User talk:T.c.w7468
Hello, welcome to my talk page!!! :) Feel free to talk on here, however, observe a few rules (these rules are kind of common and universal already and should not be too much of a problem)
Friend RequestHi from Cmario17File:Staring Mario.jpg 17:27, 9 September 2009 (EDT). If I may ask, what does T.c.w. stand for? (or is that a personal thing?)
HeyI see you like SMG (Go rainbow star theme!) GalacticPetey Do you like Petey? P.S. respond on my talkpage GalacticPetey
Hellofor your propoal vote you said the way TimeQ said it is better. Please check the comments for an explanation.FD09 Star SpritesHey I found some new star sprites and I was wondering if you would like them. Here they are: You can user them on your userpage or whatever. -Fuzzipede27 FriendIf you want a friend I can be a friend of you. Here if you want it. |- | Give me your userbox if you want to be a friend. |