Super Mario Galaxy

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Super Mario 128 is a video game reportedly under development by Nintendo, the next game in the Mario series, and is being called the "true" sequel to Super Mario 64. It is currently under extremely close wraps, supposedly so that Nintendo's competitors would not be able to copy their new ideas. Veteran creator Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that developer focus is for release on Revolution. It had been expected that the game would be revealed, at least in part, at the three previous E³s from 2003 to 2005, however, it has not been shown. The game is close to vaporware as a lot has been said about it for many years but little concrete has been shown.

Super Mario 128 may have been just a Japanese demo for the GameCube. Other demos of this sort include one for Luigi's Mansion and Meowth's Party.

It was thought that Nintendo would reveal all at E³ 2004, as the GameCube approached the golden age of its life cycle. Miyamoto once again confirmed the existence of Mario 128 with another interview during February 2004, but the game failed to surface. Some believed this was due the announcements of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and the Nintendo DS, both revealed at the 2004 show. GameSpy asked Miyamoto about the game after E³:

GameSpy: What is going on with Mario 128?
Miyamoto: It's moving along secretly like a submarine under the water. When developing, we often look at the different hardware and run different experiments on it and try out different ideas. There have been a number of different experiment ideas that we have been running on the GameCube. There are some that we have run on DS, and there are other ideas, too. At this point I just don't know if we will see that game on one system or another. It is still hard for me to make that decision. I am the only director on that game right now. I have the programmers making different experiments, and when I see the results, we will make the final decision.