Red-CyanToad's Userbox Tower
This user is SUPER HYPER ULTRA BEST friends with Toad'ShyGuy.
This User is friends with RandomYoshi. This User's randomness was raised by π.
This user is friends with yellow
This user is freindz with CatJedi and is strong in the force!
This user is friends with MushroomMan3. This user is friends with Red-CyanToad on the Super Mario Wiki.
This user wants to race you in Mario Kart 7! His community code is 09-9471-4746-1988.
This user is a Toad.
This user owns a Wii.
Deze gebruiker spreekt Nederlands als moedertaal.
Deze gebruiker accepteert de Nederlandse taal op zijn overleg. This user accepts the Dutch language on his talk.
This user knows Yoshi's insides are bigger as his outsides.
...he is in outer space.
The Mariowiki has 30,675 articles.
This userbox is almost touching The Toad Group Members userboxtower.
A little more..
This userboxtower needs more userboxes.
This page got 9 Toad emblems.
Got it!
This user loves the Fun Section of the 'Shroom.
This user has been known to steal user boxes without permission. In fact, he stole this one from someone that stole this one from someone that stole this one from someone who stole this one from the personage who made it, and he didn't even ask!
This user's favorite color is cyan (Light Blue).
This user needs more userboxes. more, I tell you, MORE!!! Muhahaha!
This tower push The Toad Group down.
Hello! I'm Red-Cyan Toad!
Who's online: Memelord2020, Alternis, Mario jc, PaulHabaradas, Sorbetti, Salmancer, YoYo, Arthropod Cheerleader25, ZanyDragon, OmegaRuby, Raffina Higashikata, Murphmario, CBFan5, Technetium, Thecapo1999, Remembered Old Buddy, Fawfulthegreat64, Nightwicked Bowser, Hope(N Forever), LadySophie17, Transfemgregorsamsa, Blinker
Favourite characters
My userbox is: {{userbox|border=red|mainbkgd=cyan|codebkgd=cyan|codecolor=#000|code=[[Image:Red-Cyan_Toad.jpg|50px]]|msg=This user is friends with[[User:Red-CyanToad|Red-CyanToad]]}}
My house
I got an Toad House with inside a lab. (I'm best friends with E. Gadd)
My stuff
- 2 Star Medals

- 1 Purple Coin

- 1 Yoshi Coin

- 1 Kart

The Toad Group
Hello! Every Toad must join this group!
This is the userbox:
{{userbox|border=red|mainbkgd=white|codebkgd=#red|codecolor=#000000|code=[[File:ToadIcon1-MSM.png]]|msg=This user is a Toad.}}
Mario's Mii
E. Gadd Invented a Miimaker.
The Mii maker makes from a Mario-character a Mii.
PS. If you want more miis here, just say which character you want in my talk!
The Broque Monsieur mii is not coming soon. I have already 5 personal images and i want to delete one.
This time we talk to a Super Mushroom.
- Me: Hello Super Mushroom, I'm Red-CyanToad. This is an interview.
- Me: Question 1: What is your favourite colour?
- Mushroom: Red, cause I have a red cap, however, I hate Mario.
- Me: Why do hate you him?
- Mushroom: Why do you DON'T hate him? He eats me since 1985!
- Me: Why should he eat you?
- Mushroom: So HE can grow bigger, remember? That's the reason I always try to run away from him.
- Me: Okay... Question 2: What is your favourite Mario game?
- Mushroom: One where I don't appear.
- Mushroom: But I can't play a game, cause I have no arms.
- Me: Question 3: Who is your best friend?
- Mushroom: The Poison Mushroom, cause he can hurt Mario.
- Mushroom: And I love Bowser, cause he hide me in Question Blocks.
- Me: That's it this time! See you next time!
File:NSMBwii 1upshroom.jpg
This time we talk to a 1-Up Mushroom.
- Me: Hello 1-Up Mushroom, I'm Red-CyanToad. This is an interview.
- Me: Question 1: What is your favourite colour?
- Mushroom: Green, cause I have a green cap, however, I hate Luigi.
- Me: This again...
- Me: Let's-a stop here.
My Mario games
Red-CyanToad's Story
- Mr. Ruigee
- Mario
- Luigi
- Parakarry
If you don't agree with this story, post it on my talk page!
Tip: hold your cursor on some text, and I use my tattle ability. This doesn't work with everything.
Chapter 1: Mario's House
- Parakarry: Mail call!
- Mario: It's-a from Red-CyanToad!
- Mario: Luigi, know you any Red-CyanToad?
- Luigi: No!
- Mario: Let's-a read!
Dear Mario,
I have a gift for you, for the upcoming Paper Mario game.
Go to my house at World -4 Toad House, and I give you that.
- Mario: I go to him and you stay here.
Chapter 2: Let's-a go to Red-CyanToad!
- Mario: World -4.. Let me think... Where is that...
- Mario: Sir, do you know where World -4 is?
- Mr. Ruigee: No. I thought there only where the worlds 1 to 16.
- Mario: I have to search further...
- Mario: Mr. Yellow! Do you know where World -4 is?
File:YellowYoshi ThePremiumYoshiY.png
- ThePremiumYoshi: Are you searching for Red-CyanToad? Go to the warp zone in W1-2,
- ThePremiumYoshi: do above the Pipe at the end the "Moonwalking through the Wall" glitch,
- ThePremiumYoshi: after the 3rd pipe you have to do the glitch again, choose the first pipe in the new room and there it is!
- ThePremiumYoshi: But if you want to go to the Toad House, you have to complete -4-1, -4-2, -4-3 and there you are!
File:Mario Thinking PM2.png
Chapter 3: While at RCT
- Red-CyanToad: Maybe I should self go to him...
- Red-CyanToad: But now I wrote a letter!
- Red-CyanToad: I'm so worried about him...
- Red-CyanToad: Can he find the way to me?
Chapter 4: The Rainbow Wand
- Mario: Those levels where hard! Now, I'm finally here!
Mario enters the house.
- Mario: Hi Red-CyanToad! I want to know... Who are you?
- Red-CyanToad: Hello... Do you know Professor Elvin Gadd?
- Mario: Yes. I like his F.L.U.D.D..
- Red-CyanToad: His new lab... is down here.
- Mario: Cool! What do you want to give me?
- Red-CyanToad: I tell first a story of the Rainbow Wand.
- Mario: A story in a story? Awesome!
- Red-CyanToad: I'll go to the library.
- Red-CyanToad: Everything about koopa's, no, The Goomba family, no, The red legend...
- Red-CyanToad: Ah! The Rainbow Wand!
- Red-CyanToad: Here we go...
Once, there was a wand,
The Rainbow Wand, it can do many powerful things.
But someday, a monster stole the wand and split it up to mant wands.
He gave the wands to his 8 childeren, his henchman and henchwoman.
The wand is splitted up in these parts:
- Colour wand
- Shape wand
- Age wand*
- Material wand
- Size wand
- Sound wand
- Mood wand*
- Speed wand
- Power wand*
- Move wand
* = Only living objects
- Red-CyanToad: So this is what you need to do for me...
Chaper 5: Getting a partner
- Mario: So I have to collect those wands?
- Red-CyanToad: Yes. One for a Hammer, five for level two, and nine for level 3.
- Red-CyanToad: You got level 1 Boots. Collect 3 for level 2, and 6 for level 3.
- Mario: Thank you. I will collect it.
Mario walks back to the level selection screen.
- Mario: Oh hello Mr. Yellow!
- ThePremiumYoshi: Uhm... Hello Mario... My name is ThePremiumYoshi... Uh... Can I join your party?
- Mario: Of course!
ThePremiumYoshi joined your party!
Red-CyanToad runs to Mario and says:
- Red-CyanToad: Hey! I should be your first partner!
- Mario: O...K...?
Chapter 6: Meanwhile at Luigi
- Luigi: Mario goes on an adventure and me? I MUST STAY HOME!!!
- Luigi: With the time machine of E. Gadd, I've seen the whole Mushroom Kingdom in the past, present and future.
- Luigi: So maybe I can go to an other game, which is 3D and blocky, my favourite game elements.
- Luigi: Maybe more underground, almost all Mario, I mean Luigi levels are above the ground.
- Luigi: I already know which one!
To be continued...
To do list
- Update "My games"
- Create a new chaper for my story
- Update "Mario's mii"
- Do something with the toad group
- Update userboxes
- Re-open the Cyan Shop
Obey Weegee, destroy Malleo!