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Revision as of 19:36, April 12, 2006 by Salty (talk | contribs) (test)
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The sandbox (MarioWiki:Sandbox) is a wiki namespace page designed for testing and experimenting with wiki syntax. Feel free to try your skills at formatting here: Click on edit, make your changes, then click "Save changes" when you are finished. Content added here will not stay permanently. Feel free to remove any content when you think this page gets too crammed. This is not a page to chat.

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The sandbox (MarioWiki:Sandbox) is a wiki namespace page designed for testing and experimenting with wiki syntax. Feel free to try your skills at formatting here: Click on edit, make your changes, then click "Save changes" when you are finished. Content added here will not stay permanently. Feel free to remove any content when you think this page gets too crammed. This is not a page to chat.

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Its me

Elite Yoshi

Yep another Yoshi fan in the world. I'm just a normal guy who is laid back and has an addiction to doughnuts. "Elite Yoshi" must be a strange name not heard much of, but this name has many legacies.

Origin of "Elite Yoshi"

If I can remember that far back, I think it was the day of a Halo party. Being a fan of Nintendo and Halo, I couldn't think of a name that best fits me. First it was "Killpill" (I'll explain later on), but no. I was considered good in tight fights so Elite was the name. I thought that wasn't a good enough name so we pondered for countless hours. Eating doughnuts, drinking coffee... we thought of the name "Caffeine". Nope. Until we got bored, which took a few minutes, we decided "Elite Yoshi". Beyond that day, I was know as "... Elite Yoshi".

What I do

I don't really do anything, but I have to do something (strange):

  • Eat
  • Play games
  • Sleep
  • Edit stuff
  • Play games

Yep, the simple life of a kid, never time to be productive.

Yeah! A doughnut


As I said above, I have a few nicknames:

  • Killpill:
Yep, "Killpill". In the past few years, I was a crazy suicidal manic on the loose. That's were I got the "Kill..." part. The "...pill" part was because pills used to be my favorite object to make fun of.
  • CaffineMan:
Now, I have a weird addiction for caffeine. I'm mostly the hyper one and always eat/drink things that have sugar or caffeine.
  • DoughnutMan:
Yes, I eat lots of doughnuts, so much that it got me this name.

Me and Nintendo

When I was very young, I had really no fun with toys, until one day, my dad got me a Super NES. Then the addiction started to begin. I kept playing the fun Mario games. Even now I can't stop playing Nintendo games. Its not my fault, blame my addiction.
-- Caff ya later, Elite Yoshi

Fawful artwork from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga


That's right, kiddies. I'm Salty, that guy that did that one thing. I am close friends in real life with Elite Yoshi and Mr.Cheese. After Elite Yoshi showed me this place, I knew it needed some help and clean up from people who really knew how to do wiki stuff, so I joined. You see, I'm a really active member at the Homestar Runner Wiki so I know most of the stuff there is to know about wikis. So much, in fact, that they made me a sysop. So yeah, I'm a sysop.

Me Personally

I'm 15 and live in San Antonio, Texas. Mario has been a part of my life as far as I can remember. When I was really little, I remember seeing this starry box at the top of my closet for ages. Eventually, my dad decided it was time to let me see what it was, and it was a SNES system. My first video games. Naturally, the first game I had was Super Mario Bros.

Origin of "Salty"

How'd I get my name, you ask? Well, it all started one day when my mom made me buy this shirt that said "SALTY" in big letters because it was on sale. When I wore it to school, all the kids started making fun of me and calling me Salty. When I wore it to my cousin's house, some of his friends came over, and when they asked me what my name was, I simply replied "....Salty."

Current Projects

  • Turn all spellings of "Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga" to "Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga", with the little &. The same goes for "Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time".
  • Turn all instances of "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door" to "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door", with the dash.
  • Start a welcoming committee to welcome new users.
  • Bold the names of pages on their pages.
  • Fix links.
  • Add categories.
  • Revert spam and vandalism.
  • Own.

That's all for now. If you have something to say, go to my talk page.

Talk atcha later,