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List of Beep-O quotes

I might try to do this but I highly doubt I can so can someone plz make this page? Bubbasour11 sprite.pngBubbasour1117

It's not enough for a full page but you can start a new section above the gallery. It should just be formatted like this:
*''"First quote."''
*''"Second quote."''

Wolf Link costume pose in Super Mario Maker Mario JC 23:26, June 17, 2021 (EDT)

So I cannot play MPRKB right now but when I do I also cannot get all the quotes Because I have almost beaten the game and I am not starting over just to get a few quotes. I can get all the ones with the magnifying glass.Bubbasour11 sprite.pngBubbasour1117

Beep-0 being a Rabbid

During the intro cutscene, Beep-0 is a robot without any rabbit features, and it's after appearing in the Mushroom Kingdom he sprouts rabbit ears; it's also never explained why exactly this happened. I still don't think Beep-0 should be classified as a Rabbid, the games themselves never state he is even related to them, and I honestly think Arend's latest edit summary on this is leaning toward speculation. Mario jumping Nightwicked Bowser Bowser emblem from Mario Kart 8 17:09, May 21, 2024 (EDT)

I wouldn't call him a Rabbid either. JEANIE also has Rabbid ears but she's just a machine like Beep-0. It's also never stated that they're Rabbids. link:User:Sparks Sparks (talk) link:User:Sparks 17:27, May 21, 2024 (EDT)
Admittedly, stating outright that Beep-0 is half-Rabbid might've been jumping the gun, but what is true is that before Beep-0 entered the Mario World, he didn't have any Rabbid features. That's not just the Rabbid ears, but also the buckteeth-like shapes in the blue line around himself, and apparently also the cream-colored underside, the color usually associated with a Rabbid's muzzle and belly. Moreover, Beep-0 also questions why he has ears in the intro, meaning this was DEFINITELY NOT part of his original design when the Genius Girl created him, and has most likely something to do with the SupaMerge being corrupted when it entered the Mario World (given that it began merging Rabbids with a variety of things, including merging itself with the Rabbid wearing it. In any case, Beep-0 gained a couple of Rabbid traits which it never had before. ArendLogoTransparent.pngrend (talk) (edits) 17:35, May 21, 2024 (EDT)
He's not a full-on Rabbid though. I think the "Rabbids" category is just for full-on Rabbids. link:User:Sparks Sparks (talk) link:User:Sparks 17:52, May 21, 2024 (EDT)
From TV Tropes Character page from Beep-0: According Word of God, Beep-O is a merge between a Rabbid and the Supa-Merge headset's A.I., causing him to gain physical form, ears, "teeth," and a bad temper.
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by PrincessPeachFan (talk).
TV Tropes isn't exactly trustworthy, but didn't Beep-0 already have a physical form prior to Kingdom Battle? SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 09:38, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Using TV Tropes as a source is equal to using Wikipedia as a source; both sites can be edited by anyone, so really, we need a more viable source that backs up this claim, such as an interview. ArendLogoTransparent.pngrend (talk) (edits) 09:58, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
I just said that. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Beep-0 already have a physical form prior to Kingdom Battle? SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:02, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
He does in the genius girl's lab before gaining any Rabbid features. Mario jumping Nightwicked Bowser Bowser emblem from Mario Kart 8 10:08, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
So yes, Beep-0 had a physical form before Kingdom Battle, but then because of the Rabbids he gained a few "features?" (Don't know what to call them) from them. Got it. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:10, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Same can be said of everything else that was SupaMerged, though. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 10:22, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
So Rabbid Mario existed prior to Kingdom Battle under your logic. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:26, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Both the Rabbid and the hat did, separately. Then they were SupaMerged. It's the same deal. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 10:28, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Yeah, but Beep-0 was never "SupaMerged". He just got a bit altered by the whole mess the Rabbids caused. And your logic said everything that was SupaMerged, and yes, the seperate objects prior to the SupaMerge did exist, but your logic says "Rabbid Mario existed before Kingdom Battle", not what you just said. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:35, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
No, no it doesn't. While yes, Beep-0 did exist before the SupaMerge incident, she also existed afterward in an altered state, which is what matters. Remember, the Sparks are part of this category too, and they're sure as heck not "pure" Rabbids. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 10:42, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Again, that logic fails because Sparks weren't made by the SupaMerge, they were "created as fusions between Lumas and Rabbids caused by an energy blast at the Comet Observatory as Rosalina was fending off Cursa". SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:45, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
The exact catalyst doesn't matter, it's the same principle: they're still fusions of pre-existing beings (also sorry, I haven't yet gotten to playing SoH due to the influx of "overly massive exploration games" in my library I need to finish). Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 10:47, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Well, as someone who's played SoH (and I assume "overly massive exploration games" is talking about games like Minecraft), they're fusions, but they're different kinds of fusion. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:55, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
(I mean Breath of the Wild and its ilk), but fusions is fusions no matter what. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 10:57, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Ok, how about a non-Mario example to prove my point. In Captain Underpants Book 6, Melvin tries to merge with a robot (for reasons I won't get into), but ends up also merging with his snot due to an allergic reaction to his cat. Would the result be called a cyborg or not? SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 11:27, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
...yes, he was literally called the bionic booger boy. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 12:57, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Ooookayyyy, didn't expect you to actually know that...But it never said "cyborg". And yes, those 2 do have overlaps, but they're not the same thing. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 13:02, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Kid I was right in that particular book's demographic when it was released. Anyways, this is going off topic, but "bionic" is often mis-used as being the same as cyborg, especially in that era. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 14:59, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Look, yes that's true, but that is literally what's happening with this topic concerning "fusion". SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 15:36, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Two things get mixed into one being. A fusion. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 15:45, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
But then wouldn't everything be a fusion? SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 17:08, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
What's that supposed to mean? Define "everything" here. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 18:24, May 22, 2024 (EDT)
Every bit of matter would be considered a fusion because they are made of atoms (a fusion of atoms), but the atoms themselves would be considered fusions because of 2 things. 1, atoms can be broken down into hydrogen. 2, all atoms are made of 3 things. And so on down the rabbit hole to the lowest and fundamental thing that everything's made of. And even code would be part of the rabbit hole. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 08:42, May 23, 2024 (EDT)
That's getting way too far in the nitty-gritty and isn't even considering the role molecules have in electron transfer. Obviously, I'm talking about what are obvious and apparent fusions. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 09:59, May 23, 2024 (EDT)
Obvious and apparent? That's literally what I was talking about with "wouldn't everything be a fusion"? Everything's made of atoms, atoms are made of smaller things, etc. That's obvious, and it's also apparent. "Getting way too far in the nitty-gritty" is not what I'm doing, I'm proving my point because your logic would lead to crazy conclusions. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:08, May 23, 2024 (EDT)
The atomic level cannot be seen with the naked eye, ergo it is not immediately obvious. "Robot gained rabbit features after a lab incident that fused rabbits into a bunch of things" makes it obvious what happened. I... don't really know how this is even a debate. Doc von Schmeltwick (talk) 10:15, May 23, 2024 (EDT)
First off, just because it's not IMMEDIATELY obvious doesn't mean it's not obvious. 2, You did kinda start this with your reply to my reply to Nightwicked Bowser's reply etc., because my reply was sorta meant to be a end, a "ok, this specific thread in this section doesn't need to go farther", but then you replied, and here we are now. SONIC123CDMANIA+&K(B&ATSA) (talk) 10:30, May 23, 2024 (EDT)