sé... Quizá al lanzarte la lata te estaba dando una respuesta, ¿sabes? Como que "Déjame en paz, niña de origami. Ni siquiera puedes decir bien mi nombre...". Algo así... | This... I don't know... Maybe by throwing the can at you, he was giving you an answer, you know? Like, "Leave me alone, origami girl. You can't even say my name right...". Something like that... |
Wow. That little guy sure loves his tuna. He's really going to town... Maybe he won't run away this time! Let's hit him with that oarsman question! | Uy, parece que el atún es lo suyo, definitivamente. Ahora que está ocupado, podemos martillarlo a preguntas para tratar de sacarle la información que buscamos. | Ah, it seems that tuna is his thing, definitely. Now that he's busy, we can hammer questions into him to try to get the information we're looking for. (I actually didn't realize the "hit"/hammer pun until I read this.) |
My amigos and I are fired up to have our canned-food par-tay here! We've got one guy bringing a can opener...definitely can't get started without him. I'm afraid he might have gotten lost in the tall grass. Could you go find him for me? | ¡Mis compadres y yo organizamos un megabanquete de comida enlatada para celebrar la vida! A uno le encargué que trajera el abrelatas; tú me dirás qué hacemos si no viene... No me extrañaría que se hubiera perdido entre el pastizal. ¿Podrían ir a buscarlo? | My compadres and I organized a mega canned food banquet to celebrate life! I asked one of them to bring the can opener; you'll tell me what to do if he doesn't come... I wouldn't be surprised if he got lost in the field. Could you go get him? |
Aw, yeah! Welcome to the canned-food par-tay, amigo! Been waitin' for you to arrive! What is that? Ravioli? Nice choice. This par-tay is gonna be off the chain, shy oh my! Now we just need the guy with the can opener to get here. Then this par-tay can begin! | ¡Por fin, compadre! ¡Me tenías preocupado! ¿Qué tienes ahí? ¿Unas sardinitas? ¡Shay, la, lá! ¡Tú sí que sabes! Ahora solo tenemos que esperar a que llegue mi otro compadre con el abrelatas ¡y estamos listos! | Finally, compadre! I was worried about you! What have you got there? Some sardines? Shy, la, la! You really know! Now we just have to wait for my other friend with the can opener to arrive and we are ready! |
I love... ravioli. | Tengo... hambre. | I'm... hungry. |
♪Shy oh my! Let's open a can! Shy oh my! Opener's in hand! Show us what a can opener can doooo!♪ |
¡Shay, la, lá! Llegó la comida♪ y el hambre no falta.♪ ¡Ahora queremos ver♪ en acción al abrelatas!♪ |
Shy, la, la! The food arrived♪ and hunger is not lacking.♪ Now we want to see♪ the can opener in action!♪ (This text -- and not the other song's -- is wrapped in tags, and I can't figure out what it's supposed to do. It displays regularly in-game.) |
♪My amigo's chompers are cooler than cool! He can open up cans, he's an openin' fool!♪ |
Cuando falte el abrelatas,♪ que no cunda el paniquito;♪ ¡pa'eso están los molares♪ del compadre Goombuesitos!♪ |
When the can opener is missing,♪ I don't let the panic spread;♪ There are the molars♪ of our Bone Goomba friend!♪ (A more accurate translation would be "compadre," which is how the Spanish Sombrero Guy refers to his friends instead of "amigo" in English, but I kept the rhyme intact.) |
Me LOVE to open can with face! You have can? Need open? | ¡Mí ser terror de las latas! ¿Tú querer mí abrir lata? | I am [the] terror of the cans! Do you want me to open a can? |
Yay! A river tour! I'm so excited. Let's row to go! Let's make a wake! Let's skedaddle with that paddle! | ¡Ay, qué felicidad! Siempre había querido pasear en barca por el río. ¡Siento un torrente de emociones! ¡Ja, ja! ¿Entienden el chiste? El río... Un torrente... Ejem... Bueno, mejor me dedico a admirar el paisaje. ¡A remar se ha dicho! | Oh, what happiness! I've always wanted to go boating on the river. I feel a torrent of emotions! Haha! Do you understand the joke? The river... A torrent... Ahem... Well, I better dedicate myself to admiring the landscape. To row it has been said! |
Guh! I thought I had more stamina than this. But hey, at least it isn't raining. Hrrrgh! | Agrrr... Parece que tengo un problemita de pegajosidad... | Arrrg... I seem to have a stickiness problem... |
Wow! How did you find me? Could you read my thoughts? Are you...reading them now? Please don't. | ¡Ey! ¿Cómo me encontraste? ¿Para quién trabajas? ¡Soy inocente!... Perdón, es que veo muchas películas. | Hey! How did you find me? Who do you work for? I'm innocent!... Sorry, I watch a lot of movies. |
Chestnut Valley
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
We're the Chestnut Trio! Thanks for conking our conker! | ¡Somos el Trío Castañita! ¡Gracias por quitarnos la cascarita! | We are the Little Chestnut Trio! Thank you for removing the shell! |
*sniff* It's just Bob-omb, ma'am. And I won't! I promise. I'd even pinky swear, if I had a pinky. Can we hurry out of here now? These pointy chestnut things look like they HURT. | Snif... Y dale... Niña, te he dicho como mil veces que mi nombre es Bob-omba. No se preocupen, que no me quedaron ganas de saltar nunca más, de verdad. ¿Podemos irnos ya? Que los picos de esas castañas me dan mala espina, je, je. | Sniff... And come on... Girl, I've told you like a thousand times that my name is Bob-omb. Don't worry, I don't feel like jumping anymore, truthfully. Can we go already? Those chestnut peaks give me a bad feeling, heh heh. |
Thank! / You! / SSSSO MUCH! | ¡Gracias! / ¡Gracias! / ¡Un millón de gracias! | Thanks! / Thanks! / A million thanks! (These lines are shown in succession.) |
Water Vellumental Shrine
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Check out that stone dragon in the back! Is that the Water Vellumental? Ooh, Bobby's really missing out... | ¡Oooh, mira qué impresionante esa estatua! ¿Será el papelemental de agua? ¡Ojalá! Bombi se morirá de envidia cuando se lo contemos. | Oooh, look how impressive that statue [is]! Will it be the Water Vellumental? Hopefully! Bobby will die of jealousy when we tell him. |
Ayudita pobre Ayuda normalita La ayuda del siglo |
Meager little help Normal help The help of the century |
Shogun Studios
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Yeah...she's not even thinking about the streamer anymore. | Y la serpentina, bien, gracias... | And the streamer, well, thank you... |
We do? My goodness! I guess you're right, Bobby! What a great idea. So glad you thought of it. | ¡Ah! ¿En serio? Pues, tienes toda la razón, Bombi. Es la mejor ideaque se te ha ocurrido. | Ah! Really? Well, you're absolutely right, Bobby. It's the best idea you've ever come up with. (I don't think either version of this line makes sense in context.) |
You do not possess enough gold. | Su merced no posee suficientes doblones. | Your honor, you don't have enough doubloons. (It's cool how they were able to keep the old-fashioned speech in this translation.) |
You already own the Royalty Pass. Are you sure you want to purchase the Commoner Pass as well? | Ya posee su alteza el pase señorial. ¿Seguro que quiere adquirir también una entrada plebeya? | Your Highness, you already have the stately pass. Are you sure you also want to purchase a Commoner Pass? |
Make way! Royalty, coming through! | ¡Larga vida a sus excelencias! | Long live your excellence! |
Psst! Over here, fellow park visitors... | Saludos, hermanos turistas... | Greetings, tourist brethren... |
Yeah! It's the pits, man! We got all dressed up for a fun day here and—Oops. I mean, uh... Forsooth, we cannot let our pricey entry fees go to waste. We totally beg of ye to help us! Prithee? | Sí, es que se pasaron, de verdad. Uno que se la pasó ensayando día y noche para meterse bien en el papel y vienen estos tipos... Ejem... Perdónenme... Quiero decir... ¡Tengan la caridad de librarnos de la injusticia que supone el doloroso desperdicio de nuestras costosas entradas a este recinto! | Yes, it happened, really. I spent my time rehearsing day and night to get into the role and these guys come... Ahem... Forgive me... I mean... Have the charity to rid us of the injustice that is the painful waste of our expensive tickets to this venue! |
She could have just...knocked... | Podrías haber... tocado la puerta como la gente civilizada. | You could have... knocked on the door like civilized people. |
Heyyy, good effort. I'd lend a hand myself, but...well, you know. Huh? | ¡Ey, me gusta tu entusiasmo! Yo te echaría una mano, pero... no sé cuál... ¿Ah? | Hey, I like your enthusiasm! I'd give you a hand, but... I don't know which... Ah? |
Do you mean this key? We already found it, random unnamed staff-member Toad! | Un momento, señor trabajador anónimo del parque... ¿Te refieres a esta llave? ¡Porque ya la encontramos! | Wait a minute, Mr. Anonymous Park Worker... You mean this key? Because we already found it! |
Please hang on to that master key! And I DO have a name... You hero types just never ask. | Quédense con la llave maestra, pero no la pierdan, ¿de acuerdo? Y, por cierto, no me llamo "señor trabajador anónimo del parque", ¿saben? Tengo nombre. Pero, claro, nadie me lo pregunta. | Keep the master key, but don't lose it, okay? And, by the way, my name is not "Mr. Anonymous Park Worker", you know? I have a name. But, of course, nobody asks me. |
Wow! What animal IS that? That thumping sounds like, "DONK, DONK!" | ¡Ohhh! ¿Qué animal es ese? Esa cara me parece familiar... Lo tengo en la punta de la lengua... ¿Quién será? | Ohhh! What animal is that? That face looks familiar... I have it on the tip of my tongue... Who is it? |
It looks strong. Is it banging a gong? Y'know, like, "KLONG!" Nah. I must be...mistaken. | Ni idea, niña. A mí no me recuerda nada ni a nadie. Aunque creo que no es ninguna sorpresa... | No idea, girl. It doesn't remind me of anything or anyone. Although I think it's no surprise... |
Looks like he's firing beams from his hand! That's pretty cool...but not exactly Big M's style. It'd probably look perfect on some other kind of M, though. | ¿Está disparando rayos láser? Se ve divertido, pero no tiene nada que ver con el estilo de Súper M. Ni que fuera un guerrero intergaláctico... | Are you shooting lasers? He looks funny, but it has nothing to do with Super M's style. Not that he was an intergalactic warrior... |
What do you think I'm running here, a No-I-Can't Dojo? | Se llama dojo "SHURIKEN"... ¿Esto te parece un shuriken? | It's called "SHURIKEN" dojo... Does this look like a shuriken to you? |
Whoa, Mario! You have shuriken on you? That's questionable...but very convenient for me! I know what you're gonna ask. "Can this guy FINALLY open the Shuriken Dojo now?" Heh. I SURE CAN! Shoot, I messed that up. | ¡Caramba, Mario! ¡Tú tienes shuriken de sobra! Si no fuera porque los necesito, llamaría a seguridad. Ya sé lo que vas a preguntar: "¿será que este tipo abrirá el dojo Shuriken al fin?". La respuesta es SÍ. ¡Por fin puedo abrir mi dojo Shuriken! ¡Gracias! | Wow, Mario! You have shuriken to spare! If it weren't because I need them, I'd call security. I know what you're going to ask: "can this guy finally open the Shuriken Dojo?" The answer is YES. I can finally open my Shuriken Dojo! Thanks! |
Congrats on clearing normal mode! Here's your special prize...a baseball signed by yours truly! I used to be a major minor-league semi-almost-pro. That's why I'm such a surefire shuriken slinger. Keep that ball safe. It might be worth a sorta-kinda-huge-ish fortune someday! Possibly! | ¡Felicidades por haber superado el modo normal! Aquí tienes el premio que te corresponde: una pelota de béisbol firmada por... mí mismo. En mis tiempos, era la estrella de mi pueblo. Es más: ¡aún tengo el récord municipal de esguinces de codo! Guarda la pelota en un lugar seguro, ¿sí? ¡Algún día valdrá una fortuna! O no... | Congratulations on getting past normal mode! Here's your prize: a baseball signed by... myself. In my time, I was the star of my people. What's more, I still have the municipal record for elbow sprains! Keep the ball in a safe place, okay? Someday it will be worth a fortune! Or not... |
Totally. I'm sure it's going to be EXACTLY that easy. | ¡Claro que sí, niña! Suena fácil. Espero que también lo sea... | Sure you do, girl! It sounds easy. I hope it is too... |
Wow! That was SO many bad guys! TOO many bad guys! | ¡Ay, no! ¡Hay DEMASIADOS! ¿Cómo puede haber tanta maldad concentrada en un solo sitio? | Oh no! There are TOO MANY! How can there be so much evil concentrated in one place? |
Exactly! It was the blast from those fireworks that finally knocked the pieces back in place for me! I remember who I am. I remember where I came from. But... All of the NEW memories we made together are my favorite ones yet. Big M... Olivia... Thank you for taking care of me. I'll NEVER forget you. That's a promise. Good luck on your journey. I...I hope you both— | Precisamente fueron los fuegos artificiales los que me hicieron recordarlo todo. La luz cegadora, el brillo de los cohetes... Ahora sé quién soy, de dónde vengo. Pero lo mejor... Lo mejor son todos los recuerdos que me llevo de esta aventura junto a ustedes. Súper M... Olivia... Gracias por cuidarme. Nunca los olvidaré, ¡lo prometo! Buena suerte en su misión. Espero que logren sus objetivos y... | It was precisely the fireworks that made me remember everything. The blinding light, the glow of the rockets... Now I know who I am, where I come from. But the best... The best are all the memories that I take with me from this adventure with you. Super M... Olivia... Thank you for taking care of me. I will never forget you, I promise! Good luck on your mission. I hope you achieve your goals and... |
Thank you. Thank you so much! I'm by your side to the very end. That's a promise! | Son los mejores... Snif... ¡Los quiero! ¡No les fallaré jamás! | You are the best... Sniff... I love them! I will never fail you! |
*sniff* This is such a touchin' scene! Y'all are tuggin' on my heartstrings like a Cheep Cheep on a line. | Caray... Snif... No me emocionaba tanto desde que me regalaron mi primer remo. | Wow... sniff... I haven't been that excited since I got my first paddle. |
I came here to have my photo taken, but the photo took ME instead! Whoaaa. | Vine a tomarme una foto, pero la foto me tomó a MÍ... Es lo segundo más raro que me ha pasado hoy. | I came to take a photo, but the photo took ME... It's the second weirdest thing that happened to me today. |
Which outfit should I go with for my photo? Gaaah, it's hard to choose! | Ay, no sé qué ponerme para la foto. ¡Acepto sugerencias! | Oh, I don't know what to wear for the photo. I accept suggestions! |
The ninja attraction is the most popular place in the whole park! I get lost every time. It's great! | Cada vez que entro en el laberinto ninja, me pierdo y tienen que ir a sacarme. ¡Es muy divertido! | Every time I go into the ninja maze, I get lost and they have to go get me out. It's very fun! |
I want to try that ninja attraction, but I'm scared of ninjas! What if one flips out on me?! No, thanks. And yet...I can't stop thinking about how cool it might be in there! GAH! Why am I like this?! | ¡Tengo tantas ganas de entrar en el laberinto ninja! Pero hay un problema: ¡tengo ninjofobia! Y, claro, cuanto más lo pienso, más me mata la curiosidad. ¿Qué hice yo para merecer este tormento? | I'm so looking forward to entering the ninja maze! But there is a problem: I have ninjaphobia! And, of course, the more I think about it, the more curiosity kills me. What did I do to deserve this torment? |
I shall await you in Toad Town... a lovesick, red brick building. |
En Villa Toad te espera con emoción un edificio de ladrillo rojo pasión. |
In Toad Town awaits you with emotion a red brick building of passion. (I like how they got this one to rhyme.) |
Ninja Attraction
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Wh-what? A house full of traps? Did he say "unscathed"? Does that mean it's dangerous in there? This whole thing sounds s-s-s—SUPER FUN! | Conque hay trampas por todos lados... y podríamos quedar atrapados para siempre... Mmm... Sinceramente, todo esto me suena... ¡DIVERTIDÍSIMO! | So there are traps everywhere... and we could be trapped forever... Hmm... Honestly, this all rings a bell... VERY FUN! |
Aww. I guess that's fair. Otherwise I'd be the only TRUE ninja here. OK, Mario! Good luck! I'll go back to waiting patiently...and quietly...just like a TRUE ninja... | Ah, ¿no? Pues me parece muy bien. ¡Todo ninja que se respete sabe buscar las soluciones solito! Y ahora me regreso a mi escondite, a esperar pacientemente en la sombra, como toda una ninja... | Oh no? It seems good to me. Every self-respecting ninja knows how to find the solutions alone! And now I go back to my hiding place, to wait patiently in the shadows, like a ninja... |
CONGRATULATIONS! You survived the deadly HOUSE OF TRICKY NINJAS! You are now FULLY trained in 'shroom-style ninjutsu! From this day forward, you are a NINJA! | ¡FELICIDADES! ¡Lograron sobrevivir a la Casa de las Trampas! Por el poder que me autoconcedo, ¡los declaro oficialmente maestros del champijutsu! | CONGRATULATIONS! They managed to survive the House of Traps! By my self-granted power, I officially declare you masters of mushjutsu! (I considered that it might have been "by the powers invested in me," but that has a different wording. Besides, this is funnier.) |
You found [x] hidden ninjas...but many more still lurk within these walls. You must take this trial seriously! Your ninja rank is...Apprentice Ninja! And apprentices don't get rewards! Now, BEGONE! ...Thanks for visiting. Try again soon! | Aprendices, solo encontraron [x] ninjas. ¿Qué falta de respeto es esta? Semejante broma no merece más rango que "ninjas de pacotilla", ¡y sin recompensa! ¡Fuera de aquí! Muchas gracias por participar. ¡Hasta la próxima! | Apprentices, they only found [x] ninjas. What lack of respect is this? Such a joke deserves no higher rank than "shoddy ninjas", and no reward! Get out of here! Thank you very much for participating. Until next time! |
Did you hear that? A perfect score! When it comes to ninja skills, you're the ninjiest one here! | ¿Qué te parece? ¡"Actuación impecable"! ¡Somos los ninjas más ninjas del universo! | What do you think? "Flawless performance"! We're the most ninja ninjas in the universe! |
OK, well, did you spot the green guy in there at all? That is why we came here, right? To find the suspicious green guy that ran inside? | Ajá, como digas... Por cierto, ¿viste al tipo de verde mientras estabas "buscando la llave"? Que para eso fue que vinimos, ¿no? | Aha, whatever you say ... By the way, did you see the guy in green while you were "looking for the key"? That's what we came for, right? |
Uh...did either of you hear me? Am I invisible or something? I didn't even do any ninja training! I guess we should open that castle gate now...he said to no one in particular. | Este... ¿Hola? ¿Me escucha alguien o estoy hablando con las paredes? Creo que ahora deberíamos ir al castillo y abrir la puerta para... Agh, no gastaré más saliva. | This... Hi? Is anyone listening to me or am I talking to the walls? I think now we should go to the castle and open the door to... Agh, I won't waste any more saliva. (Bob-ombs have saliva. I advise you not to think about it.) |
Theeere he is. There's Luigi. I was hoping he'd get himself in gear and find that key, but...not like this. I guess we should probably save him from this giant machine...somehow. Any ideas? | ¡Ahí está Luigi! ¡Por fin! Aunque no esperaba encontrarlo tan... atrapado. Bueno, habrá que sacarlo de esa máquina gigante. ¿Se te ocurre alguna idea? | There's Luigi! Finally! Although I didn't expect to find him so... trapped. Well, we'll have to get him out of that giant machine. Do you have any ideas? |
Wait! Is that you, Big Bro? I'd recognize that confident silence anywhere! Help meee! | ¿Hermano mayor? ¿Eres tú? Reconocería ese silencio incómodo en cualquier parte. ¡Ayúdameee! | Big brother? Are you? I'd recognize that awkward silence anywhere. Help meee! (With just one word, the Spanish translators changed the entire tone of this sentence.) |
Ah, Mario! I can't believe you found me...lost under a rock, of all places! Everybody around here seems lost. Like, I saw some tall, skinny guy who looked SUPER lost just go inside! | ¡Ah, Mario! No sé cómo me pudiste encontrar debajo de una roca, ¡pero gracias! Acabo de ver a un espárrago con bigote meterse en la casa. Llevaba la cara descompuesta. | Ah, Mario! I don't know how you could find me under a rock, but thank you! I just saw an asparagus with a mustache sneak into the house. His face was out of order. ("Descompuesta" is a hard word to translate.) |
Big Sho' Theater
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Are you nuts, Big M? Every foldy AND stompy bad guy in the world is waiting out there! | ¿Te volviste loco, Súper M? El patio está lleno de secuaces. ¿Quieres que nos hagan confeti? | Did you go crazy, Super M? The courtyard is full of minions. Do you want us to make confetti? |
Big Sho' Theater is a unique tower-style theater, offering a variety of shows on four different floors. | Bienvenidos al Gran Teatro Imperial, ¡entretenimiento puro repartido en cuatro escenarios! | Welcome to the Big Sho' Theater, pure entertainment distributed over four stages! |
A VERY Special Performance Directed By: Me, Myself, and I! Starring: Why spoil the surprise? |
—La función especial— Dirección: Yo Reparto: Los demás |
—The special show— Director: I Cast: The rest |
Eee! I can't wait to see what kind of show this is! It must be a full-on shogun celebration! ♪Special show, special show! I can't wait—let's-a go!♪ | ¡Ay, ya quiero ver con qué nos sorprenden! ¿Será una comedia de geishas? ¿Un melodrama samurái? ¡Vamooos, que comienceee! | Oh, I want to see what they surprise us with! Is it a geisha comedy? A samurai melodrama? Come ooon, let's get staaarted! |
Attention, audience! We have a few FINAL announcements for our VERY special guests. | Queridísimo y secuestrado público, recordemos brevemente las normas de conducta durante la función. | Dearest and kidnapped public, let us briefly recall the rules of conduct during the performance. |
"What's this? Think yer gonna stand in my way, lawman?" | "¡Vaya, vaya, pero si tenemos visita! ¿Cuáles son tus últimas palabras?" | "Well, well, we do have a visitor! What are your last words?" |
"You took out my gang... But can ya beat ME?" | "Mis compinches eran unos novatos. ¡Prepárate para morder el polvo!" | "My sidekicks were rookies. Prepare to bite the dust!" |
What's wrong, hero? Aren't you going to save the town? | Por favor, ¡protege el pueblo! ¡Finge que te importa, al menos! | Please, protect the town! Pretend you care, at least! |
Sorry, Mario...we're not done yet. You'd better get back in your seat. | La función debe continuar, Mario. Vuelve a tu asiento, por favor. | The show must go on, Mario. Go back to your seat, please. |
They told me I had "tremendous cactus energy." I don't know what that means! | Me dijeron que tengo madera de cactus. No sé si tomármelo como un cumplido... | They told me I have the makings of a cactus. I don't know whether to take it as a compliment... ("Madera" means "wood", but it's used in a slang context here.) |
WOW. Who is THAT? | ¿¡Pero qué ven mis ojos!? | What are my eyes seeing!? |
"Hey there, good-lookin'! Wanna go start some trouble?" | "Hola, muñeca... Estás de suerte; tú y yo nos vamos de fiesta". | "Hey, doll... You're in luck; you and I are going to party". |
Mario! That play was! All that romance... It was too much! | ¡Cuánto derroche de pasión! ¡Eso fue superromántico! | What an extravagance of passion! That was super romantic! (Apparently, Spanish Olivia liked this much more.) |
Next, a spectacle by the Royal Shoi Guy—pardon me—SHY Guy Ballet Co. | Y ahora, con todos ustedes, ¡el Ballet Nacional Shy Guy! | And now, with all of you, the Shy Guy National Ballet! |
YES! Take that, blue streamer! | ¡Ja, ja! ¡Toma eso, serpentina de pacotilla! | Haha! Take that, you cheap streamer! |
We took down the blue streamer and saved the Toads! That takes care of that! | Los Toads están a salvo y la serpentina ya es historia. ¡Misión cumplida! | The Toads are safe and the streamer is history. Mission accomplished! |
Sweetpaper Valley
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Huh. I'm not sure where to start. Y'know that saying, "life hits you hard"? Well, I got hit SUPER hard. | Eeeh... No sé por dónde empezar. ¿Conoces la expresión "la vida es dura"? Pues la mía ha sido más dura que una piedra. | Ehhh... I don't know where to start. Do you know the expression "life is hard"? Well, mine has been harder than stone. |
My knocked loose. It flew right off the boat, and so did I. Next thing I know, I'm in the Great Sea. | Mi mecha se cayó por la borda y me lancé tras ella. Cuando logré reaccionar, ya estaba en alta mar. | My fuse fell overboard and I dove after her. When I managed to react, I was already at sea. |
See, I had a lot of buds...but I lost my bestest-best bud a long time ago. He got scrapped in an accident. His name was...also Bob-omb. Heh. Olivia would have had such a hard time telling us apart. I always kept his fuse with me to remember him by...until the amnesia hit. So it just sat where I left it... in that VIP stateroom on the ship. | Yo tenía muchos amigos, ¿sabes? Pero hace mucho tiempo perdí a mi mejor amigo en un accidente. Éramos como mecha y pólvora. Se llamaba Bob-omba también, je, je. Olivia se hubiera vuelto loca... Yo guardé su mecha y la llevaba conmigo siempre, para recordarlo, hasta que perdí la memoria... La mecha seguía en el mismo sitio donde la dejé... en el camarote VIP. | I had a lot of friends, you know? But a long time ago, I lost my best friend in an accident. We were like fuse and gunpowder. His name was Bob-omb too, heh heh. Olivia would have gone crazy... I kept his fuse and carried it with me always, to remember, until I lost my memory... The fuse was still in the same place where I left it... in the VIP cabin. |
Big M... If I can save a friend like this, it means I've finally become the sort of Bob-omb I always wanted to be. This is what every Bob-omb hopes for—a chance to change something for the better. To make an impact. B-Big M... I... I had so much fun traveling with you and Olivia. It's been...a blast. Heh. Sorry. I'm kinda nervous. Thanks for the fuse, best bud... And thank you, Mario! For everything! | Súper M, si logro salvar a nuestra amiga, habré cumplido mi destino como Bob-omba. Porque todo Bob-omba que se respete quiere mejorar las cosas... y causar un gran impacto a su alrededor. La pasé genial con ustedes. Podría decirse que fue la bomba. Je... Perdón, estoy un pelín nervioso. Mira, gracias por la mecha. ¡Y por todo, Mario, amigo mío! | Super M, if I can save our friend, I will have fulfilled my destiny as a Bob-omb. Because every self-respecting Bob-omb wants to improve things... and make a big impact around him. I had a great time with you. You could say it was the bomb. Heh... Sorry, I'm a little nervous. Look, thanks for the fuse. And for everything, Mario, my friend! |
Breezy Tunnel
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
---|---|---| could he do that? I... I don't know how I can go on... | ¿Cómo fue capaz? ¡Era tan joven, con una vida por delante y tantos recuerdos que recuperar! No... No sé si tendré fuerzas para continuar... | How could this happen? He was so young, with a life ahead of him and so many memories to retrieve! No... I don't know if I will have the strength to continue... (I don't think this line makes much sense. Bobby had already recovered his memories by this point, and Olivia was there when it happened.) |
Output: 150 Yoshis | Potencia: 150 Yoshis de vapor | Power: 150 Steam Yoshis |
How'd you like it if I came down to your work and put on some overalls and... Wait, what do you even do? | ¿Vas a seguir? ¿A ti te gustaría que venga yo y rescate a la princesa? No, ¿verdad? | You will follow? Would you like me to come and rescue the princess? No, right? |
That's it! I got nothin' else for you. | ¡No tengo más nada para ti, amigo! ¿Qué crees? ¿Que las monedas se reproducen solas? | I have nothing more for you, friend! What do you think? That coins reproduce themselves? |
Wha...what was I folded into? A scoop or a shovel? IT MATTERS TO ME! | ¿¡En qué rayos me doblaron!? ¿En una pala o en una cuchara? ¡¡¡Necesito saber la verdad!!! | What the heck did they fold me into!? A shovel or a scoop? I need to know the truth!!! ("Qué rayos" can also be "what the hell"...) |
Scorching Sandpaper Desert
Fire Vellumental Cave
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
I must say, this Fire Vellumental business is not my area of expertise. Despite my curiosity, I'm afraid I must sit this one out, as they say. Unrelated... Have I mentioned that I have a deep and debilitating fear of fire? | Debo confesar que no estoy muy familiarizado con el papelemental de fuego. A pesar de mi gran interés por esta materia, este en particular nunca me ha llamado mucho la atención... Por cierto, ¿ya les dije que sufro fuegofobia extrema? Veo una vela y empiezo a temblar. | I must confess that I am not very familiar with the Fire Vellumental. Despite my great interest in this subject, this one in particular has never caught my attention... By the way, have I already told you that I suffer from extreme firephobia? I see a candle and I start to shake. |
Perhaps I should have taken my chances... No, no. A fiery temple filled with pitfalls is no place for a professor like me. | Quizá debí haber ido con ellos... No, habría terminado en llamas. ¿Qué clase de profesor se juega la vida en un templo en llamas? ¡Yo no! | Maybe I should have gone with them... No, it would have ended in flames. What kind of professor gambles his life in a burning temple? Not me! |
Temple of Shrooms
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Ah, this one is very complex. The grammar is of an ancient type, even for ancient writing! Goodness, even the interrobangs have been reversed... This will take me some time, I'm afraid. | Vaya, esta inscripción es bastante complicada. Usa una gramática muy antigua, ¡de cuando casi no había gramática! Descifrarla me llevará un buen rato. | Wow, this inscription is pretty complicated. It uses a very old grammar, from when there was hardly any grammar! Deciphering it will take a long time. |
?! or !? It's all so confusing... | ¿Y esto de aquí? ¿Será una "ó", una "ò" o una "ö"? Mmm... | And this here? Will it be an "ó", a "ò", or an "ö"? Hmm... |
No! I'm afraid of being left behind in an ancient temple! | ¡No me dejes solo otra vez! ¡Me da pánico estar bajo tierra! | Don't leave me alone again! I'm terrified of being underground! |
Mighty fine [weapon] ya had there... | [weapon]... ¡Eso es trampa! | [weapon]... That's cheating! |
This song was overplayed the first time it hit the airwaves! They tried to make us love it by putting it on high rotation, but I'm not gonna fall for that. No way! Loop the best five seconds, put it in a car commercial, and throw the rest in the trash. I'm done with it! | ¡Esta canción tiene menos ritmo que una papa! La ponían día y noche en la radio, pero el marketing no puede conmigo. ¡Yo sé de música, chico! No sirve ni para anuncio de colonias. ¡Eau de dormir! ¡Puaj! | This song has less rhythm than a potato! They played it day and night on the radio, but marketing doesn't work with me. I know about music, boy! It does not even serve to advertise colonies. Eau de sleep! Yuck! |
To wake the moon and make a run... The power of ten must push as one. (It's left by three above the sun.) |
Para despertar a la luna y empujar la fuerza de 10 debes usar... (Tercero a la izquierda sobre el sol). |
To wake up the moon and push you must use the force of 10... (Third on the left over the sun). |
You've done it! You're a natural-born archaeologist, Mario. | ¡Muy bien, Mario! ¡Tienes madera de arqueólogo! | Very good, Mario! You have the makings of an archaeologist! (See Big Sho' Theater for another instance of "madera" as slang.) |
Lady, I couldn't stop groovin' now if I wanted to. So I guess we're gonna have to... FACE. OFF. | Mira, mosca de papel, el ritmo que llevo en el cuerpo es im-pa-ra-ble. Si no te gusta, ¡ven y me lo dices en mi cara! | Look, paper fly, the rhythm that I carry in my body is un-stop-pa-ble. If you don't like it, come and tell me to my face! |
Yes! Another streamer down! Good job, us! And you were such a big help, Professor. Yay! No more yellow streamer! | ¡Genial! ¡Una serpentina menos! ¡Bien hecho! Y gracias por su ayuda, profesor. ¡La serpentina amarilla es historia! | Cool! One less streamer! Well done! And thanks for your help, professor. The yellow streamer is history! |
...For real, though, I think you could probably dig up [number] more of my discs somewhere around here. | Pero, en serio, no te olvides de mis discos. Encuentra [number] más y seré el DJ más feliz del desierto. | But seriously, don't forget about my records. Find [number] more and I'll be the happiest DJ in the desert. |
See you at the hotel. Peace! | ¡Nos vemos en el hotel! ¡Que siga la fiesta! | See you at the hotel! Keep the party going! |
The Great Sea
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
It's so endlessly big... The only word you could use to describe it is EPIC! Well, that and "great," I guess. | Es tan inmenso que solo se me ocurre describirlo como... ¡impresionante! Bueno, "enorme" también puede servir. O "eterno", claro. | It's so immense that I can only describe it as... impressive! Well, "huge" can work too. Or "eternal", of course. |
I've already mapped one island on this sea. Menacing... Skull-shaped... I named it...Bonehead Island. | Ya agregué una a la carta náutica. Su ominosa forma de cráneo me hizo llamarla... Isla Calavera. | I already added one to the nautical chart. The ominous skull shape of it made me call it... Skull Island. |
This fog is unbelievable! Can't see through it at all... We'd just get lost in that mess. Better turn back before we get ourselves in trouble. | ¡Esta niebla es densa como una sopa! No me veo ni las manos... Nos vamos a perder. Mejor damos la vuelta antes de que nos pase algo. | This fog is thick like soup! I can't even see my hands... We're going to get lost. We better turn around before something happens to us. |
It's like a reverse waterslide! | ¡Es como una ducha, pero al revés! | It's like a shower, but in reverse! |
I'll never let this huge sack of coins out of my sight ever again. | Nunca volveré a poner todos mis ahorros en un solo sitio. | I will never put all my savings in one place again. |
There's an island in this sea where you can battle GIANTS! It's true! If you're itching to fight some big ol' brutes, just find the reef below here and head, uhh...left? I'm not sure which way is which. Those giants hit me pretty hard. | En este mar hay una isla donde puedes luchar contra gigantes. Si tienes ganas de medirte contra tipos fuertes y taciturnos, te recomiendo ese sitio. Ve hacia el arrecife que hay más abajo y luego navega hacia la izquierda. Sí, los puntos cardinales no son lo mío. ¡No me juzgues! | In this sea, there is an island where you can fight giants. If you want to measure yourself against strong and taciturn guys, I recommend that site. Go to the reef below and then sail to the left. Yes, the cardinal points are not my thing. Do not judge me! |
You found all 11 islands?! Wow! If any of them are better than this tiny little rock...don't tell me. | ¿¡Encontraste las once islas!? ¡Oye, felicidades! Si alguna te gustó más que esta estupenda roca, mejor no me lo digas. | Did you find the eleven islands!? Hey, congratulations! If you liked one more than this great rock, you better not tell me. |
If you go down and left from here, you'll find an island shaped like a club symbol. Geology is wild, man. | Yendo hacia abajo a la izquierda hay una isla con forma de trébol. Lo que hace la erosión marina, ¿no? | Going down to the left there is an island shaped like a clover. What marine erosion does, right? |
Seek and ye shall find... Come, follow me to paradise... |
Busca y lo encontrarás... ♪ El paraíso te espera; ♪ ¡qué gran lugar! ♪ |
Seek and you will find it... ♪ Paradise awaits you; ♪ what a great place! ♪ |
Wow, this island really does look like the moon! So when it's shaped like this, it's called a crescent moon? Huh! Learn something new every day... | Mira, ¡de verdad que parece una luna esta isla! En cuarto creciente, ¿no? Ah, ¿que depende desde dónde la mires? Nunca se pasa de nivel sin aprender algo nuevo. | Look, this island really looks like a moon! In a crescent, right? Ah, depends where you look at it from? You never pass a level without learning something new. |
This island is shaped like a "croissant moon." I'm a bit of a lunar-calendar buff. | Esta isla tiene forma de croissant, no de medialuna. Te lo digo yo, ¡que soy experto en panadería! | This island is shaped like a croissant, not a crescent. I'm telling you, I'm an expert in bakery! |
Whoa! This island isn't a croissant moon at all! It's, uh...a kaiser roll? Maybe a bagel? I enjoy a good bagel, but when you expect a croissant, it's a bit of a letdown. | Al final ni croissant ni medialuna... ¡Era un pan dulce! Me gustaba más el croissant, pero tampoco me voy a quejar. | In the end neither croissant nor croissant... It was a sweet bread! I liked the croissant better, but I'm not going to complain either. |
Oh, thank you! Thank you! All four of us are back together! Yaaay! | ¡Por fin estamos los cuatro juntos! ¡Gracias multiplicadas por cuatro! | Finally the four of us are together! Thanks multiplied by four! |
And together, we are known as... FEELIN' FUNGI! | Y juntos somos la famosa banda... ¡Los Champiñones Emotivos! | And together we are the famous band... The Emotive Mushrooms! |
OK, everyone! Once more, with FEELING! | ¡Vamos, compañeros! ¿Listos? Y un, dos, tres, cua... ¡A cantar! | Come on, comrades! Ready? And one, two, three, four... Let's sing! |
Disappointed I'm not a real heart? Don't let YOUR heart be troubled by such a thing. Love is all around us! | ¿Esperabas que fuera un corazón de verdad? No le des tanta importancia... El corazón es solo un símbolo. Lo que cuenta es aquello que representa: ¡el amor! | Did you expect it to be a real heart? Don't give it so much importance... The heart is just a symbol. What counts is what it represents: love! |
See? Toldja so. | ¿Ves? Al final el amor siempre te encuentra. | You see? In the end, love always finds you. |
WHOA! This looks bad! Hang on, friend! I'm comin'! | ¡Alerta, Toad en peligro! ¡Operación Rescate activada! Allá voy, ¡no te abandonaré! | Alert, Toad in danger! Operation Rescue activated! Here I go, I will not abandon you! |
We won't let our friend be humiliated! Dignity huddle, ACTIVATED! | ¡No dejaremos que se ultraje la honra de nuestro amigo! ¡Operación Dignidad en marcha! | We will not let our friend be dishonored! Operation Dignity underway! |
Fun Folds for Beginners | Pliegues para principiantes | Folds for Beginners |
The Princess Peach
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
D-dude! Come on! You can't just SCREAM like that. Scared me half to death! | ¡Pero bueno! ¿¡Qué gritos son esos!? ¡Casi me haces explotar del susto! | Oh well! What screams are those!? You almost made me explode with fright! |
Wow. This room got hit pretty bad! This was such a cool lounge before. You could see the entire ocean out that window! | Vaya... Esta sala también quedó en ruinas. Con lo bonita que era... Podías venir aquí a relajarte y contemplar el mar. | Wow... This room is also in ruins. With how beautiful it was... You could come here to relax and contemplate the sea. |
Oh! It's just another crewmember. Little guy snuck up on me. This one's unconscious. These Toads must've had quite a shock... | Vaya, no me lo esperaba... Otro miembro de la tripulación. Y está inconsciente. Estos Toads van a necesitar una buena sesión de terapia. | Wow, I wasn't expecting it... Another member of the crew. And he is unconscious. These Toads are going to need a good therapy session. |
AHA! I knew it! Folded Soldiers were trying to get the drop on us! Put up your folded-paper dukes. We're gonna crumple you like yesterday's homework! | ¡Ah, lo sabía! ¡Los soldados plegados estaban detrás de todo esto! Prepárense, zoquetes de origami, ¡porque los vamos a dejar más doblados que mapa de carretera! | Oh, I knew it! The Folded Soldiers were behind all this! Brace yourselves, you origami chumps, because we're going to leave you more folded than a road map! |
Yes! The power's back! Great job, Big M! I knew you were a take-CHARGE kind of guy! Heh. Get it? Because of the electricity? Oof. Was I funnier when I had amnesia? I hope this means the elevator is running again. Let's head back to the main hall to find out! | ¡Ya tenemos electricidad! Qué bien, Súper M. Se nota que eres un tipo muy brillante. ¡Ja, ja! ¿Lo captas? Electricidad... Luz... Mis chistes ya no son lo que eran. Bueno, ahora el ascensor debería funcionar. ¡Volvamos a la sala de recepción! | We already have electricity! Good, Super M. I can tell that you are a very bright guy. Haha! Do you get it? Electricity... Light... My jokes aren't what they used to be. Well, now the elevator should work. Let's go back to the reception room! |
Aaah! Help! This black gunk blasted through the window out of nowhere! I'll never be able to wash this off. Aargh! I hate the sea! | ¡Aaaah! ¡Socorro! ¡Un chorro de baba negra entró por la ventana! No sé qué es peor, si lanzarme al agua para lavarme o quedarme como estoy... ¡Odio el mar! | Aaaah! Help! A jet of black slime came in through the window! I don't know which is worse, if I jump into the water to wash myself or stay as I am... I hate the sea! |
Bob-omb got...a SUPER-important, Olivia-saving item! Ta-ta-ta daaa! Now we'll be able to rescue Olivia! | Lo que son las cosas, ¿no? Un humilde Bob-omba va y consigue un objeto de vital importancia para salvar a Olivia... ¡Ta-rááán! Pues sí, ahora la podemos rescatar. | What are things, right? A humble Bob-omb goes and gets an object of vital importance to save Olivia... Ta-daaa! Well yes, now we can rescue her. |
Now we can pick up our former passengers that were scattered across the Great Sea! Once you're back on your adorable little ship, we'll head out. Thanks again! Toot—and, might I add—toot! | ¡Ahora podemos recoger a todos los pasajeros que quedaron a la deriva en el Océano Eterno! En cuanto regreses con tu barquito, reanudaremos nuestra travesía. Una vez más, ¡gracias por todo! | Now we can pick up all the passengers who were left adrift in the Great Sea! As soon as you return with your little boat, we will resume our journey. Once again, thank you for everything! |
If you ever need a juice fix, you know where to find me! | Ya sabes dónde estoy si te quedas seco. | You know where I am if you stay dry. |
This beverage was created to match the vibe of our lounge! It's great for sipping while you admire the view. | Este jugo es ideal para disfrutarlo dando breves sorbos mientras contemplas la inmensidad del paisaje oceánico. | This juice is ideal to enjoy taking brief sips while you contemplate the immensity of the oceanic landscape. |
Thanks for patching the engines up, Mario. Glad they weren't too badly damaged in all that chaos! Matter of fact, these babies are doin' better than ever! We're at 120 percent power! That's how percentages work, right? | Gracias por reparar el generador, Mario. Es un milagro que no haya quedado totalmente estropeado con tanto zaperoco. Incluso ahora funciona mejor que antes, ¡al 120 % de su capacidad! Es broma. Por definición no puede superar el 100 %. Quise hacer un chiste de maquinista. | Thanks for repairing the generator, Mario. It's a miracle that it has not been totally damaged with so much mess. Even now, it works better than before, at 120% of its capacity! It's a joke. By definition, it cannot exceed 100%. I wanted to make an engineer joke. |
The Princess Peach is now free to resume regular pleasure-cruising procedures! Toot toot! Thank you, Mario. We really owe you one. Toot. | Ahora el Princesa Peach está en condiciones de seguir navegando y deleitando a los pasajeros. Gracias, Mario. Te debemos una. ¡O tal vez dos! | Now the Princess Peach is ready to continue sailing and delighting passengers. Thanks, Mario. We owe you one. Or maybe two! |
Safety! Toot toot! Hospitality! Toot toot! Customer satisfaction! TOOT! | ¡Seguridad! ¡Hospitalidad! Y, por supuesto... ¡pasajeros satisfechos! | Safety! Hospitality! And, of course... satisfied passengers! |
Excuse me! The other passengers are trying to eat! You're making the appetizers FAR less appetizing! No one was eating the celery sticks before, but now—hey! HEY! | ¡Oiga, caballero! Entiendo que desee broncearse, ¡pero haga el favor de taparse un poco! | Hey, sir! I understand that you want to tan, but please cover up a bit! |
I love everything about this cruise... Even that naked guy who's causing a scene! | Todo en este crucero me encanta. Hasta me hizo gracia el que quiso hacer de exhibicionista. | I love everything on this cruise. I was even amused by the one who wanted to be an exhibitionist. |
Enjoying the fish? Wanna guess who caught 'em? Here's a hint... It was me! | Está bueno el pescado, ¿no? ¿Quieres saber quién lo pescó? Te doy una pista... ¡Empieza con "y" y termina con "o"! | The fish is good, right? Do you want to know who caught it? Here's a hint... It starts with "y" and ends with "o"! (This is "yo", or "me.") |
Cruising is so much fun! Yaaay! | ¡Qué bella es la vida en un crucero! ¡Vivaaa! | How beautiful is life on a cruise ship! Long liiive! |
Ooh, that Blooper! What a jerk! GRAAAH! | ¡Ese Blooper mugriento! ¡Grrr! | That filthy Blooper! Grrr! |
The sea is so big...and empty...*sigh* | El mar es inmenso y aterrador... Snif. | The sea is immense and terrifying... Sniff. |
I'm just happy to be here! Hyuk! | ¡Qué feliz soy aquí! Ju, ju, ju... | How happy I am here! He he he... |
Perhaps "paradise" can only be found through inner peace... Just kidding. Paradise has GOTTA be a real place. I bet it RULES. | ¡Quiero ir al paraíso! Donde sea que esté. | I want to go to paradise! Wherever it is. |
Diamond Island
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
What do these symbols mean? Yes and no? Good and bad? Oh, wait! I know what this is! It's a game of true or false! There. We solved the trial. Easy peasy. | ¿Qué significan esos símbolos? ¿Sí y no? ¿Bien y mal? Ah, ya sé; ¡verdadero o falso! Pues eso es, ya resolvimos el misterio de los simbolitos. ¡Prueba superada en tiempo récord! | What do these symbols mean? Yes and no? Good and bad? Ah, I know; true or false! Then that's it, we've already solved the mystery of the little symbols. Test passed in record time! |
The name of the origami companion traveling with Mario is Kersti. | La acompañante de origami que va con Mario en su viaje se llama Tina. | The origami companion that goes with Mario on his journey is named Tina. (Kersti's Spanish name is Tina, so this got translated correctly.) |
The anticipation! It is unbearable! Please, traveler! PLEASE let go of |
¿Te gusta crear tensión? ¿Qué parte de "suelta |
Do you like to create tension? What part of "release |
Thank you for supporting your local sunken realm's small businesses. | Muchas gracias por contribuir al desarrollo de la economía sumergida. | Thank you very much for contributing to the development of the submerged economy. |
Sea Tower
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Let four fold into one and point you toward paradise. |
Pon de acuerdo a los cuatro y accederás al paraíso ipso facto. |
Form an agreement between the four and access paradise immediately. ("Ipso facto" is a Latin expression for "immediately", which adds to the ancient theming of the Sea Tower.) |
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Oh, yes! We found paradise! ...Do you know what that means? Because I don't, but I'm excited. It just sounds good! | ¡Qué bien! Según ese aviso, llegamos al mismísimo paraíso. ¿Qué significará eso? Porque no suena nada mal, la verdad... ¡Yo ya estoy emocionada! | That's great! According to that notice, we reached paradise itself. What will that mean? Because it doesn't sound bad at all, really ... I'm already excited! (The "notice" is a disembodied text box. I never really considered that it was supposed to be in-universe.) |
Shangri-Spa? That sounds amazing! | ¿"Sparaíso"? ¡Qué nombre tan curioso! | "Sparaiso"? What a curious name! |
...What does it mean? Shangriiii...kinda sounds like angry! But these Toads don't look angry. They're almost...TOO calm. It sure is mysterious. | ¿Qué querrá decir? ¿Y por qué están vestidos de blanco esos Toads? Aquí se respira mucha calma... Me parece todo muy misterioso. | What does it mean? And why are those Toads dressed in white? Here you breathe a lot of calmness... It all seems very mysterious to me. |
Our first customer in what feels like eons, and it's Mario?! This is a blessed day! | Nuestro primer cliente en lo que han parecido siglos, ¡y es Mario! ¡Con esto hacemos historia! | Our first customer in what has seemed like centuries, and it's Mario! With this we make history! (It removes a bit of the religious undertones, but I like the implication of the joke; that this ancient sky spa wasn't relevant until Mario visited it.) |
I just knew you'd clear the three trials and join us today. I also predict you will enjoy yourself! | ¡Sabía que lograrías superar las tres pruebas y te reunirías con nosotros! ¡Nunca decepcionas! | I knew you would make it through all three tests and meet us! You never disappoint! |
Ooh! No one ever talks to me. Um...what do I say? There's too much pressure! Uh...enspa your joy! No! I BLEW IT! | ¡Aaah! ¿Por qué me hablas? Nadie me dirige la palabra normalmente. ¿Y ahora qué digo? ¡Uf, qué nervios! Eh... ¡Espero que "distrufes" de nuestros "cersivios"! ¡Ay, se me lengua la traba! | Aaah! Why are you talking to me? Normally, nobody talks to me. Now what do I say? Ugh, what nerves! Hey... I hope you "ejnoy" our "cervises"! Oh, my tongue got stuck! (Here, the Toad mispronounces "disfrutes" and "servicios".) |
After escaping in the clown car, Lord Bowser returned to his castle, where I awaited his command. | Luego de huir en el Koopayaso, el amo Bowser regresó a su castillo, donde yo aguardaba sus órdenes. | After fleeing on the Koopa Clown Car, Master Bowser returned to his castle, where I awaited his orders. (The Clown Cars, both Koopa and Junior, are called the "Koopayaso", a combination of "Koopa" and "payaso" (clown), which is a great translation.) |
This way, Mario! There's no time for side quests! | ¡Por aquí, Mario! ¡No hay tiempo para distraerse con otros asuntos! | Over here, Mario! There is no time to be distracted by other matters! |
Aha! He's whole again! Perhaps I should rescind my one-star online review of Shangri-Spa... | ¡Bravo! ¡Otra vez enterito, gracias a la Fuente de la Purificación! | Bravo! Whole again, thanks to the Fountain of Purification! |
Um...not quite. You're still as white as a sheet. ...Oh, I forgot that your sheets are black and have Bowser's face printed on them... The point is, we're not quite there yet with your recovery, Young Master. | Pues... me temo que no. Todavía está pálido como un fantasma. Aunque, si su padre lo viera... la cara de enojo que pondría daría mucho más miedo que un fantasma. Resumiendo: tenemos que seguir esforzándonos por tratar de devolverlo a la normalidad, Su Pequeñeza. | Well... I'm afraid not. He is still pale as a ghost. Although, if his father saw it... the angry face he would make would be much scarier than a ghost. In short: we have to keep trying to try to return him to normal, Your Littleness. |
All right, Mario. I trust you can handle this. If you need me, I'll be quivering off to the side somewhere... | Lo dejo en tus manos, Mario. Si me necesitas, estaré escondido y muerto de miedo por aquí cerca. | I leave it in your hands, Mario. If you need me, I'll be hiding and scared to death around here. |
One day you're leading an elite division of Shy Guys...the next you're scrubbin' the floor. Ugh... | Un día estaba liderando todo un ejército de Shy Guys... y al siguiente estoy fregando pisos. ¡Mi espalda! | One day I was leading an entire army of Shy Guys... and the next I'm scrubbing floors. My back! |
It ain't just a throwin' hammer, see? | Quién me iba a decir a mí que el martillo servía para algo más que para lanzarlo... | Who would have thought that the hammer was used for more than just throwing it... |
Sure, they're back at work now that I'm watching. They're still getting a write-up! | Ahora sí quisieron volver al trabajo, ¿no? ¡La evaluación que les voy a poner será tan negativa que van a llorar! | Now they did want to go back to work, right? The evaluation that I am going to give them will be so negative that they will cry! |
They asked me what job I wanted, and I said I was on the fence... Who takes idioms literally?! | Cuando me ofrecieron el trabajo, me dijeron que tendría un puesto de altura. ¿Cómo iba a saber que estaban hablando literalmente? | When they offered me the job, they told me that I would have a high position. How was I to know that they were speaking literally? |
I actually like this janitorial work more than regular minion work. I'm kind of a neat freak. | Me gusta ser minucioso y limpiar hasta los lugares que nunca nadie va a mirar. | I like to be thorough and clean up the places that no one will ever look at. |
(Dude. Why?) | (¿Qué hice para merecer esto?). | (What did I do to deserve this?). |
No? Ahh, man. It's just...I thought Mario was collecting these things, you know? So I thought it was a good deal at this limited-time price... And this kind of manual labor isn't really in our job descriptions. I'm sick of it! Yeah, I know technically we're supposed to be able to lift 50 pounds above our heads... | ¿No te interesa? Qué decepción... Creía que te gustaba coleccionar este tipo de cosas. Es una oferta por tiempo limitado... En fin, que el trabajo físico no es lo mío. Ya sé que cualquier Shy Guy puede cargar bultos de 25 kilos... Pero me aburre, ¡y, según lo que dice en mi contrato de trabajo, no estoy obligado a hacerlo! | Not interested? What a disappointment... I thought you liked collecting this kind of thing. It's a limited time offer... Anyway, physical work is not my thing. I already know that any Shy Guy can carry 25 kg packages... But it bores me, and according to what it says in my employment contract, I am not obliged to do so! |
Bah! You're still not gonna complete the collection?! With all those coins you musta found in the castle? | Pues qué lástima... ¿De verdad puedes dormir tranquilo teniendo una colección incompleta? | What a shame... Can you really sleep peacefully having an incomplete collection? |
What? You don't need more hearts? | ¿Y eso? ¿No quieres tener más vitalidad? Qué gente tan rara hay por el mundo... | And that? Don't you want to have more vitality? What strange people there are in the world... |
Did we all learn a lesson? I know I learned a lot about sweeping and mopping. | La verdad es que aprendí bastante sobre el arte de fregar pisos. | The truth is that I learned quite a bit about the art of scrubbing floors. |
Spring of Jungle Mist
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Is that so? Well, I think we should go this way. Call it Kamek sense. | ¿En serio? Pues yo creo que tenemos que ir por aquí. No es intuición, pero que me llame "Kamek" contará para algo, digo yo. | Really? Well, I think we have to go this way. It's not intuition, but being called "Kamek" will count for something, I say. |
I would reassure you, but who will reassure me? It's probably just some sort of horrifying creature lurking. | Me gustaría poder tranquilizarte, pero yo tampoco estoy muy tranquilo que digamos. Podría ser alguna horrible bestia al acecho... | I wish I could reassure you, but I'm not very calm either. It could be some hideous beast on the prowl... |
Ha! That's ME! I look pretty sweet, like I'm about to do some kind of awesome move in front of Dad. | ¡Pero qué bien me veo ahí! ¡Nada de arrugas, ni dobleces ni suciedad! | But how good I look there! No wrinkles, no folds, no dirt! |
Yet another fork in the road... These Shangri-Spa Toads could really use a groundskeeper to advise them on path manage— OH. | Vaya, el camino se divide nuevamente. Los Toads del Sparaíso se podrían haber molestado en poner al menos unos letreros... Eso les pasa por no tener un encargado competente. | Wow, the road splits again. The Shangri-Spa Toads could have bothered to put up at least a few signs... That happens to them for not having a competent manager. |
That's right! I know how to pick the right path. I've never been wrong in my life! You coming? | Yo nunca me equivoco, y esto solo se trata de elegir un camino. ¡Es pan comido! ¿Vamos por aquí o qué? | I am never wrong, and this is just about choosing a path. It's a piece of cake! Are we going this way or what? |
Finally! Can't wait to get the smudges off my clown car. You think they offer waxing too? | ¡Ya era hora! Por fin podré dejar reluciente mi querido Koopayaso. Espero que tengan secadora... | It's time! Finally I can make my dear Clown Car shine. I hope they have a dryer... |
Spring of Rainbows
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Don't call me Kammey. | No vuelvas a llamarme nunca "Kamekito". | Don't ever call me "Kamekito" again. |
All right, pile in. But keep your feet off the seat covers or else! They're faux mohair! | Bueno, súbanse. ¡Pero no me ensucien las alfombritas con los zapatos, que son de las buenas! | Well, get in. But don't get my rugs dirty with your shoes, they're the good ones! |
Did you know that all rainbows in the world are simply light refracting through the steam of this spring? That's according to our marketing department, and marketing is a form of science, so it must be true. | El arcoíris que se ve desde abajo es efecto del reflejo de la luz a través de los vapores que desprende. Bueno, es lo que dicen desde el departamento de publicidad, y ya se sabe que hoy en día la publicidad engañosa se vigila mucho. | The rainbow seen from below is the effect of light reflection through the vapors it gives off. Well, it's what they say from the advertising department, and it's already known that, these days, misleading advertising is closely monitored. (Neither of these lines really feel like Paper Mario jokes to me, but I think the Spanish one is slightly funnier. This translation's less direct, since I changed a few words to make them sound more natural in English.) |
Please join me in welcoming your host for today, the fabulous and talented Emcee Shy Guy. That's me! | Y con ustedes, su anfitrión, ¡el fabuloso e inimitable Shy Guy presentador! O sea... yo. | And with you, your host, the fabulous and inimitable Shy Guy presenter! I mean... me. (There's a text box break before the last line. Also, I had never heard the word "inimitable" before this.) |
Now, to meet today's contestant... | Sin más preámbulos, presentemos al concursante del día. | Without further ado, let's introduce the contestant of the day. |
Take a good look... We're going to scramble this picture beyond recognition. | ¡Mucha atención! Esta bonita estampa quedará irreconocible en unos instantes. | Much attention! This beautiful picture will be unrecognizable in a few moments. |
That isn't gonna help you out any. Zero points! | ¡Cero puntos! Es una cifra muy... redonda, aunque me temo que no te servirá de mucho. | Zero points! It's a very... round number, although I'm afraid it won't do you much good. |
Try for a Perfect Game Go to Spring of Rainbows Cancel |
Al Reto de Perfección Solo quiero ver la fuente Ni lo uno ni lo otro |
To the Perfect Challenge I just want to see the fountain Neither one nor the other |
We all know the stakes. Just one question standing between you and the title of Quiz Master. And if you blow it, it's game over. No pressure. | Solo esta última prueba te separa de llevarte el título de "Concursante estrella". Recuerda que, si no la superas, tu fracaso será total y absoluto. No hay presión ni nada. | Only this last test separates you from taking the title of "Star Contestant". Remember that if you do not overcome it, your failure will be total and absolute. There's no pressure or anything. |
We'll have something new for you the next time you come back, so don't be a stranger, OK? | La próxima vez te sorprenderemos con alguna que otra novedad. ¡No dudes en regresar! | Next time we will surprise you with some other novelty. Don't hesitate to come back! |
I'm feelin' big and (?) and it musta surely been you... Churlish Burly Swirly Early |
Me siento grande y (?) porque me haces felizón... Triste Fuerte Cansado Oxidado |
I feel big and (?), because you make me very happy... Sad Strong Tired Rusty |
One thing this old (?) knows... Sculler Captain Sea Toad Sailor |
la vida (?) como si nada. Fluye Huye Transcurre Pasa |
life (?) as usual. Flows Runs Elapses Happens |
It's (?)... I call your name... Insane The same A game Aflame |
¡Y es que tengo el (?) ardiente! Estómago Ombligo Hígado Corazón |
And is that I've got a burning (?)! Stomach Belly button Liver Heart |
Bowser's Castle
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Oh. There sure are a lot of them, huh. Perhaps I should have thought this out a bit more. | Vaya... Parece que hay más soldados de lo que parecía. Quizá no haya medido bien las consecuencias antes de hablar en ese tono. | Wow... Looks like there are more soldiers than it seemed. Perhaps I did not weigh the consequences well before speaking in that tone. |
They're so edgy... | ¡Tengo miedo! | I'm scared! |
They don't fold easy... Wait... | Los aplastaré. | I will crush them. |
And yet, you must face it. Have fun! I'll be waiting if you happen to survive. | Que se diviertan. Yo los espero aquí en el improbable caso de que terminen vivos. | Have fun. I wait for you here in the unlikely event that you end up alive. |
Hey! Origami girl! | ¡Alto ahí, señorita de origami! | Stop there, miss origami! |
You did it, man! First paper to ever defeat scissors. They're gonna write a book about it, and then probably a movie that everyone will hate. | ¡Lo lograste! Es la primera vez que el papel vence a las tijeras. Tu hazaña quedará reflejada en los libros de historia... y también quizá en alguna película poco popular. | You did it! It's the first time that paper has beaten scissors. Your feat will be reflected in the history books... and perhaps also in some unpopular movie. (I've always found the original line kind of weird. I feel like it's supposed to be referring to something specific, but I have no clue what it is.) |
Checking in for duty, ma'am. | ¡Yo también voy, niña! | I'm going too, girl! |
Hotfoot Crater
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
The world's on fire! | ¿¡Y toda esta lava!? | And all this lava!? |
Never mind the airship. You know I'll build another one! Just get up here! I've got something to show you. | La aeronave quedó destrozada, pero ya saben que puedo construir otra en un dos por tres, ¡así que no se preocupen! Ahora lo importante es que lleguen aquí arriba. ¡Tengo que enseñarles una cosita! | The airship was destroyed, but you know I can build another one two times out of three, so don't worry! Now the important thing is that you get up here. I have to show you a little something! ("En un dos por tres" is a Spanish expression that means "every 2/3rds of the time.") |
I saw what happened. They can both take care of themselves! Not to get too deep into my parenting philosophy, but you have to let kids take chances. | Sí, sí, vi todo lo que pasó. Ya son mayorcitos, así que no necesitan nuestra ayuda. Tampoco quiero darles una charla sobre cómo educar a los hijos, pero hay que darles cierta libertad, dejar que cometan errores... todo eso. | Yes, yes, I saw everything that happened. They are old enough, so they don't need our help. Nor do I want to give you a talk about how to raise your children, but you have to give them some freedom, let them make mistakes... all that. |
Origami Castle
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Bwahaha! See? How do I never get credit for having great ideas?! | ¡Juar, juar, juar! Otro plan que sale a la perfección. ¡Después no digan que todas mis ideas son malas! | Bwahaha! Another plan that goes perfectly. Then don't say that all my ideas are bad! |
Won't open, huh? I bet they didn't even put anything on the other side. Bah! Patch in the rest of the castle, you cowards! | ¿No se abre? Bah, seguro que ni se molestaron en poner algo al otro lado. | It doesn't open? Bah, they sure didn't even bother to put something on the other side. |
I suppose this is fitting. Welcome to Origami Castle, Mario. | Supongo que el destino así lo quiso... En fin. ¡Bienvenido al castillo de Origami, Mario! | I guess fate wanted it that way... In the end. Welcome to Origami Castle, Mario! |
Mario, since I know best, I have refolded this castle in my image. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. | Doblé este castillo a mi imagen y semejanza para demostrar que tengo un intelecto superior. ¡Que lo disfrutes, Mario! | I dubbed this castle in my image and likeness to show that I have a superior intellect. Enjoy it, Mario! |
How do you like Origami Castle so far? Too easy? Say no more. I hear your feedback loud and clear and will be happy to implement changes immediately! | ¿Qué te parece mi castillo de Origami? ¿Demasiado fácil de recorrer? ¡Está bien! Me tomo muy en serio las opiniones de los visitantes, ¡así que le daré un poco más de vida para satisfacerte! | What do you think of my Origami Castle? Too easy to get around? It's okay! I take visitor feedback very seriously, so I'll give it a little more life to satisfy you! |
You're not giving up, huh? Guess you really like those flat losers. Pathetic. Anyway, it doesn't matter. My vision of a perfect origami kingdom is almost realized... | Así que no se rinden, ¿no? Qué patéticos... En fin, me da igual. Dentro de nada mi visión de futuro será al fin una realidad. ¡Al fin mi reino de origami cobrará vida! | So they don't give up, do they? How pathetic... Anyway, I don't care. In no time, my vision of the future will finally be a reality. At last, my origami kingdom will come to life! |
How dare you criticize me! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be here. Whatever. I'm tired of trying to explain myself to fools. You leave me with no choice. | ¿¡Cómo osas hablarme así!? Si no fuera por mí, ni siquiera existirías, hermanita. Mira, ya estoy harto de tener que hablar con gente tan poco capaz como ustedes. No me queda más remedio que pasar a la acción. | How dare you talk to me like that!? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even exist, little sister. Look, I'm sick of having to talk to less capable people like you. I have no choice but to take action. |
YES! I'M BACK! We never speak of this again. Got it?! | ¡Vuelvo a ser yo! Fingiremos que todo esto nunca pasó, ¿de acuerdo? | I am myself again! We'll pretend all of this never happened, okay? |
I...I'm scared. I can't believe my own brother would set that vicious Stapler on me. Can we even stop him now? Or is he already too powerful... | Tengo miedo... Aún me cuesta creer que mi hermano enviara a esa engrapadora tan malvada a que acabara conmigo. Supongo que... todavía no he asimilado por completo lo mucho que ha cambiado. Ni siquiera sé si es posible detenerlo a estas alturas o si ya es demasiado poderoso... | I'm scared... I still find it hard to believe that my brother sent that evil stapler to finish me off. I guess... I still haven't fully absorbed how much has changed. I don't even know if it's possible to stop him at this point, or if he's already too powerful... |
Hey, origami girl! Look at me. I'm Bowser! I breathe fire and punch through solid rock sometimes! You think I'm scared of that little twerp? Plus, I mean...I'm raising Junior. You think that's easy? Try parenting a "high-energy" kid with access to a flying car and his own army! Your brother doesn't scare me. | Mírame bien. ¡Soy Bowser! Escupo fuego por la boca y rompo rocas a puño limpio. ¡Y criar a mi hijo me hace aún más fuerte! Ya quisiera ver a tu hermano cuidar a un niño que no se está quieto... que tiene un vehículo volador y un ejército a su disposición. En resumen... ¡Tu hermano no me asusta! | Take a good look at me. I'm Bowser! I spit fire from my mouth and smash rocks with my bare hands. And raising my son makes me even stronger! I would like to see your brother take care of a child who doesn't sit still... who has a flying vehicle and an army at his disposal. In short... Your brother doesn't scare me! |
Oh, the princess is right in front of you. Behold! | ¡Pero si la tienen frente a ustedes! ¿No se han dado cuenta? | But you have her in front of you! Haven't you noticed? |
Dearest Olly, may you grow into a fair and kind king. | Querido Olly: Deseo que algún día llegues a reinar con justicia y bondad. | Dear Olly: I wish that one day you will reign with justice and kindness. |
I just became so blinded by rage. I did so many unforgivable things... I'm so sorry that Princess Peach and Mario became caught up in all this. | La rabia me cegó por completo. Todos los Toads me parecían iguales... Perdí la capacidad de ver las diferencias. Lamento muchísimo que la princesa Peach y Mario se hayan visto envueltos en todo este lío... | Anger completely blinded me. All the Toads looked the same to me... I lost the ability to see the differences. I'm so sorry that Princess Peach and Mario got caught up in all this mess... |
Ah yes... I remember this paper well. Such a lovely royal purple... And Olivia! So good to see you making use of the giant-hammer technique I folded into your design. | Ah, sí, recuerdo perfectamente este papel. Era un color morado tan hermoso... ¡Por cierto, Olivia! Me dijo un pajarito que sacaste bastante provecho de la técnica del martillo gigante que doblé en tu interior. ¡Qué alegría! | Ah yes, I remember this paper perfectly. It was such a beautiful purple color... By the way, Olivia! A little bird told me that you got a lot out of the giant hammer technique that I folded inside you. What a joy! |
May all of the origami folded by my brother be undone! | ¡Que vuelva a su estado original todo el origami que mi hermano plegó! | Let all the origami that my brother folded return to its original state! |
Sensor Lab
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Getting to the main Sensor Lab is a total breeze. Let me show you some truly cutting-edge tech... | Gracias a los últimos avances, se puede llegar a la sede principal en menos de lo que tardas en decir "Toad". | Thanks to the latest advancements, the main headquarters can be reached faster than you can say "Toad." |
Sensational! You found me, Mario! This is perfect! I've finally found a suitable tester... See, I'm the head researcher here at the Sensor Lab. We develop technology capable of detecting all kinds of things that are otherwise difficult to see. Sensor tech is changing the world! We're breaking conventions and shifting all manner of paradigms! | ¡Qué alegría que me hayas encontrado, Mario! Y además me ayudarás mucho. Precisamente me hacía falta algún incau... sujeto con quien probar un nuevo dispositivo. Verás, en el laboratorio nos dedicamos al diseño de instrumentos capaces de detectar aquellas cosas que cuesta ver a simple vista. ¡La tecnología de detección es el futuro! Gracias a ella, la comunidad académica se está replanteando las teorías tradicionales. Empieza a notarse un cambio de paradigma... ¡Es increíble poder vivir para ver esto! | Funny you should find me, Mario! And you will also help me a lot. Precisely I needed some incautio... subject with whom to try a new device. You see, in the laboratory, we are dedicated to the design of instruments capable of detecting things that are difficult to see with the naked eye. Detection technology is the future! Thanks to her, the academic community is rethinking traditional theories. A paradigm shift is starting to show... It's amazing to be able to live to see this! (The Toad cuts himself off before he can say "incauto", which means someone who is gullible or proceeds without caution.) |
Sensational. I've truly outdone myself this time... Ah! Mario! Join me in a little thought experiment, won't you? What if, rather than detect unseen objects...we were to create a device that makes YOU undetectable? You needn't wonder! Feast your eyes, while you can, upon...the Lamination Suit! Wearing this will make it easier for you to sneak by enemies! BOOM! Another paradigm shifted! | No es por nada, pero con este dispositivo me superé a mí mismo, modestia aparte. Imagínate que, en vez de detectar objetos invisibles, pudieras ser tú quien tiene el don de la invisibilidad. De hecho, ¡no hace falta que te lo imagines! Admira mi último prodigio tecnológico: ¡el traje plastificador! Al ponértelo, podrás pasar desapercibido ante los enemigos. Sí, sé lo que estás pensando: ¡el futuro está aquí! | It is not for nothing, but with this device, I surpassed myself, modesty aside. Imagine that, instead of detecting invisible objects, you could be the one who has the gift of invisibility. In fact, you don't have to imagine it! Check out my latest technological wonder: the Lamination Suit! By putting it on, you can go unnoticed by enemies. Yes, I know what you're thinking: the future is here! |
At long opus is complete. My work has reached its zenith. My Hidden Block Unhider will turn nearby hidden blocks into regular, unhidden blocks! We've taken this paradigm and HURLED it into the lake of progress! BEGONE, PARADIGM! | Ah... mi trabajo como investigador ha alcanzado su cima. ¡Mi obra está completa! Gracias a mi última invención, el desocultador de bloques, todos los bloques ocultos que tengas cerca se harán bien visibles. ¡Es hora de decir adiós a los años que hemos vivido en la ignorancia! ¡Demos la bienvenida a un futuro lleno de visión y visibilidad! | Ah... my work as a researcher has reached its peak. My work is complete! Thanks to my latest invention, the Block Unhider, all hidden blocks near you will be clearly visible. It's time to say goodbye to the years that we have lived in ignorance! Let's welcome a future full of vision and visibility! |
I must say, that went exceedingly well. The Toad Radar didn't even explode this time! How lucky! All that remains before certification is a robust field test. Go out into the world, Mario! Use the Toad Radar to rescue some hapless, folded Toads! | Las pruebas no salieron nada mal, ¿no? Con decirte que esta vez el detector de Toads ni siquiera entró en combustión espontánea... Solo falta que el consejo certificador apruebe su homologación, aunque, para eso, primero deben evaluar su desempeño sobre el terreno. ¡Me harías un gran favor si usaras el detector de Toads en tus aventuras y, de paso, rescataras a un buen número de inocentes Toads! | The tests weren't bad at all, were they? With telling you that the Toad Detector did not even spontaneously combust this time... It only remains for the certifying council to approve its homologation, although, for that, they must first evaluate its performance on the field. You would be doing me a huge favor if you used the Toad Detector on your adventures and, incidentally, rescued quite a few innocent Toads! |
Yet another explosion-free test! This may be our longest streak ever! We're free to advance to the field test for this item as well. As I mentioned in the test, more-powerful foes may still sense your presence. Be careful out there! | ¡Otra ronda de pruebas que termina sin explosiones ni visitas al hospital! A ver cuánto dura la racha... En fin, creo que ya podemos realizar los ensayos sobre el terreno. ¡Ojalá nos concedan la certificación oficial! Recuerda que los enemigos más fuertes podrán detectarte aunque lleves el traje puesto. Del resto... ¡que disfrutes la invisibilidad! | Another round of testing that ends with no explosions or hospital visits! Let's see how long the streak lasts... Anyway, I think we can do the field tests. Hopefully they grant us the official certification! Remember that the strongest enemies will be able to detect you even if you are wearing the suit. The rest... enjoy the invisibility! |
We have shifted every existing paradigm. A new era of superior sensory apparatus is dawning. You know what to do, Mario. Take this Hidden Block Unhider with you! Find every ? Block out there! Most importantly, if it explodes... do NOT tell anyone. I've already sent some rather boastful faxes. | Bueno, bueno, bueno... Hemos cambiado todos los paradigmas habidos y por haber. Sin duda, estamos ante el amanecer de una nueva era para toda índole de dispositivos, aparatos, peroles y cacharros. Bien, ya sabes lo que te voy a pedir ahora, ¿no? ¡Llévate el desocultador de bloques y no dejes bloque ? sin descubrir! Y... si por casualidad llegara a incendiarse, no le cuentes a nadie. Me acaban de hacer una entrevista en "Toado por la ciencia" y no quiero que nada me arruine el momento de gloria. | Well, well, well... We have shifted all the existing and upcoming paradigms. Undoubtedly, we are facing the dawn of a new era for all kinds of devices, appliances, pans and pots. Well, you know what I'm going to ask you now, right? Take the Block Unhider and leave no ? Block undiscovered! And... if, by any chance, it catches fire, don't tell anyone. I just had an interview on "Toad of Science" and I don't want anything to ruin my moment of glory. (Spanish-exclusive implied media. Is that within our coverage?) |
Aha! I sensed you'd be back for more, Mario! Which of my creations would you like to test today? | ¡Ajá! Detecto cierto interés en experimentar con nuevas formas de tecnología, ¿no, Mario? Dime, ¿qué dispositivo quieres probar? | Aha! I sense some interest in experimenting with new forms of technology, right, Mario? Tell me, what device do you want to test? |
OK! That's enough explanation. Let's run some actual tests! | ¡Y creo que eso es todo! La mejor forma de entender cómo funciona es con ejemplos prácticos. ¡Hagamos unas pruebas! | I think that's all! The best way to understand how it works is with practical examples. Let's do some tests! |
Amazing! It works! Thanks to you, our test was a total success. | Gracias a ti, el experimento fue todo un éxito. ¡La ciencia te debe una! | Thanks to you, the experiment was a success. Science owes you one! |
Do you see? Or rather, do you NOT? The suit turned you transparent! Now you'll be able to sneak by your enemies undetected. It's a clear path to victory! | Ah, ya veo... Bueno, más bien no veo nada, pero esa es la idea. ¡Este traje te hace invisible! Con él, podrás colarte en cualquier sitio sin que nadie note tu presencia. ¡No me digas que no es útil! | Ah, I see... Well, rather, I don't see anything, but that's the idea. This suit makes you invisible! With it, you can sneak anywhere without anyone noticing your presence. Don't tell me it's not useful! |
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Can't say I ever expected to see you stumble in here, Mario. We try to keep this place a secret. Minions come here to unwind after a long day of pacing back and forth. I'm probably not supposed to be servin' you like this...but I'll make an exception. | Jamás pensé que llegaría a verte en mi local, Mario. No le damos mucha publicidad, ¿sabes? Preferimos... mantenerlo en secreto. Después de un duro día de guardia, los secuaces vienen aquí a relajarse. La verdad es que es un poco surrealista servirle café al enemigo... Pero esta vez estás en nuestro bando, así que me haré el loco. | I never thought I'd see you at my place, Mario. We don't give it a lot of publicity, you know? We prefer... to keep it a secret. After a hard day on guard duty, the minions come here to relax. The truth is that it is a bit surreal to serve coffee to the enemy... But this time, you're on our side, so I'll play crazy. |
*rattle rattle, rattle* (Welcome to the Bone Dry Café. What's your order?) | Clic, clac. (Bienvenido al Café Tuétano. ¿Qué vas a querer?). | Click, clack. (Welcome to Café Marrow. What do you want?). |
Morbid Mocha | Cortado de calcio | Calcium Cut |
*rattle-rattle, ra-rattle* (Mmm... That dry-roast smell... Zzz...) | Clic, clac. (Mmm... Aroma a café de ultratumba... Zzz). | Click, clack. (Mmm... coffee aroma from the next life... Zzz). |
You're short on coins! | Ay, ay, ay, ¡te faltan monedas! | Ay, ay, ay, you lack coins! |
♪Shy oh my, we're the Singin' Café! We love to jam, so let's par-tay!♪ Aw, yeah! C'mon! | ♪¡Shay, la, lá! ¡Bienvenidos al Café Algarabía! ¡Con música en vivo todos los días!♪ ¡Nos gusta improvisar canciones que alegran los corazones! Ven aquí y baila este son; ¡déjate llevar por la emoción! |
♪Shay, la, la! Welcome to Café Uproar! With live music every day!♪ We like to improvise songs that make hearts happy! Come here and dance this one; let yourself be carried away by the emotion! |
WOW! That floor is so clean, I almost want to spill MORE just so I can drink off of it! | ¿Viste lo limpio que quedó el piso? Si se me vuelve a caer el café, lo sorbo de ahí directamente. | Did you see how clean the floor was? If my coffee spills again, I sip it from there directly. |
Hope you enjoyed it. That's the best instant coffee coins can buy! | Espero que lo hayas disfrutado. El café instantáneo tiene su encanto, ¿no crees? | I hope you enjoyed it. Instant coffee has its charm, don't you think? |
Song titles
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Streamer Removal | Adiós, serpentina | Goodbye, Streamer |
Café | Hora del café | Coffee Time ("Café" can mean "coffee" or "caféteria". Both instances fit in this case.) |
Olivia's First Appearance | Tema de Olivia | Olivia's Theme (This makes it more in-line with the other "[character]'s Theme" tracks, which in English are "Luigi Enters" and such) |
Paper Macho Soccer | Fútbol maché | Soccer Maché |
Red Streamer Battle - Thinking | ¡Por la serpentina roja! – Tu turno | For the Red Streamer! - Your Turn |
Sleeping Bob-omb | Dulces sueños, Bob-omba | Sweet Dreams, Bob-omb |
Exploring Shogun Studios | ¡A explorar el Parque Samurái! | Let's Explore Shogun Studios! |
Boot Car - Superboost | ¡Acelera, botamóvil! | Accelerate, Boot Car! |
Bob-omb's Determination | Bob-omba y su decisión | Bob-omb and His Decision |
The Princess Peach - Stolen Box! | El Princesa Peach – El gran robo | The Princess Peach - The Great Theft |
Ice Slider | Deslizamientos sobre hielo | Landslides on Ice |
Welcome to Shangri-Spa! | Sparaíso, un lugar acogedor | Shangri-Spa, A Friendly Place |
Try the Sudden Death Round | Una prueba muy especial | A Very Special Test |
Boss Fight | Combate decisivo | Decisive Combat |
Museum descriptions
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
You won't get far if you can't arrange enemies! This nostalgic arcade cabinet will help you hone your lineup skills. | Máquina de estilo retro que te ayuda a pulir tus habilidades en combate. ¡Alinea oponentes hasta que te aburras! | Retro-style machine that helps you hone your combat skills. Line up opponents until you get bored! |
A model of the refrigerator used in Overlook Tower's kitchen. Contains tiny replica vermin inside. | Reproducción a escala del congelador en la cocina de la Torre Bellavista. ¡La comida que hay dentro es de mentira! | Scale reproduction of the freezer in the Overlook Tower kitchen. The food inside is fake! |
What do collecting all music and fixing all holes have in common? This trophy! And this guy! You've done it all, Mario! | Este trofeo no solo deja clara tu pasión desmesurada por la música; también prueba que odias los agujeros. ¡Bravo! | This trophy not only makes clear your excessive passion for music; it also proves you hate holes. Bravo! |
You can't stomp them when they're safe in a shoe, but a defeated one will drop boots, so get to shoe collecting. | El zapato lo protege de pisotones indeseados, pero al menos te pondrás las botas si lo derrotas... literalmente. | The shoe protects him from unwanted stomping, but at least you'll put your boots on if you defeat him... literally. |
They hide in tall grass, only to fly out all abuzz like it's some kind of sting operation. | Se esconde entre el pastizal y sale zumbando como un loco con el único fin de molestar. | He hides in the pasture and comes buzzing like a madman for the sole purpose of annoying. |
Always energetic and ready to roll, these hot-spring aficionados favor team tackles. | Siempre tiene energía para dar y tomar, aunque prefiere luchar en equipo. Dato irrelevante: le gusta el agua termal. | He always has energy to give and take, although he prefers to fight as a team. Irrelevant fact: he likes hot water. |
Notable for their large spike. They're not fun to step on, so do yourself a favor and pull out the ol' hammer. | Destaca por su enorme y puntiagudo pico. Ni se te ocurra pisarlo; usa tu martillo para evitar una tragedia. | Distinguished by its huge and sharp spike. Don't even think about stepping on it; use your hammer to avoid a tragedy. |
Battle audience
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Is that a chestnut? | Ya me dio hambre... | I'm already hungry... |
They keep coming right back! | ¡Que el ritmo no pare! | Don't let the rhythm stop! |
Restroom trips must be tricky. | No sé si reírme o llorar. | I don't know whether to laugh or cry. |
How SHOCKING! Get it? | ¡Un combate electrizante! Ja, qué risa. | An electrifying fight! Ha, what a laugh. |
A sneak attack?! | El elemento sorpresa. | The element of surprise. |
I call this Roshambo. | ¿Alguien me explica las reglas? | Can anyone explain the rules to me? |
Wow! Art supplies! | ¡Esto parece clase de artes! | This looks like art class! |
Slam that art snob! | ¡Ciérrale la boca!... ¡Digo, la tapa! | Shut his mouth!... I mean, the lid! |
Yeesh. Nightmare fuel. | Uf, qué escalofriante... ¡Me encanta! | Ugh, how spooky... I love it! |
Eww, it's all floppy... | Puaj, parece un flan de goma... | Yuck, it looks like a rubber flan... |
English | Spanish | Spanish translation |
Manhole Hook | Llave de alcantarilla | Sewer Key (I guess this kind of looks like a key? ![]() |
Overall, I was really impressed with the quality of this translation! While the main story is kept the same, there are a bunch of smaller jokes that are translated to fit the language better. The new Sensor Lab dialogue is probably my favorite part, but there are a lot of points where they'll add to a joke from the English version to make it funnier. There are only two errors I've found, which is surprisingly few for a game with so much dialogue.