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Who's online: BMfan08, Dm0870510, RedBFDINintendoFan, Sybmir, Mario jc, Doc von Schmeltwick, TheNKMaster18, Superstar.Lucas100!, Axii, Zaku, Nintendo101 05:27
IntroductionHey hey, this is Jackpot Games, Consoles and CommentsHere I'm listing the consoles I own, the Mario games I have on them, comments and a completion check. The following comments are based on my personal opinion, so to another gamer, it might be a different story. I suggest, if you want a game or console, don't hesitate buying it because of others. Just get it. Reviews are only there as a guidance, nothing more.
Wii UHigh Definition is awesome, the GamePad is OUTSTANDING, Miiverse is ingenious.... is there anything to fault about this mega machine? Are you still deciding to get one? JUST GET ONE and you won't be disappointed! While some of you overly critical gamers might suggest it isn't next-gen, ask yourselves this. What major leap did the PS3 have over the PS2? Prettier graphics and smoother online. What major leap does the Wii U have over the Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360? New gameplay mechanics, Near Field Communication, a social network just for gaming, prettier graphics, up to 5 (or 6) multi-player experiences, many awesome 3rd party exclusive titles (even though Nintendo's titles would be enough) and MANY MORE. Unfortunately, Wii U, like Wii, is one of those things which you have to experience to admire. Be wise and save up for this 8th gen gem!
Nintendo 3DSSimply the best of Nintendo to date. 3 dimensions, 3D video and camera, circle pad, updates, internet, eShop, touchscreen, mic (placed in a better position), graphics, Street and SpotPass, friend list... the list is endless! A totally new and revamped handheld actually puts the DSi to shame. I got this as soon as it came out thus meaning I was part of the Ambassador Program which was an extra plus. Any and every gamer must get this.
WiiThe Wii, although my favourite home console, is not my favourite console as a whole. I'm not quite sure, I just prefer handhelds I guess. I got it as soon as it came out. Don't get me wrong, although not being my overall favourite, it does have better games than the handhelds. I go on it at least twice a week to do the community polls, judge some Miis and watch the occasional Nintendo Network video. Although on weekends and holidays I try to fit in an hour or two of gaming. On the whole though, I don't regret one bit getting this revolution in gaming tech.
Nintendo DS (Lite)The one and only DS is just awesome. I never managed to get the DSi or XL but the original and Lite are both mine, although I sold the original to get the Lite, which to this day I regret. Nintendo were very right by stating that double the screens meant double the fun! Having said this, the only good games that came out on this gem were Mario, Pokémon and LEGO© series games. This was probably due to the fact that graphics were considerably poor. But this still doesn't get in the way of the touchscreen, mic and overall uniqueness.
Virtual ConsoleThese old fashioned games don't mean much to me as I never played them when I was young. I'm used to the newer, better graphic games. The only Virtual Console games I will ever get will be because they're free (or because they're simply must-get classics). Even so I will still list and comment about them although I will only rate these games out of five as none of them would exceed this.
Other Info About Me And My LikesGamingNintendo is by far my favourite gaming company because, in my opinion, they have the most experience since they've been around at the beginning of the video game industry. I was born in 1999 so I don't know much about PANASONIC© and SEGA©. But I do know quite a bit about SONY© and MICROSOFT©. Here are my opinions about the last two together with Nintendo.
In my opinion, Nintendo are awesome! They tend to go for games which are non-violent but fun at the same time. Their consoles are complex yet well thought out. They focus on gameplay, and for me, gameplay is very important as your experience has to be enjoyable, not depressing like all those 16/18+ FPS games. Also, Nintendo are owners of some of the greatest and most successful game series in history, an example is our long time favourite: Mario. Unfortunately and fortunately, Nintendo is moving to suite a wider variety of gamers (Wii U is the prime example), so 16/18+ death games are slowly making their way on to them. So long as Nintendo continue making first party games though, I'm more than fine!
I hope no true Sony lover will read this, but then again it's a chance for them to gain fresh ideas. Always in my personal opinion, Sony are truly copycats of Nintendo. The PS Move is a poor version of the Wii. I mean c'mon, synchronization is needed after every game mode you choose. The PS Vita is no better. We all know where the touchscreen came from, and the fact that it can act like a second screen for the PS4 like the Wii U was designed is just a huge slap in the face. I'm not telling Sony not to utilize the latest tech, but just not to copy. For example, their touchpanel was a nice touch (get it), and the Xbox SmartGlass is a good alternative to second screen gameplay. Apart from this, the selection of games for consoles is very narrow. You barely see a decent 3, 7 or 12+ game for sale. Just first person shooters, first (and third) person shooters everywhere. And the odd sports title I suppose. Overall, Sony is my least favourite company from the 3 ,although please note this doesn't include all their other non-gaming products.
Microsoft isn't as bad as Sony although their selection of games and gameplay certainly is no better. They're not as bad as they're not hot on the pace of creating new consoles and advertising them, they're not copycats and, let's face it, if it wasn't for Microsoft, gaming wouldn't be as good as it is today. I don't really have much against them, after all my first ever console was the original XBOX. So as quickly as I started my criticism for them I'm going to end it. TV, Movies and MusicOver here I will talk about my favourite programs, movies and music. I will not talk about Mario cartoons or movies (not really my favourites) so if you're here to read about them, I suggest you skip this paragraph. First up is television.
I basically watch three channels on the telly; Discovery Science©, Disney XD©,Cartoon Network© and Ginx TV©. Apart from theThe Gadget Show©,I can't really tell you any other names of the shows I watch on Discovery Science, but I can tell you the genre: astronomy. Apart from Mario, astronomy is my favourite academic subject. That's why I just love Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Going on to XD, I like seeing Avengers© and Zeke and Luther©. Finally turning to just animation on Cartoon Network, my favourite shows are Battle Force 5©, Batman©, Young Justice© and my all time favourite, Star Wars: The Clone Wars©! Ginx TV, the world's only international video game dedicated channel needs no introduction as to why I watch it. As you can see my interests are mainly based around tech, astronomy and video games.
There are so many new movies coming out that its almost impossible to list all my favourite ones. Having said this, there is a dead series which I used to love: The Star Wars Saga©. But what I can tell you is my favourite genre: comedy. Anything with a sense of good, clean humour goes down well for me. Today's music is very mixed up. It seems the most popular songs have a real catchy beat and tune, but horrible lyrics. I mean, for MTV© to view songs, they have re-edit them to chop off all the swear and/or crude words; that's assuming it's possible to do so as there there are some songs with whole paragraphs of just plain non-sense. My favourite band is probably Coldplay© although they've been a bit too relaxed recently. 30 seconds to Mars© isn't that bad and Bruno Mars as well. (It's a coincidence for both of them to have Mars in their name). That's about it, although if there's a song out there which is not full of bad lyrics, I will probably like it. Apart from these types of music, I love video game music, especially from the Super Mario Galaxy series (what a surprise). And I'm not that bad at humming them either. Sports and HobbiesAs like the movies section above, there are lots of sports around but in Malta they're abit limited although quite varied. The country's main sport is football but there are other near rivals such as water polo, horse riding, tennis and golf. Funnily enough I never played any of these apart from football. I used to also do karate! Although my current sport is squash. Click the link for a full explanation of the latter. I am currently the second best U13 and U15 squash player in Malta, no joke! As for hobbies, (apart from gaming), I like table tennis, drama and singing (definitely not dance!), piano, arts and crafts and obviously editing articles! I play table tennis at my dutrina (where we learn about the Bible), drama and singing at Masquerade and piano lessons with a private tutor. I used to be a part of my Naxxar parish choir, and I also used to attend arts and crafts lessons at Art Academy. But when my voice broke, I had to stop singing, and when I couldn't handle O'Level preparation in Art, I stopped that as well. The Knowledge SectorIn this section of my userpage, I will be teaching those patient learners about two of my favourite subjects: Astronomy and my native language Maltese. The knowledge I'm about to share with you should be treated as info on WIKIPEDIA©, mistakes are guaranteed as this is only written by one person. But still, if you're bored and what to feel as if you're doing something useful with your time, please read on... AstronomyAstronomy is a vast subject, so vast it puts all other subjects to shame by how little information they can provide. This is why astronomers study different sectors and features of space. Some examples are our Solar System, suns and their planets, asteroids and comets, black holes, E.T., galaxies, Magellanic Clouds, matter... the list never ends. Over here I'll just give small briefings about our solar system, suns and planets and distant galaxies.
The 8 main planets are split up into two further groups, the Rocky or Inner Planets and the Gas or Outer Giants. The Inner Planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The Rockies are made up of rock and other solids and a core as it name implies. They have few if no moons at all and are all before the Asteroid Belt which separates the two sets of planets. The Gas Planets are not made of rock, but rather gases and a core. These planets all have rings, are all way larger than the Rockies combined and all have a substantial amount of satellites. Beyond the Gassies is another belt similar to the Asteroid Belt named the Kuiper Belt. In here we find not only asteroids and Dwarf Planets such as Pluto, but also comets. Beyond here is the Oort Cloud which separates our Solar System from Interstellar Space.
This is where my miniscule space tour will end. I hope you enjoyed it and will continue doing research on this most perplexing and vast subject! If you would like to know anything else, some question or query about this subject, don't hesitate to ask me on my talk page. I will be more than happy to answer you :-) Maltese LanguageHere I will be teaching you the basics of my native language Maltese. Here are a few interesting facts about it before we actually start. Maltese is only spoken in the Maltese Islands; that is Malta and Gozo; the other 4 are uninhabitable. We use Roman characters to write our letters but we pronounce them like the Arabs do, meaning Maltese is Semitic, although we have a handful of words coming from English and Italian. That's about it. Now lets go on to actually learning the language.
Gh and Ie are not typos. They're two letters put together to form one single letter. So in a Maltese crossword, you fill in Gh and Ie in one box and not two separate ones.
For further info just simply talk to me on my chat page and get all the answers you need. For those who really want to learn Maltese (or even English!!), Malta is the place for you to learn. With sun shining 24/7 and some of the best beaches in Europe, coming here is more of a holiday than a language course! MarioWiki: What I Do
I'll say it from now, I'm not here to reach Adminship and I'm not here to have fun. While Mainspace edits are seen rarely from me, I normally go for answering Talk Page Proposals and queries. Got a problem? Just ask me, it's what I've decided to do on this Wiki! Due to my many warnings, Mainspace edits are not for me anymore; one more warning and I'm out of here. I also prefer answering Namespace edits and tweaking up my profile. I'm reasonably good at wiki codes and tricks as can be seen on this here profile, so if it's technical problems you have, ask me as well. I'm not a patroller, sysop or any of those fancy titles. Only Autoconfirmed, so there will be certain things I just can't help you with. But otherwise, I can be just as helpful. These are my "goals" on this wiki, even though they might seem odd to another fellow editor. FriendsMy (very few) friends. If you want to be friends, first we've got to talk in some way, like through talk pages and such about mainspace topics. This way I get to very briefly know you since I don't really believe in just asking to be friends and never talking again.
Other WikisThe following is a list of all other wikis I have an account on. Since MarioWiki was my first home in the Wiki world, consider this as my main profile. My other sub-profiles are found only on Icaruspedia and Game & Watch Wiki. My list is split in three, the top being of most importance, the lower being of some importance and the final being of almost no importance at all, more for contacting other users than anything else.
GalleryHere I will be showing various pictures allocated to different themes. Once again, these are based on my opinion so any offense is purely coincidental and unintended. I also have a video made by myself for your personal enjoyment. VideosThis video will look very familiar to fellow MarioWiki users, especially those interested in gifs. such as myself. Turn up your music and switch off the tune I left on the top of the page if you have that on. My 14 Favourite Mario CharactersHere's a list of my favourite characters in the Marioverse. They're numbered in order of favouritism.
My 7 favourite MK ItemsHere's a list of my 7 favourite items in the Mario Kart series. They're numbered as in the first gallery.
My 7 favourite Nintendo CharactersHere's a list of my favourite Nintendo characters excluding the Yoshi, DK, Wario and Super Mario series. They're numbered as in the first gallery.
My 7 Weird PicturesHere's the seven weirdest pictures Nintendo came out with throughout the years in the Marioverse. They're not numbered as they're all equally ugly.
My 4 Favourite ConsolesHere are 4 pictures of some of my favourite Nintendo (and overall) consoles, coupled with my favourite peripherals. They're all equally great but I put them in oreder of favouritism from left to right.
Some Cool Animated gifs.I just love these animated gifs. I've littered my userpage so much with them, this section had to be made! Enjoy!