Hello, Howdy, Hola, Kon'nichiwa, Hallo, Aloha, Marhabaan, Kamusta, Bonjour, Chaírete, Dia dhuit, Yeoboseyo, Salve, Olá, Zdravstvuyte, Hallå, Merhaba, Ciao, and Yo! Welcome to my User page...It's been a while since I've logged in her so forgive me if I screw some stuff up. I don't have many plans right now I'm just happy I remembered my log in and thought my old intro was outdated and bad. So I've made this new one, while keeping the old one, for nostalgia.
Old Intro
hello anyway even do i came to mario wiki i'm more of a luigi my b day was may 9 if u do something for my birthday i will give u a suprised L RULES people say this is the BEST song on SMG

sorry i was gone to long my computer would not let me through i have something to show you guys
(\_/) (o.o) This is a Pika. Copy and paste Pika ()() into your profile to help him gain world domination!
i also found my old NES ANND it STIIIL works OMG
listen if you want to see cool mario walkthrough go to skawo is awsome
Yesterday and the day before i could'nt get in OMG ANYWAY check out Stupid Mario Bros. at
any way If I say it too late Have a Merry Christmas
so how do you like Saint Mario HO HO HO or as Mario would say WHO WHO WHO
I now have a youtube account it is Hboy333333 go and check it out