This is about the Mariowiki user. For the late Luigi see Luigi. For this users clone see user:LuigiDude17
- “It's a me, Luigidude! Sorry, I am no longer that active on this wiki!”
- —Super Mario Wiki
Yello! It's a me! Luigi Dude! I a love all things Luigi!
Why did the year of Luigi have to end, I ask?
If makes me as sad as a sandwich with no mjstard.
So here's my story! I am a Luiginoid, who, during Mario & Luigi: Dream team, somehow found my way to the earth! Then one day, while I was battling a dog, a Mariowiki user came to me and told me about Mariowiki. So, I joined. Personality wise, I am the oppisite of Luigi. I am heroic and have had skills!When Luigi tragically got hurt in a Mario Kart 7 race, I filled in Mario Kart 8 and Invented the Luigi Death stare.
This user is a fan of the
Mario AND Luigi
This user also likes Super Paper Mario! (Do you know why?...
This users Pikipdia account is PikPik18
I made this page: Prisma Cardware