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Who Am I?

Good question. I'm an artist who is illiterate in what he writes. So much so that, if you find a grammar mistake in ANYTHING on this page, you get a free commission from my Deviantart page ok?

I'm also about to become a college student in Graphics Design and i hope to go on to do a university course in College of Graphics Design. That doesn't mean i don't draw stuff on paper, i do, just not often. I also own a Nintendo 3DS in (the now rare in Japan) Flame Red, and i always have it right next to me. If you want to add me, then find me on some other site. This is a wiki, not a forum.

I Live in the United Kingdom and proud of it. I care for my country, and i respect that. If you attempt to talk to me, i'm normally ok with that. ok? That does mean i'm a bit high strung at times and you can probably find me on My Youtube asking trolls to spell correctly. I also drink lots of Tea and Coffee.

Why I Love The Mario Series

I have to confess, i wasn't brought up on Nintendo Games in any way. My first experience was a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) in 2003, back when i was 6 and it was my second console i ever had. The first being the Playstation One. My First Handheld was the Gameboy Colour, and that's when i fell in love with Nintendo. If Nintendo did anything well, it was Handheld games consoles. That probably explains why the Nintendo DS is the best-selling console ever, overtaking the PS2 by 1 unit in March 2013.

My First Mario Game was the original Super Mario Bros. (in which i completed 700 hours later), then Super Mario 64 (i have yet to complete that), then Mario Kart DS. That also means i owned a Nintendo DS, but for only 6 months. It's complicated to explain that particular loss. I then moved onto the Wii, then fell in love with Super Mario Galaxy and it's sequel.

Gaming Habits

I regularly Play Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7to ease my stress i have the home and i'm normally in a good mood for online races. I even do live races every fortnight on Youtube as part of a Show called Karts 'n Towers. The newest Game I currently Own is Luigi's Mansion 2 (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon to you North Americans!), and i'm getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins in July.

Am I full Of Pointless Facts

Yes, Yes I Am. I collect a factual book series written by Mitchell Symons, who writes fact books with a groos nature as a book title, such as "How Much Poo Does An Elephant Do?" and "Why Do Farts Smell Like Rotten Eggs?". He releases one every year and i have one more to collect to complet my collection. Kinda.