User talk:Xzelion
oh nothe external link thingy won't work for mr, I tested it with a picture of a glass of chocolate milk, all it did was put a the writting it's self in light blue text that took you to wikipedia (which was where I uploaded it from) I mage file. Super mallow 12:58, 9 May 2007 (EDT) nopeit still don't work Please tell me what I'm doing wrong, I have no idea what I'm suposed to type when I copy and paste it just comes up with a link to the image file, and why did you type wikimedia you've just completley lost me. Super mallow 13:13, 9 May 2007 (EDT) problemthe only places I could do external links are on wikis if I upload an image on a wiki it will probably be deleted Super mallow 14:21, 9 May 2007 (EDT) Message for your brotherCan you please tell your brother SPL to come see his message?Cuz I sent him one.F g NamePlease dont change your name.F g uuuuuuhhhhhare you and SPL actualy biological brothers? and also you're a good friend, perhaps one of the only friends I've had in a while, I have no friends at shool that are around, you along with dry bones and plumber are the only friends I have Super mallow 16:14, 10 May 2007 (EDT) I wish there was some help I could give you. StoryAm I in any of your chapters?F g Nothin much and Im glad you asked because I never liked thursdays.F g Umm...Lets say that whenever we're on thursdays it makes me think that day is friday which isn't true,you got me now?F g Yeah and...normally I just come here everyday and see whats new and whats up with you guys=DF g My name parents dont like me giving out personal information but it is FabF g I dont quite remember but it was around december 6-8 2006 but I have been here before the date I joined.F g Anyway what is your real name?F g Oh and did I tell you this before?What state do you live in?F g Sure but I've got 10 minutes=(F g MaxOh. That's right, he has to wait 'till this evening. I have a couple things to do; will be there in 30 min. WIIIIIIIII!!!! BRB, Gotta sign myself uf for EVERYTHING! WEEHA! Max2 (talk) GIFsSWEET MOMMA! NOW THOSE ARE SPRITES! I'LL GET RIGHT ON IT! Here: If only Waluigi had sprites like that.... Top of Excess Express would be FTW in Brawl. Wind blowing everywhere, and so. I think I'm a bit late in asking this butwhat's a sig Super mallow 03:54, 12 May 2007 (EDT) how tohow do I colour my user boxes? Super mallow 06:11, 12 May 2007 (EDT) AWESOME COMIC!!! The MissingLink StoryChapter 3 is done.--Toa Waluigi 15:44, 12 May 2007 (EDT) Sorry, forgot to ask. So what powers do you want?--Toa Waluigi 15:52, 12 May 2007 (EDT) SpritesSorry about the late response, I'm going inactive. I do like them. ComicWhere can I sign up on your comic?F g ArchiveHey
Thanks for sending me advice! Oh and can you help me out by telling me how to make one of theese.--------------------> Thanks in advance, Princess Birdo *Sniff* |