InfectedShroom's Archive.
New Archive and talk page. NOW FILL IT UP!
Yeah, I am a HUGE procrostinator :P And it would have had a funnier effect if you'd of replaced that last :O with a :P ... XD I hadn't even known Time Q was promoted, when did that happen? Glitchman (talk · contribs)
I'm on your wiki!
I understand that I'm the 2nd user on "", right? In case you don't know me, I'm Glitz Hawk, going under the same name an your wiki.
Hawk I wonder if I will become a burecrat or sysop, seeing that I'm the 2nd user after you.
Already read the rules. If you tell me what the sysops, burecrats, and stewards do, I can create the articles.
The 3rd header is the best...and MINE >=P
Hi! When you get the new page? SJ derp :P *I like my pie!*
I protected your page on the place to upload stuff so you can't be spammed. Don't worry, though. Sysops and you will be able to edit your page as well as mine.
Hawk Are sysops able to block users? If so, can I create a test account to block?
P.S. I'm not wondering if I can be a burecrat at all, but you can promote me if you want, I'm able to be more active on there.
I tested the block on my home IP. I'm cool about it now.
Hawk I thought only burecrats could block... I was proved wrong! :P
Who's online
Weird. The thing on the recent changes isn't showing you, though you made several edits close to the current time. Maybe it hates you or something. =P MarioGalaxy2433g5 {Talk/Contribs} 17:58, 14 April 2008 (EDT)
- Hey IS, did you hear St00by was promoted on Userpedia?! w00t :D Maybe he'll promote you and me to sysop...(I think I'm getting the hang of this sarcasm!!)
Glitchman (talk · contribs) 
Do you think I should make an archive for my talk page soon? SJ derp :P
- One here, and the other here. — Stooben Rooben Wild, man!
- Did you Mean 20 headers or comments? SJ derp :P
- 2 or 3 more to go then, I guess...I've gotta find more friends on the wiki. Don't take this the wrong way, I like you but I really want to find s'more friends here. I don't think anyone here really likes me... =( SJ derp :P
- Yeah, he deserves his new rank ;P And c'mon, when will you be able to have a Brawl match?!? I can PWN now >:D Even though Booster beat the living snot out of me...well, win some, lose some. :P
Glitchman (talk · contribs) BTW, tell Toadette4evur she's just being paranoid, lots of users here think she's cool :)
- Uhm, yeah, I didn't mean to offend him or anything, but his username kind of threw me off. :O Anyways, mah FC is on mah other computer, so mah will have to get back to you with mah FC (too many mah's??). Say, tomorrow, for example. I'll be able to play next weekend, that cool with you?? But oh, I'll need your FC too.
Glitchman (talk · contribs)
- Not THIS weekend, but the week after. I can go get mah FC now, actually. Is Toadette 4evur cool with my, erm, gender mistake??
Glitchman (talk · contribs) If I just would have left out that one letter S!!!
- Lol! XD You know another cool word to use is "kudos"! Kudos to you for using the word "Amends"! (I LOVE THE WORD KUDOS!) — Stooben Rooben
- Actually, Titin is the longest word in English, and I only know that because I love science! It's 189,819 letters long! — Stooben Rooben Congratulations! You just got pwned! XD (I'm just kidding)
- Oh, man! That suckz! It's such an awesome word too! (Even though I could never pronounce it. :P) But, seriously: I and A are the shortest words evar! :D — Stooben Rooben
- Too bad you can't read the 189,819 letter word :( But on the plus side, I have my FC, and it's 3866-7707-1966. Send me yours pronto!!
Glitchman (talk · contribs)
- Well, my parents are overtly protective outside the internet. D: Dunno why. But, Pink Floyd is FTW! FTWFTWFTW!!! Dark Side of the Moon was their best album. Although, "Wish You Were Here", (though not on that album) is their best song! :D — Stooben Rooben
- Wow, that sounds like what my mom wishes she could do, but Dad won't let her! :O Sorry you got it so rough. — Stooben Rooben
Those are AWESOME! :D — Stooben Rooben Custom or recolor?
- Naw, you were just as angry as I would have been if someone was lying about a release date I was looking forward too (is there one o or two there??) True, you could have brought the point across a little better, but no harm done :P Seriously, I don't blame you at all. Now, for being an English whiz, that's a whole other matter....XD
Glitchman (talk · contribs) P.S. Thanks for teh friend code.
- Huh. I'm good with spelling, but not with the punctuation marks and not beginning a sentence with "And" or "But" and all that stuff. When shall we fight??
Glitchman (talk · contribs) 
Archiving Proposal
Hi, thanks for archiving the proposal. However, you were a bit too early, there were three hours left till deadline (or four, I'm getting confused with standard and daylight times). So please be patient next time :P If votes are added after deadline, we can still remove them when archiving. Thanks ;) Time Questions 12:34, 20 April 2008 (EDT)
- Yeah, that's the problem with all the different time zones :P However, now you know you should wait at least three more hours when it seems like the deadline has come ;) Time Questions 15:10, 20 April 2008 (EDT)
- Wow! 'Tis t3h awesomeness. :O — Stooben Rooben
The Legend of Zelda
Do you like this series? SJ derp :P
My hia-tus
Sorry I haven't been on, but I took a one-week hiatus without telling anybody D: Are we still on for this Sunday?? Glitchman (talk · contribs)
- Well, my mini-vacation was...okay. Coulda been better, but, at least it was fun. :) So, where do you buy Photoshop? It sounds pwnful. — Stooben Rooben
I downloaded the 1st 2 games on VC this weekend. I'm good at the original but I suck at Zelda II. SJ derp :P
- I may download the Orcina of Time if I like the other 2. I've gotta do my homework now! =D </sarcasim> SJ derp :P
I'm moving on Saturday. Don't expect me to be on for a month or two. 3D, NANANANANANAAA!
- $600!!! Wow, I'll never be able to buy it. ;_; But, I might try the free trial. :) Thanks. Hey, would you like a gif? — Stooben Rooben I make gifs nao.
Hi again. SJ derp :P
I'm a troll
I am Evil Homer! I am Evil Homer!-Homer 10:30, 23 April 2008 (EDT)
- That guy is KP Shadow. Just want to let you know. --Blitzwing 11:44, 23 April 2008 (EDT)
- Gifmania, man! Sounds great! :D Oh, and I need to ask you a favor. Could you please tell this guy that I have PMed him a message on the Forums? Thanks. For some reason, I can't edit his talk page, so if you wouldn't mind. :) — Stooben Rooben
I have and archive! SJ derp :P
- I voted! It's a pretty cool remix! ;) Kudos. — Stooben Rooben
- Thanks! I'm hoping I can edit his page soon, but until then I'll just keep PMing him. And, you did awesome making that remix! :D — Stooben Rooben
- It says "System Error". :o I bet the remix was hard! — Stooben Rooben