Animal crate

An Animal Crate is a box that Animal Buddies are stored in before being released by the Kongs, although some come in Animal Barrels. When leaped on, the box breaks, exposing the buddy. The buddy inside can be identified by the image on the side of the box.
While Animal Crates appear in Donkey Kong Land, they do not appear at all in Donkey Kong Land 2 or Donkey Kong Land III. This is most likely because in the latter two games, most Animal Buddies have special moves that they didn't have in DKL1 (for example, Rambi can charge), which requires an extra button (Select). Due to the limited amount of buttons on the Game Boy, this would leave no buttons to dismount from an animal.
In Donkey Kong 64 Animal Crates act more like Animal Barrels, transforming a Kong into an Animal Buddy instead of just allowing them to ride one.
Animal Crates appear in Donkey Kong Country Returns, although the only Animal Crate to make an appearance are Rambi's. They are now bigger and have a carved image of him display on the box.
Donkey Kong Country
- RambiCrate.png
Rambi's crate.
Enguarde's crate.
Winky's crate.
Squawk's crate.
Expresso's crate.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest
- SquitterCrate.gif
Squitter's crate.
- Item Box Rambi-R.gif
Rambi's crate in Donkey Kong Country 2.
Rattly's crate.
- Squawkscrate.gif
Squawk's crate in Donkey Kong Country 2.
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
- RambiCrateDKBB.png
Rambi's crate in Donkey Kong Barrel Blast.
- EnguardeCrateDKBB.png
Enguarde's crate in Donkey Kong Barrel Blast.