
From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 09:47, June 13, 2008 by Cheep-Cheep (talk | contribs) (→‎My Contributions: of SOME OF)
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Hey! I'm Cheep-Cheep, although I try to be much more helpful in Mariowiki than Cheep-Cheeps are in the games!Original Cheep Cheep.jpg

Cheep-Cheep's Userbox Tower

Goals on Super Mario Wiki

To make 1,000 contributions.

To help expand and improve small or little-known articles.

To make Cheep-Cheeps more popular.

To help with any Mario Kart Wii or Mario Kart Double Dash!! articles.

To think of more goals.

Myself on Super Mario Wiki

On the Super Mario Wiki, I mainly try to improve and expand articles on little-known subjects, like the Super Mario Bros. (movie) article. I try my hardest on these little-knowns that seem especially important to me, like the Cheep-Cheep article, seeing as how Cheep-Cheeps are a huge part of Mario, although they have barely a page of information.

Mario Kart

Although I've only been a huge fan of Mario Kart since Double Dash came out, I consider myself a veteran of the game (which is probably an overstatement). Why do I claim to have such knowledge of the game series after being a fan only since the Gamecube title? Well, ever since I beat Mario Kart Double Dash almost entirely by myself, my ego for the game grew to the size of Super Mushroom. I beat everything in the game; from Staff Ghosts to every Grand Prix (all cc's). I played Double Dash like an addict on the Gamecube, and eventually heard there would be a Wii version of it. So, after making a vow to get Mario Kart Wii (I didn't know the full title then, obviously-I just called "Mario Kart for the Wii"), I waited and waited until I heard news of it coming out. On that fateful day when it came out, we went up to the nearest Toyr 'R' Us, and got ourselves a Wii, some Wiils (get it? 'Wiiles,' like 'Wheels), Mario Kart Wii, Wii Play, some extra controllers, and I couldn't resist the shiny, white cover on the Premiere Prima guide book for the game. So, with all this in hand and a lot less in the wallet, we headed back home to set up the Wii. After setting it up, and inserting the Mario Kart disk in the Wii's disk drive as if it was some holy relic, I grabbed my Wiil, sat down, and got hooked. Before long, I was comeing in 4th and 5th worldwide for almost all of the courses, and was attempting to master all courses on 150cc and then Mirror Mode. I still love playing the game, and I hardly play any other game on the Wii (seeing as how I only have two games).

My Contributions

As a member of the Super Mario Wiki, I try my best to help any article I can, although being a member of both the Mario Kart and Wario World PipeProjects, I put my best into these articles. So, here's a list of some of the articles I've helped to improve:


Coconut Mall



Wario's Gold Mine

Dry Dry Ruins (course)

Koopa Cape

Maple Treeway

Super Mario Bros. (movie)

Battle Ring