== Info == Hi my name is FawfulFreak. I started this account on April 10th, 2009. I started playing video games when I was three. You might think it was a Winnie the Pooh game or something but you are quite incorrect. All I ever got into were Mario Games. When I aged up to three, My uncle game me his Super Nintendo. He taught me the basics and I started to play two games out of well, twelve. These games were Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country. These games still remain in my head as some of the best games ever created. I'm now a very successful video game player. I've have played over sixty Mario game and I will still play more. Now since you know me better as a video game player I will introduce you to any other aspects of my gaming.
My "Lucky Seven"
This a list of my top seven video games. 7. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask- 1. This my favorite of the Legend of Zelda series games. L.o.Z.: Majora's Mask inquires a propaganda of puzzles, exellent sidequest and, many other different, making this game quite fun to "win".
6. Super Mario Bros 3- In my opinion, I think it is the hardest mario side scroller. The bosses were challenging, the levels were extremely hard but over all, it's a great game
5. Donkey Kong Country- This game is quite easy , but very fun.
4. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door- The game is enjoyable and challenging at the sames time. Its dialouge is humorous. This game is great.
3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island- I like this one very much.
2. Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time- Very challenging!
1.Super Mario World- THE BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!
The Best Mario Characters Ever Created
These are my favorite characters from the Mario series.
1O. Yoshi- an egg laying, kick butt dino. His final smash is awesome
9. Happy Mask Salesman- VERY CREEPY, but teaches Song of Healing which again is awesome.
8. Luigi- A warped personality guy. He can kick Mario's butt.
7. Wario- Farting is good. This guys final smash is awesome.
6. Shroob- I think they should get a male leader if they do come back.
4. Goomba's Shoe- These shoe can kick your butt
3. Shigeru Miyamoto- awesome Japanese guy in Sega Mario Four
2. Alpha Shrooboid- A white elder Shrooboid who created the Mario Universe. He dresses in emperor clothing. (I made him up)
1. Fawful- My name and my whole point of joining this website wackos. I HAVE FURY
Random Stuff
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