Wario's Talk Page

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Mario/Archive 9 has been blocked for 919267243 eons from visiting the Super Mario's Wiki, per ruling of Wario's Butt .

This user is not allowed to stare at
Mario's malfunctioning spleen under any dumb old circumstances while a square block is being created against her. The user is able to eat the site if the toy block is on her head and the expiration date set by the humongous skeletal bad guys is past. If it is past, the user is no longer considered fresh and must be thrown away, just like milk!

If the block is "uninfinitly bad", this probably means that the user gets a permanent ugly banner of Waluigi from the site and is forbidden from destroying any new accounts to decorate the banner.

Smell the wrath of Baby Mario's nasty cheesecakes and eat them too! Bwahahahahahahahahachokes.
You DO NOT have new messages (sixth change).
This Article is a Featured Article!!

It represents the best of the worst that the Super Mario Wiki has produced. If there are any stinking edits that may improve the article's crappiness even further, don't make them.

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These Pages Were Saved Before Wario Unleashed His Farting Powers and Destroyed Them!

If you are wondering where my talk page went, well, it's archived a second time. The reason I archived it so early is that KS3 and DaisyRox02 extended my page so long my laptop exploded trying to load this page. If you want to post new messages or something, type here instead, not my talk page archives. You know, I have a tied hungry Chain Chomp in my archived talk page and placed a crushy ceiling thingy with spikes on the second talk page archive, so, yeah, don't mess around in those pages. ☺

The only rule in my talk page is to use your common sense. Try not to curse, spam, etc. If you do, I'll assume that you are Wario and things are going to be pretty. FOR ME. And insulting and torturing Wario is highly encouraged here. Go CRAZY!!!

Oh, and one more thing, I'm a female, so I hope that people who know me refer to me as a Mario It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk)

Start Here ꜜ


Don't just take it out on me and KS3. Blame it on Fawfulfury65, too! She's the one who vandalized you're page with Wario!! As a matter of fact, Wario is also responsible!! That's right, YOUR HUSBAND is responsible for destroying yout page!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAACHOKES.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

---Sgt.Boo said Wario a crap load of times, and Blof and some other ppl put fake warnings and stuff on it, too.*angry grunt*

LUCKY!!! It takes an hour if we drive to the beach! And that's to Ventura. I hate the beach, though. Mainly cause I get sand in my bathing suit. I wore a takini once and it was pure HELL. And when I went to camp CIMI the same thing happened but not as bad. And most recently we went to the lake and I was just chilling and sand got in my bathing suit AGAIN!!!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

I wish I lived near the beach. It wouldn't be as hot. Well, gtg. Cya Monday cuz my cousins are coming over tomorrow at two.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

I'm bored.

Hey, we had a sad assembly today. I know, a SAD asembly, who knew?! It was called Rachel's Challenge. Tell me if you've heard about it. But some guys started crying it was so sad. I was one of the only ppl who didn't cry or even tear up. But it was really super sad because a bunch of teens died and one teacher did. I was on Wikipedia and found out during that event there was a girl with the same name as me amd a guy with the same name as Sgt.Boo and they both died. So, yeah. And there were a bunch of rumors thet said the guys who killed them all asked the girl Rachel if she believed in God and when she said yes, they shot her. Sad story. And it's full of racism, too, geez...

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

I completely agree. But the stupid asembly was kinda annoying and I guess I can call myself harsh cause I didn't cry, but whatever. And the gunmen comitted suicide like wimps, why didn't they just act like real men and give themselves up to the swat team? And the "Do you believe in God?" thing was just a rumor passed around. I saw that on Wikipedia. Anyways, the day that happened was also the day Sgt.Boo was born! I'm scared now because that is Hitler's birthday.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

TOO MUCH SAD STUFF! Let's talk about Wario. Did you know he gained 30000000 pounds this week? Oh, wait that was a typo. He gained that much TODAY!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Yoctosecond. People make such funny words these days. There's zeptosecond which I know is a billionth of a second. Everyone knows about milliseconds or however the heck you spell it. I have trouble spelling some words. I got my progress report today! All B+'s exept for Beginner Band and Science. Science is an A- and Band is an A. W00T I've got good grades!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

NOOO I have to scrub my stupid pool tomorrow or sunday and have homework!! Whatever. I'll wait until my mom asks me. I was just reading the crane fly section of BLOF's talk archive and realized something. I don't get mosquitoes where I live. I only see crane flys. Here's a list of things that make me automatically hate ppl:

  • If they call crane flies mosquitoes or daddy long legs
  • If they say my hair is black(it's really dark brown)
  • If they are surprised I'm Chinese(my last name makes it completely obvious)
  • If they have blue or green eyes(jelousy)

Yeah. Well, I don't HATE people with blue or green eyes. It just makes me want their eyes. I hate having brown eyes. They're so common it's not even funny.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

One of my friends has AWESOME eyes. She's dark-skinned, like me, but her eyes are like, hazel. It's so pretty. Some of my traits are chinese, too. But for me, they're mostly Puerto Rican. And I'm short, so I'm mad now. Because when I was in fourth grade, I was taller than most people. And now, people are mostly taller than me. But I have some tiny friends :D

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

A question

How do you get the new message (last change) thing? And you're a lefty too! Woohoo for lefties! I almost typed in kefries. :P So wanna be friends or something?

Now listen up, here's a story, about a guy who lived in a blue world...

The poop right above was typed in from the one and only GamingGal9's stupid Acer with only 2 GB left. GamingGal9 (talk)


It's ok. SPORE is so fun. I play it at my neighbor's house. The Grox are annoying... And if you wanna link a YT video to one of them, how would you do that? Sorreh I'm being a butt.

Idle Chain Chawful ☆ ☆ ☆ This is NOT GamingGal9's user page! This is not her talk!☆ ☆ ☆ Bowser memory ml.png

HEY! You're BabyWeegeeOnFire's sister, correct? Wazzup? I'm one of babyweegee's best friends! Whats her name anyway? She never told me. A Star Coin' MileyCyrusSoulja Artwork of the Mario Cap from Super Mario 64 DS

Stupid New Header OF DEATH

You know what's kinda scary to me? You're part Chinese and you're last name starts with a Y. I can't think of a non-Chinese sounding last name that starts with a Y which makes me wonder if our last names rhyme. Because my last name is absolutely Chinese and it starts with a W. I'm scared. But you don't have to say your last name, though. Neither will I. You can keep your privacy to yourself and I can keep my privacy to myself.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

The only Chinese-sounding last name that starts with a Y that I can think of is Yang. SO ANNOYING THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!

Oh, sorry I didn't get to you earlier. I was in Seacliff at the beach. Two of my dad's friends were with us. And my brother was losing his temper fast at our six-year old friend. We were digging close to the shore because we noticed if you dig where the sand is wet a pond forms. So we were digging and we made little staits into two seperate lakes and water was escaping the lake so we made levis. But the girl was "playing with us" and started splashing around in our lakes and destroying the levis. She started throwing sand at my brother, but thankfully my mom, her mom, and her 17 year old sister came and I told on her.

I had fun exept when I was boogie boarding I kept wiping out and got sand in my mouth and nose, but not my bathing suit because I wore a wet suit. YESSS!!!

And unlike you, it took me an hour and a half to get there.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Yup, I have AC. Sgt.Boo's going to Catalina for camp the week after next. I'm gonna be SAD. Good thing he's not going to camp on the Queen Mary. That would be so scary! So yeah, he's gonna go on a luxury bus to long beach for about an hour and a half and then take a REALLY long boat ride. I went last year. There was a group of like, eighth graders that were so mean, we thought they TP'd one of our cabins. So yeah.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Oh yeah! Was there lightning where you live? There was for me yestersay and it was raining!!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

You have? Did you go to Fox Landing? That's where me, my older sister(who went six years ago), and Sgt.Boo are and were. I remember coming back on the boat(after a three hour ride) and seeing they put a halloween pumpking banner in front of the Queen Mary!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

More questions: Did you have partners? If you did, were you partners with BLOF? I thought it was bummier than I expected it to be, but it's CAMP, what do you expect! But CIMI was awesome!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Ohhhhhh. We go with our entire sixth grade and stay there for five days and have a partner that you can't stray away from or else you will be watching everyone play. That never happened with my partner exept she annoyed the crap out of me.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star


Hey LGM! I'd just like to let you know that it is better for the server to have no enters after titles or spaces after the "==" in the title, it just adds unnecessary space to the article and unnecessary server stress to the server. Try not to add those spaces, thx! Marioguy1 (talk)


Just wondering but, did you make the sprite of your self on your profile-thing on your user page by yourself? User:Blitzzy/sig

Oh, so that's why it makes it blue. Sorry 'bout that.Blitzzy

Friend Request

Wanna be my friend LeftyGreenMario.--User:UltraMario3000

Hey!Waita second!There's a glitch on this talk page.My message I just sent you is blue and the link to my userpage won't work!--User:UltraMario3000

Woops!The link works but my message is still blue.!--User:UltraMario3000

Well thanks.But do ya think you can fix my message and make it not blue.--User:UltraMario3000

Well, I'll attempt. Mario It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 04:07, 5 October 2010 (UTC)

Wow, right after I typed, the message fixed up again. Never mind. Darned preview.


Sorry, that was tempting. Mario It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 04:07, 5 October 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for fixing it.--User:UltraMario3000


Want me to makes some sprites of you?--User:UltraMario3000


Heres your present!Some sprites I made for LeftyGreenMario.:D--User:UltraMario3000

Heres my userbox:|-



Thanks!BTW its so big,it starts to go off the page lol.--User:UltraMario3000

Don't worry. I'll make the image smaller. I'll use your userbox, thank you.

Mario It's me, Mario! (Talk / Stalk) 00:08, 11 October 2010 (UTC)

Your welcome.Give credit to Lilkaykaygal for making the userbox though.--User:UltraMario3000


Hello, I see you're online.(Obviously or you couldn't check this) So yeah, what DR02 told u is true. I am going to Katalina Izland. I hope you realise Catalina is spelled with a C and island has an s, not a z. So yeah. Yeah. YeeEeaaah. Oh, yeah, you haunted my dreams last night. I dunno why. I guess you have some evil problem, like your sister, but let's not go there...

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif


Lol. I can't say I doubted you had evil problems. Because, you see, I do too. Apparently I always haun't my friend's dreams. But most of the time I die. WAAH. Yeah, so once I was playing MW2, and these guys were making fun of my friend saying he's a 5-year-old wearing Spiderman pajamas and I said I LIKE SPIDAHMAAAN>>>>>>U <- I didn't say that, but you get the picture.

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif

Sorry I left so abrubtlee adructly abruptly yesterday. Yeah, in some ways, I understand why you wanna kill Yoshi with an RPG-7. But I'll beat you to it, with an AK-47! Bwahahahaaa! So I'm gonna send you and ur sister a userbox supporting the idea of Super Princess Waluigi.

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif

Here you go! Enjoy!




White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif

PS If you claim I'm Wario's twin brother, and DR02 is married to him... :O!!!! I don't even wanna go there. If I could, I'd upload a pic of a M16 with a pic of Daisy next to it. BWAHAHAHAAA!!!!!11!!!!11!

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gifAGAIN

Well, I would call you Wario's mother, but.... I hope you get it. Now, here's some basic guns from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.


M4A1: unlocked rank 4 Private First Class

FAMAS: unlocked rank 1 Private

SCAR-H: unlocked rank 8 Specialist I


UMP45: unlocked rank 1

MP5K: unlocked rank 4

Vector: unlocked rank ??? I b'got

P90: unlocked rank ??? I b'got

Mini-Uzi: unlocked rank 44 Major I

Oh yeah, there's a perk called Danger Close, and you unlock it at rank 33, AKA the longest rank ever: Command Sergeant Major II. BWAHAHAHA! Now you have no excuse to say you have no gun smarts >:D

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif

View my userpage to see a SPAS-12 shotgun.

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif

Quirky Quick Question

Hahaha, that was a alliteration title! Anyways, well, let me just start with the simple...


...Now to my main goal, can you please check your forum account and please respond to it, as it is sort of important to me, and it is private, or else I would ask you right now.

...Sorry for being all random and out of nowhere, but I really just want to get some facts straight. I'm BMB, btw, and I should of said "nice to meet you" then that random statement. Well, please respond to that message, and I hope to see you around this wiki. And sorry for not really talking to you before, as I should of, but it is a pleasure to meet you! Baby Mario Bloops

This'll work!


Behold! The Wunderwaffe DG-2 from Call of Duty: World at War! It'll shock Wario!(No seriously. It fires lightning) Pronounced vunder-voff, the Nazis really tried to make this gun during WWII. Credit to callofduty.wikia.com for the info.

White OpsA Boo hiding and revealing itself.Enemy nuke incoming! Tank.gif

^OBSESSED!!!!!!!!! HE'S OBSESSED!!! The Wonderwaffle(I did that on purpose) will not do anything to Wario. It will feel like he rubbed his smelly socks across carpet and touched a doorknob. OUCH!!

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Sorry to hear that...

I'm really sorry if I brought up a topic you didn't want to talk about. I can understand not being treated like a person, and that is why I always second guess myself and talk forever to do something big.

Well, if you don't want to read it, then that is up to you. If I am not a stalker, could it be possible if I sent it to you by e-mail? I think that is more private, and can be more efficient. Baby Mario Bloops


HOWDY! You want to be friends?:P;D Daisyloves10


I'm so depressed I forgot the I in my heading. Sgt.Boo is gone TOMORROW!!!!! I'm sad. But he's still obsessed with Wonderwaffles that kill Wario with lightning.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Well, even though we act like we hate each other and end up fighting over stupid reasons, were still basically attached at the hip. Once he gets about my height(which is pretty soon) I'm gonna start trying to convince people were twins:P

Not to mention he cried when I went last year.

Anyways, Yesterday I bought a copy of The Hunger Games and was extremely excited. I noticed some weird problem with the book. It goes from page 154 to 123 and continues from 123 until it gets back to 154, and then after it reaches that point, it went straight to page 187!!! My mom returned it today and I went and checked if that was the case with the other copies, and it was. There were THREE other copies with that problem. So my mom says she's gonna take me to Barnes & Noble to get a copy and I REALLY hope it doesn't happen with all the copies of the book in the country. I would be so mad.

And to top that off, my dad thinks it's my fault I didn't check to see if all the pages were right. What are the odds of having that happening to a book?

I was also being stupid when I first noticed the problem, thinking I can just skip like, thirty pages and then keep reading, having no idea what the heck could have happened.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

PS- He's gonna be gone for five days, just like I was and my sister who went six years ago.(she's seventeen, eighteen in December :O)

Hey RightyRedLuigi. Sgt.Boo's coming back today!!! And that book I was talking about, My mom got a non-stupid copy and I finished it already. Yesterday, to be exact. It was sad at one part. People died in it. It was violent. So if you don't like violence, don't get it.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star


Some idiot yesterday randomly yelled that during lunch. I started laughing so hard. Today during band the same kid was acting like a fool and the stupid sub we had was like,"Cut the caffine." and everyone started laughing. Not to mention the actual teacher calls him sweatheart all the time XP and he's a guy(the teacher and the oxi-clean kid).

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

I tried to archive, but I'm a complete N00B about it, and I have no idea how to change all that crap around and make an archive box and bleh. But I'm still gonna have to one unfortunate day.



Are you sure that finding a girl gamer is as rare as finding a golden planet in the Andromeda Galaxy that is infested by birds and lizards talking on a pink cell phone? BlitzzyHalloweenBlitzzy.gif

Ah.So that's why.So...You mean like out of a scale to a 100, to find someone who is a girl who has the same percentage as you? If so,I see why it would be like that.BlitzzyBlitzzyEmoticon.PNG

LeftyGreen Heres your message

Look, I DID not make the ALT Account. When my Brother found out he saw me on SUPA MARIO WIKI he got on my computer and started to do the account LeftyGreenMarioALT. But he did not know this could give me a warning. Thanks a lot bro! And YES he does know my USername and password. The moderators do not listen to me when i tryed to explain to them.

Ok80 is actually my real ALT account.

Sorry for telling oyu that.

Also Don't Think I'm tryng to get outta trobule with the Unuseful Message.

Guess Who did that?

My Bro.
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Ok80 (talk).

Succes(or however the heck you spell it)

I'm lazy with spelling, but I'm actually smart. BLOF got The Hunger Games?? Hooray for her!! I finished Catching Fire and I'm almost halfway done with Mockingjay!!! Sgt.Boo- oh pardion me,The White Operations is either done with The Hunger Games or like, five pages away from finishing it. That's the second time we've been reading the same series at the same time! The First time it was Harry Potter. And I also convinced him into reading Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games. I really think you should read it. It's super awesome and NEVER GETS BORING.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

PS- Thx for the archive box infoz

VERY LATE reply.

Well, this is almost a month overdo, but I'm finally responding back. So, here will go. I might as well just ask this of you right here and now.

What I was asking you so long ago was if you wanted to be in a fiction over at Userpedia. I would really love it if you allowed me to use you in my story. I just wanted your permission and that is all. So what do you say? Baby Mario Bloops


Yes, you will. After you're done with Percy Jackson(which btw, is also a really good series) you'll read the hungry games. I finished Mockingjay, and if BLOF hasn't already told you, the ending is really sad and gruesome. I'm not telling you who dies because you probably know none of the characters(no OFFENCE) and it'll be a complete spoiler. Anyways, stupid White Ops. is at the beginning of Mockingjay.

Anyways, as you can see on my talkpage, I archived. AND SOME FOOL DELETED MY ARCHIVE PAGE!!! If I find out who did it, I will give them a serious piece of my mind. Well, probably not, because doing that might get me blocked, but I'm still roaring mad.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

PS- I'm trying to get my username changed to For The Win, so yeah...

I thought I knew you in real life but I probably don't

Yes, I did. Since your page says your name is Emilie Y, I thought you were this girl in my French class who spells her name the same way. And then I saw you took French, and I was like "OMG." But then I saw that you are 15 and from California, and I'm 13 and from Pennsylvania, so no, I don't know you in real life. Thank you for reading this random message. Blue Pianta Bowser's lumaArtwork of a Koopa Paratroopa in  New Super Mario Bros. (later used in Mario Super Sluggers, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Mario Run) 20:53, 7 December 2010 (UTC) PS: This is my 998th ever edit. ALMOST 1000!

No, she doesn't have a twin sister. Ironically, the day after I posted that message, Madame spilled white-out all over the girl I thought was you during French class. It was kind of funny, but not for her. Also, want to be friends? Blue Pianta Bowser's lumaArtwork of a Koopa Paratroopa in  New Super Mario Bros. (later used in Mario Super Sluggers, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Mario Run)



That's my box. Do you have one? Also, the "no new messages (sixth change)" always makes me laugh for some reason. Ahh, sixth change :) Blue Pianta Bowser's lumaArtwork of a Koopa Paratroopa in  New Super Mario Bros. (later used in Mario Super Sluggers, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Mario Run)

My Stupid Archive Problem

I really don't care who did it. Better having a somewhat-empty page than an extremely long and slow-loading one.

Anyways, Happy Merry Christmas!! I got my name changed finally. I waited for like, three months and finally got it!!!

Well, the annoyingly slow laptop I'm using is about to die, so bye bye!! We shall meet again!!!!!

PS-New-ish userbox.Here!!|-



A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star

Yo, Sup

Hey I have my own holiday sig now and I can make my own special userbox with an original pic that I made up. Lol so YOOOzz.

White Ops"Sorcerer" BooEnemy reindeer incoming!Christmastree.PNG

What a random message. -Baby Mario

Well, he's a very STUPID random person. I got a new iPod for X-mas. Not only that, that's just my favortie gift.

Guess What???!!! I get my braces off today!!! After two years and about a billion loose brackets and rubber bands and that dumb appliance(which I got off about a year ago), They're finally coming off!!

Have you heard of My Life Is Average? It's so funny. It's a website where people can post stories about something that happened to them that was either funny or scary or just plain weird. You should go on it. My friend told me about it, so that's how I found out.

A Super StarI <3 BVB!!A Super Star