Sweet Super Candy Galaxy

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SuperCandy Emblem.png

Icon of an item from Paper Mario Hi, welcome to the Super Candy Galaxy :) Icon of an item from Paper Mario

Who's online: BMfan08, Setta3434, ZanyDragon, Super Mario RPG, Apikachu68, DesaMatt, Sorbetti, Hope(N Forever), Bryan1008, CyonOfGaia, Zootalo, Drake Inferno, DK Fan, Topchef5050, Chikorita Lover, DarkFireYoshi, Kingrs, Raffina Higashikata, DontUnderstand, Toadscramblob, BF10, Nintendo101, Shadow2, Sparks, Wonder Time!, CarlosYoshiBoi, BowserDukes38, PopitTart, SailorTrish08, Mario jc, Daisy4Days, Onegonzalo

Useful Sweet Pages

Icon of an item from Paper Mario User Page Icon of an item from Super Paper Mario Talk Page Icon of an item from Super Paper Mario My Sig Icon of an item from Super Paper Mario Personal Message Icon of an item from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Contributions Icon of an item from Super Paper Mario Candy Shop

About Me


Well, I'm a Geek girl, my favorite color is Pink oh seriously?, I love candies, chocolates, cakes, and every sweet things, I like to draw, make videos in Sony Vegas, listen music, make Flash digital games, play Video Games (duh), make FanFics, watch animes and make stupid things, sometimes. :) I have a twin sister, and she has a account in this wiki too! :3 In Super Mario Wiki, I'm the boss in my shop, worker in Razzoom's Friendz Shop, professional confectioner. In real world, I'm a Web Designer and a HTML Master, with my sister. :)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Local: I won't tell you, before you hate me.
Birthday: 20th, February
Favorite Series: Super Mario; Soul Calibur; Bayonetta; Alice: Madness Returns; Assassin's Creed; Call of Duty; Medal of Honor; Battlefield; FarCry blah blah blah
Joined in wiki: 24th, August 2011.

My Favorite Characters

Icon of an item from Paper Mario Peach

Icon of an item from Paper Mario Daisy

Icon of an item from Paper Mario Rosalina

Icon of an item from Paper Mario White Mage


If you wanna be my dear friend, please tell me here and take this code to put in your userbox:

2013 UserBox!
SuperCandy Emblem.png
{{userboxp|border=#DC143C|mainbkgd=#DDA0DD|codebkgd=#f783b5|codecolor=black|code=[[File:SuperCandy Emblem.png|50px]]|msg=This user is a sweet friends of [[User:Super Candy|Super Candy]].}}

My Friends

My little Gifts earned

My Candy Shop

Here are my sweet Candies, you will earn some when you make a friend request to me! Choose your candy(ies)!

I have a Shop in Sweet Sweet Galaxy, there you can find some delicious and colorful candies, lollipops, cakes, juices, choco bars and so much more!

5 coins (each)
Icon of an item from Paper Mario Icon of an item from Paper Mario Icon of an item from Paper Mario Icon of an item from Paper Mario File:Popscicle.PNG Candy Cane sprite
5 coins (each)
Icon of an item from Paper Mario Icon of an item from Paper Mario File:CandyGreen.PNG Icon of an item from Paper Mario File:CandyYellow.PNG File:CandyRed.PNG
3 coins (each)
File:SweetChoco-bar SPM.png File:GoldenChoco-bar SPM.png File:ShroomChoco-bar SPM.png File:ChocolateCake SPM.png File:SweetCookieSnackTTYD.PNG File:SpaceFood SPM.png File:LovelyChocolate SPM.png
15 coins (each)
File:DinnerZess.PNG File:SpecialZessT.PNG File:DeluxeZess.PNG File:OmletteTTYD.PNG File:PastaKoopa.PNG* File:SpagettiTTYD.PNG File:PastaSpicy.PNG File:ChocoPastaDish SPM.png File:LoveNoodleDish SPM.png
Diet Recipes
10 coins (each)
File:HealthySaladTTYD.PNG File:KoopaPilaf SPM.png* File:FruityPunch SPM.png File:Fruit parfait.PNG File:DelightMango.PNG
15 coins (each)
File:MangoJuice SPM.png File:PeachJuice SPM.png File:SkyJuice SPM.png File:WarmCocoa SPM.png File:MixedShake SPM.png File:SnowCone SPM.png File:JuiceThatsFresh.PNG File:TastyTonicTTYD.PNG File:Zess TEA.PNG File:KoopaTea SPM.png* File:HerbTea SPM.png File:DayzeeSyrup SPM.png File:StaminaJuice SPM.png
30 coins (each)
File:BerrySnowBunny SPM.png File:SnowBunny SPM.png File:CouplesCake SPM.png File:GingerbreadHouse SPM.png File:HeartfulCake SPM.png File:MeteorMeal SPM.png File:PeachTartTTYD.PNG File:ShroomCakeTTYD.PNG File:LovePudding SPM.png File:FruityCake SPM.png File:DyllisBreakfast SPM.png File:HorsetailTart SPM.png
20 coins (each)
File:SpicySoup SPM.png File:SapSoup SPM.png File:InkySoup SPM.png File:WMOD FancyRamenNoodleSoup.gif File:WMOD StringTheorySoup.gif Icon of an item from Paper Mario
5 coins (each)
File:AwesomeSnack SPM.png File:RedApple SPM.png

*50% Off for Koopas.

Workers of Super Candy's Shop

When you are a worker, you receives this code:

File:GingerbreadHouse SPM.png

In this shop, you have a job (duh). Here's the jobs list:
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Seller (new!)
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Waiter (new!)
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Cook (new!)
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Security's shop
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Ingredients collector
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Menu's counselor
File:Vibe Tea.PNG Taste Tester

More jobs coming soon! (If you have an idea, please tell me :D)

Let's check my cute workers:

Endless Vibe SmartYoshi - Security's shop.
Endless Vibe ShellMario - Ex-security against the little kid, was fired, October 14th 2012.
Endless Vibe World10 - Ingredients collector.
Endless Vibe YoshiCookie - Menu's counselor.
Endless Vibe The Amazing Luigi - The Taste Tester.
Endless Vibe Kelton2 - Security's shop.
Endless Vibe Megadardery - Menu's counselor.
Endless Vibe Razzoom - Waiter.

Super Candy Shop's Ingredients

More come soon!

Battle Status

I join in Battles, my first battle was against Master Bowser Jr. and Electrical Bowser jr., with my partner, Razzoom.

Bye, Sweet Super Mario fan!

A candy for you! ^-^/
Super Candy :3 (talk) Icon of an item from Paper Mario Super Candy Icon of an item from Paper Mario

style="Template:Radius; border:1px dashed #A0522D; "|Emergency Security



Shop Address: Sweet Sweet Galaxy via Hungry Luma in Terrace, Mushroom Kingdom and Super Candy Planet, next to Comet Observatory.
Shop Phone: (:3) S337-S337 (Yes, there's a "S" in my phone number LOL)
Website: www.supercandy.com
E-mail: supercandy@sweetcake.com

Super Candy Company, Candy ltda.