3Dejong's Userbox Tower
This user hopes you read each and every one of his userboxes! or else...
This user is a professional gamer.
game dev
This user is interested in video game development.
This user cannot program at all. (but wants to learn!)
This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
Ulti Fav
This user believes that Super Mario Sunshine is the best videogame ever. Totally. Honest.
This user enjoys the videogame Super Mario World, and has completed it 100%.
This user loves the videogame Super Mario Bros. 3 and has completed it 100%.
This user dislikes the Pokemon videogame series.
This user thinks Doki Doki Panic was a neat game.
This user thinks that MARIO BROS. is the best videogame series ever established. DUH! Why else would I be here?!?
This user dislikes the video game character Waluigi. Meh.
This user is a big fan of the video game character Yoshi. Wahooh!
This user is a big fan of the video game character Kirby. And loves being him in Super Smash Bros., even though he's not too good.
This user's favorite videogame character is Luigi. Mama Mia!
This user thinks the best Super Smash Bros. character is Donkey Kong.
This user's favorite console is the GameCube (so far).
This user dislikes the console Xbox. Blech.
This user hates the Halo series. But still thinks it's cool. Whatever.
This user's favorite Mario Kart track is Yoshi Circut.
This user plays Mario Kart DS online. Friend code is 751682023903. Look me up! I own and play Star Fox Command, Tetris DS, and Mario Kart DS.
This user is a (very (very) loyal) fan of Nintendo hardware and software.
This user supports Nintendo. A LOT.
This user is addicted to the Internet.
This user likes to say WOOT WOOT! even though he doesn't really know what it means...
15 ubxs
This user has created 15 userboxes!
NC Comix
This user loves the Neglected Nintendo Characters sprite comics.
This user is a big fan of the NC Comix character Dr Donez!
This user is a big fan of the NC Comix character Captain Churro!.
This user is a big fan of the NC Comix character Fred the Spanyard.
This user drinks "Graveyards". See his Kwickies section for details.
File:Box open.png
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahahahahaha!
Hi there!, fellow gamers, and thanks for taking the time to read my page! Read on to discover more about me, and remember, have fun! You can copy any pictures and/or userboxes here.
I am an EXTREME Mario and Nintendo fan (I live, eat, breathe and sleep them), so this website is the perfect way to vent my knowledge! One thing you should know: I. HATE. SONY. AND. MICROSOFT. Actually, Crash and Spyro are really fun, innovotive titles to me, and Sony creates great games (the PSP is pretty cool, like a gaming PDA) but what totally ticks me off is the fact that Sony pretty much passes their system off as an "entertainment system". Sheeesh. Like, Playstation is a GAMING CONSOLE! Sure, snappping a rented DVD onto your PS2 is great and convienient, but still, if you want good DVD backup, go buy a DVD/VHS system. With Microsoft, well, that's another story altogether. I won't beat up on Halo, I've seen screenshots of it (beautiful graphics) and I've heard it has a great, engaging storyline, so well, okay, I'll say it, Halo's pretty cool! The thing about it, though, is that it's, like, Xbox's only first-party game! Any others I have yet to see. Xbox has cool, intuitive, classic controls and lush graphics, but that's not all that a game is. Plus, Xbox 360 is like an "improved" version of Xbox. Bleah. With Nintendo, every system that comes out is an OBVIOUS improvement on the proir. Don't see any of that happening with Playstation or Microsoft. But whatever, maybe I'm being too critical. Matbe Xbox IS a cool platform (if you like adult-ish games). Maybe built-in DVD support for the Playstation IS a big plus. Whatever. I'm a Nintendo person. But don't let that keep you away from me! If you think I'm being really, really unjust drop me a line on my Talk Page! (that little tab that says "Discussion" on the top of the page.)
Nintendo went too far with
Waluigi. He's my LEAST favorite character. And I do believe that he and
Wario are brothers.
Okay, that being said, let's get into ME! I REALLY enjoy ANY Mario or Nintendo game (except Resident Evil), but I don't care WHAT platform a game is for, as long as it's fun! I'm saving like crazy and counting the days until the Wii comes out! Mario Galaxy ROCKS! I also enjoy laughing with any humorous book or comic strip (Calvin and Hobbes, Dog eat Doug, Foxtrot, and Space is the Place are just a few of my favorites.) I can beat ANY Mario game to pieces in at most, a month, and no games can last more then five weeks around me (I completed Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island 100%, all secrets, all red coins, all flowers, EVERY Dragon Coin. Also, I completed New Super Mario Bros. 100% in two days. Really. Honestly.). My first exposure to Mario came when I played Super Mario Bros: Classic NES Series on a friend's GBA SP. For years I had known, vaugley, that Nintendo, Sega, and Playstation were video game makers, and that Mario was a famous gaming icon. One of my cousins had gotten ahold of a new SP with Pac-Man Collection and Piglet's Big Game, and I spent many happy hours playing both. But Super Mario Bros. exposed me forever to the bright, sidescrolling world of Mario and friends, never to leave. Not long ago, (two months ago, June 2006, it was, I believe) when I finally got to begin a gaming life (for the second time, actually) with a DS Lite. Wooohooo! I'm currently re-building my gaming library, but I own Mario Advance 1, 2, 3, Mario Kart DS, Tetris DS, Star Fox Command, New Super Mario Bros. (It's GREAT!) Nintendogs, Star Fox Command, and DK: King of Swing, along with a ton of new NES games.
Wanna see how I did on Super Mario Bros. HQ's Purity Test? Here's my results:
132 points out of 253: Obssesed: Mario is a religion to me!
Current newest game(s)
I recently got a ton of vintage NES games, (including nearly ALL the Mario games for that platform) so if you have any questions about some of the old games, ask!
Online Stats
Here is a schudule of how much I'm usually on-line. However, I am currently not online nearly as much as I would want to be, so this is if everything goes well. Usually, I'm on about two hours a weekday, six-seven hours on Saturday, and maybe one or two hours on Sunday. Anyhow, if you want to know my schedule for a good week, here you go! Monday: 7:15-8:20, 11:30-5:30 (I get home at 11:30 at get on for 15 minutes, do my work, then get on again for about 3-4 hours). Tuesday: About 4-5 hours, patchy. Wednesday: Same as Monday. Thursday: Same as Tuesday. Friday: Same as Monday, but I spend 5-6 hours on the Web in the afternoon. Saturday: 8-9 hours, all day. Sunday: Patchy, maybe 2-3 hours, maybe 4:00-7:00.
User Goals
Wanna pry into my private life and see a few of my personal goals? Here they are!
- TO. OWN. YOSHI'S. ISLAND. DS. Currently my TOP GOAL.
- To own EVERY Mario game for SNES, N64, and GCN (I already have nearly every NES Mario game except NES Golf and 3/1 Mario Bros.!)
- To make a COMPLETE, DETAILED storyline for Super Mario Adventures
- To upload all the Merchandise pics I have
- To give all RPG items pics and detailed info
- Work hard on the Wario series
- Work very very hard on the Super Mario Land series
- To help with any new colloboration
- Help out as much as humanly possible with the new Levels project
- To make detailed summaries for The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3
- To help as much as possible with the development of the DK Wiki
- To help anyone and everyone with their problems (can NEVER be crossed out)
Here's a kwick peek into my faves:
- Website: MARIOWIKI!
- Color: Bright, blaring orange
- Food: Pizza
- Dessert: Orange Creme, Double Fudge Brownie and Mint Cookie Chunk ice cream sundae with hot fudge, whipped cream, and caramel sauce
- Liquid: Graveyard (You're prolably wondering WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! It's just a little name me and my friend came up for for that delicious drink that you get when you mix up ALL the liquids on the soda bar (yes, EVEN water, iced tea, and a little coffee) and gulp it down. Honest. It's good. And yes, Sprite loses some of its flavor when paired with coffee, but I don't mind.)
- Movie: Over the Hedge. Read the comic?
- Comic Strip: Space is the Place
- Sprite Comic: Tie. The Red Coin Saloon, and Neglected Nintendo Characters (NC Comix).
Pet Peeves
We all have things that tick us off. Some of mine:
- Mario fanfiction
- The word "soggy"
- Big Red gum (or any cinnamon candy)
- Old Atari systems
- Mario rip-offs
- Level 5-9 of Super Mario Bros. 3
- Microsoft
- Edutainment games
- Headaches
- Zonealarm Pro
- Sore Throats
- Squash (except pumpkin pie)
- Anyone who thinks Mario is an idoit, or Luigi is a weirdo
OK, as said above, I do not like it when people make Mario a toddler-minded imbicile, and Luigi as an evil weirdo. Sooo, I'm going to make biographies, in MY way, of the Marioverse characters. Here we go! Hope you like 'em! Also, these are 100% fiction. I DO NOT believe that these characters exist in the "Real World". Nevertheless, it's fun to make up theories.
Mario Mario
Mario, the now world-famous Italian plumber! My thoery of his orgin goes like this:
The Mario Bros. started out as simple Mushroom Landers (and as humans, more on that later) being carried to their parents by the Stork. But trouble was brewing far, far away, in the Koopa Kingdom...
[[[Kamek]], the evil head of the Magikoopas and second of this kingdom, was scheming. For long, this land had been without a leader. Now, a young aristocrat Koopa, Bowser, had become Prince. As he was still a minor, Kamek ruled for him, and trained him in the lying cheating sneaking lowdown ratsy Koopa ways. Now, the reptile wizard was searching for clues to the future, looking forward in time. "I need an Koopa Cola." he grumbled in a trance, seeing visons of things yet to happedn. "The vison is too fuzzy!" But suddenly, his eyes bugged out. "AAAAAAAAACK!" (direct quote) he cried. "THIS IS HORRIBLE! King Bowser will be trounced by these creatures? NEVER!" As Kamek had no idea who "Humans" were, he set about to learn something about them, eventually finding some very interesting things. For starters, there are two parts to the universe that he lived in. There is a universe, the "Real Universe", that is home to a small sphere called Earth. On this live strange creatures, called Humans, that have also stumbled into his world. They then setteled in, and started to make their own culture among the inhabitants of that world, while the others made a life on Earth.
"Hmmmm.. Interesting. But why don't WE see these... "Humans"? Are we not the only kingdom in this world?"
To be continued
Game Faves, for all you guys who were wondering
So, your definition of an extreme Mario fan is how many games they've played? Well, here's a list of the games (and systems) I've played! (favorites in italics and owned ones in bold)
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo 64
- Nintendo Gamecube
- Nintendo DS
- GameBoy Advance SP
- GameBoy Color
- Donkey Kong (Nice arcade game, I can see why it was a big hit! Not beaten)
- Donkey Kong Jr. (OK, not nearly as good as its prequel. Not beaten)
- Donkey Kong 3 (Blah! Another victim of overdone sequels. Not beaten ONE level!)
- Donkey Kong Classics (Very nice! Donkey Kong and DK Jr. in one game! Not beaten)
- Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt (OK, I don't play Duck Hunt that much. Not beaten)
- Super Mario Bros. (The game that reinvented the video game industry! Beaten!)
- Super Mario Bros. 2 (Meh... Not as good as the first. Beaten!)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (ALL RIGHT! A very worthy sequel! Beaten!)
- Super Mario All-Stars (Cool! All the SMB plus the original SMB2 in one game! Beaten if you count induvidual games.)
- Donkey Kong Country (Nice! Mario's arch-rival gets his OWN game! Not beaten.)
- Super Mario Kart (OK, for an SNES game it's pretty good. Not beaten.)
- Super Mario RPG (Nice! Mario scores a sweet RPG! Not beaten.)
- Super Mario World (One of my favorites, crammed with secrets! Beaten 100%!)
- Yoshi (Nice little puzzle game, remincient of Tetris, but thoroughly Mario. Impossible to beat, goes on and on.)
- Yoshi's Cookie (Nice game! Score another for the SNES and NES!! Not beaten.)
- Wario Land 2 (OK, love those wacky alter-egos! Not beaten.)
- Dr. Mario (Could have been better, but could have been worse! 5/10. Is it possible to beat?)
- Mario is Missing (Blah. Mario edutainment. Not beaten.)
- Donkey Kong 64 (Donkey Kong's foray into 3D worked out pretty well! Not beaten.)
- Mario Kart 64 (Good installment in the series. Not Beaten.)
- Super Mario 64 (Mario's first try at the 3D platform world was a hit! Not beaten.)
- Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (One of the best in the Mario Kart series! Not beaten.)
- Mario Party 5 (The first Mario Party I played, full of sweet minigames! Not beaten.)
- Mario Party 7 (Like the other Mario Parties, the perfect multiplayer party game! Not beaten.)
- Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (VERY VERY NICE, Mario's 4th RPG was a joy! Not beaten.)
- Super Mario Sunshine (One of my ALL-TIME faves! Beautiful graphics! Not beaten.)
- DK King of Swing (Very good, but could have been better, awaiting sequel! Beaten 100%!)
- Donkey Kong Country 2 (GBA) (WONDERFUL! But not beaten.)
- Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA) (Just as good! Fighting KAOS has never been better! Beaten 100%!)
- Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Mario's 5th RPG and first M&L game was WONDERFUL! Not beaten.)
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit (One of the meh-ish titles of Mario Kart, but good for GBA. Not beaten.)
- Mario Golf: Advance Tour (Blah. I'm never going to buy another Mario Golf game. BOOORING. Not beaten.)
- Mario Pinball Land (VERY FUN! Fight classic Mario bosses in FULL 3D! On a GBA! Not beaten.)
- Mario Tennis: Power Tour (OK! Good Mario Tenis game! Not beaten.)
- Super Mario Advance (OK, loved all the extra challanges! Not beaten.)
- Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (Wonderful port of a wonderful game! Beaten 100%!)
- Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island (GREAT port of a GREAT game! Great secrets! Beaten 100%!)
- Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Another great, polished port. Beaten 100%!)
- Yoshi Topzy-Turvy (Wonderful and inovative at first, but gets monotonus. Not beaten. Also, I know it should be Yoshi ToP-S-Y Turvy. Due to a strange glitch, I cannot make it the correct spelling.)
- Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (WONDERFUL!! This is the PERFECT Mario RPG! Hilarious! Not beaten.)
- Mario Kart DS (The best installment in the Mario Kart series so far! Beaten 100%!)
- Super Mario 64 DS (Very fun! Tons of secrets! Not beaten.)
- Super Princess Peach (OK, pays homage to Super Mario World to me! Not beaten.)
- NEW Super Mario Bros. (GREAT! It's like a Super Mario Bros. 4!! Best yet! Beaten 100%!)
- Favorite NON-MARIO game: Kirby's Adventure (Beaten 100%!)
(NOTE: This list is currently incomplete. Come back later for a COMPLETE listing!)
Keep Gaming,
(This site ROCKS!)
Oh, and by the way, my name has a silent j, so 3dejong is pronounced 3de-yong. Most people pronounce it 3de-J-ong. Weird name, huh? You can just call me 3D. I'm part dutch, and I live in Sunny (part time) California.