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A female nimbi (left) and a male nimbi (right)
Nimbis are the cloudlike citizens of The Overthere in Super Paper Mario. They speak in pseudo-Elizabethan English and look mostly identical to each other, save for a difference between male and female (the females have hairstyles.) Among them are four sages: Blubi, Yebbi, Rebbi, and Whibbi. Each one has a unique mustache, and the colors of their robes correspond to their names (e.g Blubi-blue, Rebbi-red, etc.)
Many Nimbis' names resemble days, seasons, or months.
Notable Nimbis
- Blubi
- Rebbi
- Yebbi
- Whibbi
- Luvbi (Nimbi form)
- Grambi
- Bonechill (Possibly once was a Nimbi)
- Novbi
- Fallbi
- Sumbi
- Janbi
- Nimbis have heart shaped hands/wings.