Talk:Jr. Troopa

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I added a Trivia section, along with the fact that he calls himself "Jr. Koopa" at one point. any insight to why this may be? Translation error perhaps? Luke the Almighty 22:40, 27 June 2008 (EDT)

Possible to skip Forever Forest fight?

I read somewhere that it's possible to skip this fight. Apparently, what you're supposed to do is go back to Toad Town AS SOON AS it's possible to create the warp pipe to and from Bow's Mansion, but before Bow joins the team. (If you go back any time after Bow joins, the fight will trigger.) Then you can use the warp pipe to get to and from the mansion without going back through the forest; thus skipping the fight.

Two things - can anyone confirm if this is true? And secondly, if it is true, will the fight be skipped permanently after a certain point in the game (such as after you fight him the time after that)? Or can you always do this fight, even much later in the game, simply by walking back from the mansion instead of using the warp pipe? Avengah 05:08, 9 August 2010 (UTC)