Assist Trophy

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The Assist Trophy.

The Assist Trophy is an item in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This is unique, as it will call forth a random character to assist the player who used the item, similiar to the Poké Ball item. This is unique in the fact that, the character released is from an actual Nintendo or 3rd Party series, but can't be playable. So, it will introduce characters who couldn't make the cut as playable fighters. Almost all characters that come out of the Assist Trophy will be invincible. At this moment, twenty one characters have been confirmed, with more to be revealed.

List of Assist Characters

Name Description
Advance Wars Some 2D sprites from the Advance Wars series will appear in the scenery to attack the rival. Confirmed in the October Nintendo event, in this video.
Andross in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Andross Andross, the main villain from the Star Fox series (his appearance based off his original depiction) appears from the Assist Trophy, and, floating in the background of a stage, will inhale and spit forth a flurry of harmful polygons that damage characters. This is based on his main attack in the original Star Fox.
(Demon in Europe)
The devil is from Devil World, a game unreleased in America. When released from the Assist Trophy, he moves the stage outside the screen. The players will only be able to move within the visible screen and will lose a life if they go off the screen at any point.
Dr. Wright Dr. Wright from Sim City appears and attacks opponents by building large skyscrapers beneath them, sending them flying upwards. The attack is executed right in front of Dr. Wright and the vertical range is very high, so fighters should run away immediately after he is released.
Excitebikes in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Excitebike A group of Excitebikers, appearing in their original 8-Bit form, drive across the stage, dragging players along with them, eventually driving off screen with the players caught.
Gray Fox Gray Fox, from the Metal Gear series, slices his opponents with his sword, causing heavy damage. He also deflects projectiles.
Hammer Bro in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Hammer Bro. A Hammer Bro. appears on the stage and throws a hammer at opponents. It can jump up and throw them in midair and it can alsothrow hammers while on the ground.
Knuckle Joe in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Knuckle Joe Knuckle Joe from the Kirby series, will use the Vulcan Jab on all other players, and then finish off with either Smash Punch, or Rising Break.
Jill Jill from Drill Dozer charges at opponents in her driller. Confirmed in the October Nintendo event, in this video.
Lakitu Lakitu, appearing in his 8-Bit Super Mario Bros. form, tosses Spinies, who are also in 8-Bit form, onto the ground, which damage players on contact.
Little Mac in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Little Mac Coming from the game Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, when Little Mac appears, he will continue to punch the opposing player closest to him. He then finishes with a powerful uppercut move.
Lyn Lyn enters from Fire Emblem (GBA), the very first Fire Emblem released worldwide. When released, she charges her sword, then disappears, and reappears near an opposing players, slashing them at alarming speeds. Could be considered as a faster version of Samurai Goroh.
No Image
Metroid A Metroid from the series of the same name will latch onto the nearest opponent, and suck their health away like a leech.
Pikachu and Kirby are tired by Mr. Resetti's lecture.
Mr. Resetti Mr. Resetti is a character from the Animal Crossing series. When he is released, he simply stands in one spot, and lectures the players through a speech bubble.
Nintendog A giant Nintendog from the game Nintendogs block the players' views by covering the whole screen causing great distraction.
Saki Amamiya in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Saki Amamiya Saki Amamiya from Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Earth, will appear, and use his Cannon Sword to shoot and slash his opponents. He can jump and shoot as well, and acts as very hard to avoid.
Samurai Goroh Samurai Goroh from the F-Zero series appears and slashes away at the fighters with his katana. This is only limited to a horizontal direction, so fighters should jump on a high platform.
Starfy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Stafy Stafy, from the Japan-only Densetsu no Stafy series, appears as a vulnerable Assist Trophy. Stafy will perform his spin attack on an opponent if he has the chance. However, fighters can easily attack him and send him flying.
Waluigi in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Waluigi Waluigi chases after a selected foe, kicks him/her into the ground and finally, he does one final power kick, or hits the player with his racket.

Super Smash Bros. Melee Trophy Information

Trophy Information for Andross

Star Fox's archenemy. Whether it's a metallic manifestation of Andross or just a hologram is unknown, but from its outward appearance, it's safe to assume that it's not the fiend's true form. Andross occasionally sucks matter in and then violently exhales, sending out a cloud of metal tiles. Its eyes are its weak points.

Trophy Information for Dr. Wright

The assistant to the mayor of Sim City, Dr. Wright was actually named after the creator of the game. As a player, you'd have to use your wisdom and experience to give timely advice to the mayor; if you did a good job, the city prospered. Dr. Wright is one of the leaders in the all-time, bizarre Nintendo-game-hairstyle contest.

Trophy Information for Excitebike

This top-of-the-line motocross motorcycle can accelerate like crazy with its turbo, but this also causes the temperature gauge to rise rapidly; if used too often, the bike will overheat. You can cool your hot bike down by running over special icons scattered across the track. The turbo and ramps let you pull insane airs.

Trophy Information for Lakitu

These airborne menaces used to ride their clouds exclusively as Bowser's henchmen. They typically hover just out of Mario's reach and hurl Spinies with irritating precision. More recently, however, they've been known to take on less evil tasks, such as doing camera work for sports events and even helping Mario on his quests.

Trophy Information for Metroid

A parasitic life form that can absorb all types of energy, Metroids have strong resistance to most conventional weaponry. To defeat them, Samus Aran had to freeze them with Ice Beam shots and then blast them with missiles. Mochtroids, which look like Metroids, are weaker, with fewer internal nuclei.

Trophy Information for Mr. Resetti

Prepare to receive a really long talking-to if you reset this game: the next time you play, Mr. Resetti will be waiting to deliver his best scolding. No matter what your intentions are, pressing the RESET Button will bring you face-to-face with this fervent character. Sometimes the only way to shut him up is to apologize.

Trophy Information for Samurai Goroh

A rival bounty hunter, Samuarai Goroh has crossed paths with Captain Falcon in many a dark corner of the universe. He also goes head-to-head with Falcon in F-Zero races, so the threads of their fates seem to be deeply intertwined. Samurai Goroh is famous for his katana, and his signature T-shirt is instantly recognizable.

Trophy Information for Waluigi

This tall, thin, evil-looking guy seems to be Luigi's rival. He works hard at his mischief: Waluigi reportedly spent a lot of time training for his debut in Mario Tennis by honing his ability to antagonize the Mario brothers. While it's general knowledge that he's the same age as Luigi, his relationship to Wario is unclear.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Trophy Information

Trophy Information for Andross

A brilliant scientist formerly employed by the Cornerian Army. He took his research too far, and the disastrous results labeled him a Level 1 offender, resulting in this banishment to the nearby Planet Venom. After building a base and declaring himself emperor, he swore he would rule the Lylat system. Thanks to Team Star Fox's heroism, the madman has yet to achieve this.

Assist Trophy Artwork

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