World 2-5 (NSMB)
World 2-5 is a desert level in New Super Mario Bros.. It introduces Blockhoppers, creatures masquerading as towers of Blocks. This is also one of the few levels to contain a Boomerang Bro..
Location of Star Coins
As the other levels there are three Star Coins within world 2-5.
1. Located above the first grouping of Brick Blocks (looks like an upside down "T").The player use a Blockhopper to reach the coin.
2. This is found after the half way point at a spot where there is a mass group of gray platforms blocks with a Fire Snake and a blockhopper. There is also many coins floating near a floating trio of Brick Blocks (do not collect the coins). The middle block contains a Switch Block that will transform the coins into blocks. The player must use the blocks to find the star coin.
3. The final star coin has a few steps to follow. Once Mario (or Luigi) reaches the end of the first section of the level (before entering the pipe) there will be quicksand and a Boomerang Bro.. The player must fall into the quicksand. Do not sink into the bottom (or Mario will lose a life) but instead should continuously jump under the area where the Boomerang bro. is. Once the wall is reached, there should be a gray platform block that can be walked in front of. This will bring the player to another part of the level (underneath the area had the player gone through the pipe). Follow down the path and the player will come to a chamber. The player must use the Blockhopper to reach the Star Coin.
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