Welcome to my user page!!! I know a lot about Mario so feel free to ask questions!!!! While Mario is my favorite, I also like Kirby and Starfy. However I find Zelda Boring and Confusing. It takes itself way to seriously. Also let me know if you know anything about the upcoming Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story Becuase I really want this game. My Bro has an account., he is SuperJump4
Games I cant wait for: Mario and Luigi BiS, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Please go to my talk page and chat.
Also if you need help with Mario Games or the Legendary Starfy Feel Free To Ask.
I am new to Mario wiki so if I am doing anything wrong Please tell me and I will stop, please do not block me.
Thank you for reading
Also here is a list of games I have and If I beaten them. Also If I say I beat it 100% but I was missing a sidequest please tell me.
DS Games Kirby Super Star Ultra
Beat 99% Found all tresuares in Great Cave Offense Beat the arena and True Arena, Got all Copy Abilites in Milky Way Wishes, Still didnt beat Helper to a hero with all helpers, I only beat it with 2. Got the 2 Extra Stages in Dyna Blade, Beat Meta Kightmare Ultra.
The Legendary Starfy
Beat it, not 100%. I still need to Beat every seceret stage. I beat Mashtooth, and I beat Big Bossdown. I still need to beat World 10, but I beat world 9.
Ml PiT
ML Pit stands for Mario and Luigi Partners in Time. So, I beat Shrowser, the Final Boss. Still need to find all the beans, but I got The Ulti Free Badge frome Fawfuls Bean n Badge.
New Super Mario Bros.
Beat world 8, the final boss is Bowser+Bowser Jr. Didnt collect all Star Coins, Didnt Unlock Secret Backround.
Wii Games
Super Mario Galaxy
Beat 100%. Got 121 stars with Mario AND Luigi. And I did not make a typo when I said I got 121 stars, becuase after you get 120 stars with Mario you unlock Luigi. Once you get 121 stars with Luigi, you unlock the 121st Star. Well, I didnt beat it 100% becuase I didnt change the cocunouts into watermelons with Mario, But I did with Luigi. if you want to know how to turn Cocounuts into Watermelons, ask me in my talk page.
Mario Super Sluggers.
Beat challenge mode, unlocked all secert teametes, oh yeah, I forgot to mention I beat Bowser TWICE so for all you people who dont know, if you beat Bowser agian after the first time you see the REAL ending of da game.
Wario Land Shake it
Still didnt beat, Im up to world 2.
Mario Kart Wii
Need to beat expert Staff ghosts. I unlocked all characters exept for Daisy, Dry Bowser, and Mii outfit B. I think Mii Outfit C is fake, but if its real I still need to unlock it. Also whats intessting is Nintendo rewards people who played SMG(Super Mario Galaxy) becuase if you have a SMG save file on your Wii, you just have to play Mario Kart Wii for 1 hour and then you unlock Rosalina. But if you dont have a SMG save File, you have to beat 150cc lighting cup Mirror Mode.
More coming soon