Sea Turtle Rocks

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Sea Turtle Rocks
N6 Sea Turtle Rocks.

Sea Turtle Rocks is a location found in Wario Land 3 of the Wario Land series. It serves as the sixth of six levels on the north side of the Music Box World. When Wario begins his journey through the Music Box World, a big boulder is blocking the entrance to Sea TurtLe Rocks. He can break the boulder, though, as soon as he powers up his Dash Attack with the Garlic Ball found in the Tower of Revival.

The level Sea Turtle Rocks is set on a gigantic pink rock, vaguely shaped like a turtle shell. The rock sports a pattern reminiscent of the pattern on turtle shells as well. It is located at the coast and is therefore surrounded by sea water. The rock itself is partially hollow and some of the walls are fragile enough to be broken by a well-aimed Dash Attack. The player can dig a network of tunnels through the structure that way. The water found inside the rock is murky, meaning that Wario cannot see a thing in it. There are also various caves inside Sea Turtle Rocks, including one lit by electric lamps, and a vast one with several rooms and, when progressing further into the cave, red laser barriers. Deep under Sea Turtle Rocks lives a giant squid called Scowler.


Grey Chest: The Third Music Box

Sea Turtle Rocks
Wario, holding the Third Music Box.

The Grey Treasure Chest, which holds the Third Music Box, is located in Scowler's lair deep under Sea Turtle Rocks. To get the treasure, Wario first has to find his way through the structure, as well as the Grey Key to open the chest. He then must best the boss.

Sea Turtle Rocks
Wario, fighting Scowler.

The battle against Scowler the squid takes place underwater. The aquatic creature will move through the water and try to catch Wario. If the boss manages to do this, Wario will be thrown out of the cave in a way similar to the attack of a Robo-Mouse. Scowler can take six hits until it is defeated. Wario first has to hit it on the head while it is trying to grab him. It will then use its tentacles like a rotor blade and dash across the room, while exposing its weak point on its underside. If Wario manages to get below the boss and swim upwards, this will damage it. Scowler will then repeat its former attack pattern, trying to grab Wario again. The process has to be repeated two more times until Scowler gives up and lets Wario get the treasure.

The Third Music Box is shown to have the power to open the Cave of Flames. After Wario holds it aloft, an explosion occurs on the southern mountainside of the world, revealing the entrance to aforementioned cave. While the Music Box plays its melody, tiny figurines of white horses can be seen spinning in the contraption.

Red Chest: The Golden Snake Eye 1 (left)

Sea Turtle Rocks
The Golden Snake Eyes 1 and 2, opening the door.

The Red Treasure Chest with the Golden Snake Eye 1 lies hidden inside the cave with the electric lamps. The entrance to the cave, though, is concealed by pitch-black water. Wario needs to purify the water with the Staff of Purification from the Cave of Flames before he can go there. In the Cave finds the Red Treasure Chest, but to reach it he has to make use of Appleby's apples and win a game of golf to get the treasure inside.

The Golden Snake Eyes are a set of two items. The second jewel can be found in A Town in Chaos. Together they can open the yellow door with a snake imprinted on it, which can be found in the Tower of Revival. This allows Wario to progress further in that level.

Green Chest: The Sun Emblem Fragment (left)

Sea Turtle Rocks
The two pieces of the Sun Emblem.

The Green Treasure Chest with the Sun Emblem Fragment is located in a cave near the top of Sea Turtle Rocks. Wario needs the Steel Overalls to reach the entrance, which can be found in the Castle of Illusions. The clothing will upgrade his Ground Pound, which allows him to smash through non-cracked blocks. Inside the cave Wario finds two tiny slopes on which he can perform his roll attack. The player must utilize this wisely to reach the Green Treasure Chest and its key.

The Sun Emblem, which is formed from this fragment and the one from the Desert Ruins, affects the east part of the Music Box World. When Wario first arrives there, the land is trapped in an eternal night. This also means that the Owls in that area never rest. When Wario restores the Sun Emblem, the night on the east side of the world will come to an end. This allows Wario to make use of the Owls and he can visit the levels on the east side at both day- and nighttime.

Blue Chest: The Full Moon Gong

Sea Turtle Rocks
A close-up of the Full Moon Gong.

The last treasure of Sea Turtle Rocks is located deeper in the cave where the Green Treasure Chest is located. The door leading to the inner rooms, though, can only be entered after Wario has found the Night Vision Scope from The East Crater. This will cause the room in front of the door to light up. Behind the door, Wario find a cave secured by laser barriers. He can find the Blue Key and the Treasure Chest by riding the carriages in the cave.

The Full Moon Gong is a mystical artifact whose loud sound has the ability to summon the moon. After retrieving it, Wario uses the Full Moon Gong to call the moon from behind the mountain on the south side of the Music Box World. This gives the player new possibilities in the level Above the Clouds and opens new paths for Wario.

Reaction Abilities in this Level


Names in Other Languages
