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Super Mario is one of the greatest games in history, a Lifetime fan of the games I hope to be part of a great knowlage base, for all things Mario as well as meet people who share my passion for the games, everything you need is here and after much browsing I have decided to join the koopa troop knowlage base, also known as the Super Mario Wiki.
My favorite character.
- Fawful.jpg
All hail Fawful.
My favorite Villains. (NOT in order, except for the FIRST 4.)
I also had to limit my favorite Villains to 20, a hard thing to do, but I think I did well for it.
- Thwomp Orb2.JPG
1. Thwomp, how can you not like him. - MP8 DryBones.jpg
2. Drybones is the ultimate bag of bones, but has shown to be a good racer. - BowserSMG.jpg
3. Big bad Bowser, come on now, without him there would be no villains, grade A evil all the way, but also lovable. - Piranha Plant.JPG
- MP8 Blooper.jpg
- NSMB HammerBrother.jpg
9. Classic and annoying villains, because of frustration whenever they appear they get into my favorites. - Shyguy 1134306477.jpg
10. One of the best Mario villains ever, just what is under that mask? - NSMBBulletbill.jpg
11. Bullet bill made many a gamer weap, and don't we love it. - Goomba.PNG
12. The backbone of the Koopa Army however they can be beaten easily. - MP8 Birdo.jpg
13. Fires eggs, what more could you want? - Cheep Cheep.jpg
15. Just like the blooper these guys can be a pain - Kamekkoopamagickblurpartsmg.PNG
16. Just like Bowser, Kamek is grade A evil - Bob omb.jpg
17. Its a bomb with legs and one bad temper. - MPAmontymole.jpg
18. This mole is one big pain, you never know when he will strike.