Banjo is a honey loving bear and friend of Diddy Kong.
Banjo is one of many friends that Diddy Kong contacts via Squawks the Parrot in Diddy Kong Racing. He helps Diddy free Timber Island from the evil Wizpig. In Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo has low acceleration and high top speed. Banjo also has below average handling.
After Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo joined up with his friend, Kazooie, with whom he has gone on several adventures with, in their own Banjo-Kazooie spin-off series. In this he saved his sister from the evil which Gruntilda Winkibunuion. After deafeting her she then was ressurected by her two sisters Banjo once again deafeated her. Unfortunately Banjo will not star on a Nintendo console ever again because the company Rare was purchased by Microsoft.
- In Diddy Kong Racing DS, Banjo was replaced by Tiny Kong as a playable character.
- While Banjo was not in Diddy Kong Racing DS, if the player listens in the selection screen theme he or she can still hear Banjo and Conker's themes play in the background.