Hi, this is my userpage...so...Hi!!!
Stuff about me
Im 12 years old and i live in America. Im a boy and i like to play video games. My birthday is October 8. My favorite game system is Gamecube and my favorite game for the gamecube is Paper Mario TTYD.
Mario games I own
Donkey Kong NES Cover.PNG
Da one and only Donkey Kong!!!
Mario Bros. NES Cover.PNG
SMB3 Boxart.PNG
Super Mario Bros. Da third!
Betamaster64's Userbox Tower
Picture of Mario
This user plays Mario games.
Picture of Mudkip
This user plays Pokemon games.
Picture of an F
This user thinks facebook is pointless.
Picture of Petey Piranha
This users favorite character is Petey Piranha.
This user despises the halo series.
This user despises the xbox.
This user despises the xbox 360.
This user still plays the NES.
This user listens to video game music.