User talk:Timmy Tim
<font:Big> Who's on? → <whosonline></whosonline> → They're on! Welcome to my talk page, If you can read this, you can post a comment, don't be shy. IMMY IM
ProposalWhat's up, Timmy Tim? I like your proposal to update the news section of the main page, it's a good idea. Can you check out my proposal? I just added it today, and I hope it gets voted. I think it could be a lot of help.
Hey...Hey, aren't you on Bulbagarden? Drifblim3445 11:42, 22 August 2009 (EDT)
HiHi!! Thank you very much for welcoming me to this beautiful website!! I was wondering how can I send someone a message Red Yoshi HiYoshi! Hi, sorry for being a loner i was on holiday. Do you have MASATOG? if you do, are you interesded in joining my pipeproject of OG? Its in the suggested section at the top. Thanks . |