ShyMysteryGuy shout out!!!!
HEY HEY!!!!!! Im not that shy of a guy, but thats why im mysterious!!!! Please, anybody who would like to be friends, send a request!!!
If you didnt know, im Dry dry bones (talk)' brother. My friends >:*0 BAHHHHHHH!!!!Its-a-me Yoshi! (talk) , Dry dry bones (talk) , Fawfulfury65 (talk) , Tigertot (talk) , Zero777 (talk) , Mr bones (talk) , Tucayo (talk) , Frostyfireyoshi (talk) , Bowser's luma (talk) , Game freak (talk) , Dry dry king (talk) , Fuzzipede27 (talk) MY SIG/User box
CALLING ALL SHYGUYS AND GIRLS!! (And anyone else!)I am looking for the elite to join my squad of SpyGuys! YOU can be a SpyGuy by answering my one qwestion (dont hav to be a shyguy!)... are u in?!? Send me a message in my talk mentioning the SpyGuySquad and see if your SGS meterial!!!
SGS (SpyGuySquad) MembersShyMysteryGuy (talk), Dry dry bones (talk) , Its-a-me Yoshi! (talk), Fawfulfury65 (talk), Tigertot (talk) , Frostyfireyoshi (talk) , Bowser's luma (talk) , Dry dry king (talk) , Space Potateos<Youtube>jdmqBmiEZd4</Youtube> Food Criminal<Youtube>9prAKw3_jnQ</Youtube>
HOWS TO BE A SMARTS PERSONS!!!....Wait fors it!......Wait fors it!...To be a smarts persons, dont talks like me does!!! |