User talk:Brianne the Frank

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Hi. Umm. Why did I get an account? I'm scared. What if I, like, accidentally screw something up, like, majorly? Ooh... stupid random whimsical ideas. [Regret] Oh well.

Yes that was the exact same spiel that's on my user page. (Hahahahaha!!!)


Since I'm kind of a nobody and you probably aren't even reading this, I don't really NEED rules, but for the sake of formality...

1. Don't swear, 'kay? It's just unpleasant. And we must be PLEASANT!
2. Be nice to other (imaginary) talkers.
3. Be nice to me. You'll need to patient with me, I'm kind of an idiot most of the time.


Hello, could you please explain to me why you have the same IP as Mpeng? Creating more than one account is called sockpuppeting, and it is not allowed. Fawfulfury65

It is a numerical label that is given a any device that is connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes (according to what I read on Wikipedia). Basically, if you share the same IP number with another user, that means you are likely to be the same user as the other user with that same IP. I'm basically asking "Do you have more than one account on this wiki, because you are supposed to only have one?" Fawfulfury65
Oh yeah, go ahead and edit. Fawfulfury65

...can I leech your life?

Sure. Excited for any new games coming out? I can't wait for Donkey Kong Country Returns! Fawfulfury65

Talking to Oneself

Mutter mutter mutter. I LOOOOOOVE talking to myself! Seriously! In fact, I'm doing it right now because when I'm here I remember what people used to tell me about STRANGER DANGER!!! (Unlike some people who just ask random people here to be their friends)!

Doo bi doo bi doo... (quote Luvbi)
Um, bored.

--From Brianne the Frank (what a nice name I chose...)

Link to my User page (not that it's probably necessary--?

User:Brianne the Frank