The 'Shroom:Fake News Talk Archive
Signup ends in on July 5th
Ask Merlee (Taken)
People ask Merlee Question and she answeres them in ryhmes.
Fake Media Section
Fake Games
Think up 1 - 2 Crazy games for the Wii/DS
- --MarioBros777 06:59, 2 July 2007 (EDT)
- -- Shrooby
I love to creat Boxarts!
Fake Music(taken)
Think up 1 - 2 Crazy CDs and music, also songs inside the CDs, and lyrics are optional.
Fake TV
1 - 2 fake TV shows.
As a suggestion, I thought maybe I could try Mario version of horroscopes. Toa Waluigi 10:49, 1 July 2007 (EDT)
WHen I do fake games can I do something other than Mario Related or not? --MarioBros777 07:01, 2 July 2007 (EDT)
It should be related to Mario... or one of his branches, but you can't go TOO far out on this one.SaudyTalk!
I`m too late...
But can I be an interviewer?. I have great ideas in the interviews.
- Um, whoever you are..that job is taken.
- ! And fake news or something?
Can I be on the fake news team? I'll take any of the jobs(But maybe not cooking...) Maybe ads, or images... ~Uniju(T-C-E)