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Revision as of 22:12, August 9, 2010 by Superboo922 (talk | contribs)
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Yes! It's none other than Sig 1.PNG! This user is a Rookie nor a programmer when it come to computers but loves the Mario games. I could of added a lot more user boxes but didn't want it to last forever. Big fan of boos, bomb-ombs, and dry bones. Dosen't play a variety of games but every game I step up to I seem to be good at.

Superboo.PNGIt's a bird! It's invisible! It's back! It's... SUPERBOO922!

Name:John G.
Age 10
Gender: Male
Favorite Game: I don't really pick favorites.
Least Favorite Game: What did I just say?
Favorite Antagonist: King Boo
Favorite Protagonist: Luigi
Least Favorite Character: Kiddy KongHmm... I just don't like him. Too immature.
Okay, I know that I just picked favorites and least favorites but I just... Whatever.
State: Texas

About me

If you knew me you could probably say alot of things about me like: "Wow that dude is so amazing" Note:that was just an example and to tell the truth I have not yet taken the test of Awesomeness. If you wish to know more about me, I... What? I'm sorry we are out of room for this section. Moving on.

More about me

Initails:JGG Age:10 Favorite Game: Super Mario Galaxy. Favorite Characters: 1.King Boo 2.Dry Bowser 3.Petey Piranha 4.Fawful 5.Bowser Jr.. Least Favorite Characters: 1.Kiddy Kong 2.Toadsworth 3.Paragoomba (fakers passing as Goombas with wings) 4. Goomba (I don't like them in the first place) 5.Cackletta. Likes: Ghosts, sarcasm, and stating the obvious. And I like to save the best for last so I put my user boxes on the bottom.

This is my regular signature: Boo Artwork 2.PNG Superboo922 Boo Artwork 1.PNG

Superboo922's Userbox Tower
File:92. Boo Card.JPG
Luigi's battle stance
Yoshi is cute.gif
File:Ghost T.PNG
File:DS logo small.gif
File:Controller example minus.png