Super Mario is one of the greatest games in history, a Lifetime fan of the games I hope to be part of a great knowlage base, for all things Mario as well as meet people who share my passion for the games, everything you need is here and after much browsing I have decided to join the koopa troop knowlage base, also known as the Super Mario Wiki.
Favorite Mario game
Super Mario Galaxy
Castle Halen plotting evil and destruction.
Super Mario fan forever.
My Favorite Villains.
I had to limit my favorite Villains to 25, a hard thing to do, but I think I did well for it. (Fawful is my favorite) Check the List Below for all my favorite Villains.
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1. Thwomp, how can you not like him.
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2. Drybones is the ultimate bag of bones, but has shown to be a good racer.
3. Big bad Bowser, come on now, without him there would be no villains, grade A evil all the way, but also lovable, he even has his own fire breathing statue, cool.
4. It's a chain chomp nuff said.
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5. One nasty plant.
6. The ultimate ghoul, yet a shy one at that.
7.Before Bowser Jr. took centre stage, these guys caused prime evil, It is a shame about the lack of the games they have been in.
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8. A huge annoyance Blooper's are the fiends of the sea.
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9. Classic and annoying villains, because of frustration whenever they appear they get into my favorites.
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10. One of the best Mario villains ever, just what is under that mask?
11. Bullet bill made many a gamer weap, and don't we love it.
12. The backbone of the Koopa Army however they can be beaten easily.
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13. Fires eggs, what more could you want?
14. The main koopa army, sadly they put up little challange so?
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15. Just like the blooper these guys can be a pain
16. Just like Bowser, Kamek is grade A evil
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17. Its a bomb with legs and one bad temper.
18. This mole is one big pain, you never know when he will strike.
19. One way to describe Lakitu, Trouble with a captial T.
20. Its a cactus and a mean one at that.
21. Don't jump on this guy, you may live to regret it.
22. Don't jump on this guy it will hurt, allot.
23. Yes he makes the list, since he is the main villain of two games and Bowsers son.
24. One of the first hazzards of SMB. he makes the list
Mario Games I Have Played/Own
Best Mario games
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