User talk:Fly Guy

From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 12:57, August 17, 2007 by Fly Guy (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Super Mario Wiki. We all hope that your experience here is a good one. If you have any questions, just look at the Help:Contents page.--Aipom_Banana_2.gif Aipom 424.png--

Nice job editing.--Aipom_Banana_2.gif Aipom 424.png--

Thanks! I was a little confused with editting at first, but I think I have the hang of it now. User:Fly Guy

Once you create the article, you don't have to write it again to form a header. Also, make sure you add category's.--Aipom_Banana_2.gif Aipom 424.png--

Oh, alright then. I'll make sure I do that. User:Fly Guy

Hey, long time no see.--Aipom_Banana_2.gif Aipom 424.png--

Wassup? Sorry I wasn't on in a while, I have too much schoolwork to come here often... -User:Fly Guy-

I know, I've been loaded for weeks.--Aipom_Banana_2.gif Aipom 424.png--

Jr. Troopa Image

It won't show, cos' that Image doesn't exist. I'm afriad you can either, upload the Image, or find one that already exists. My Bloody Valentine

Welcome Back!

What the header say. Gofer

@Pokemon DP: Okay, I'll try it later. I thought the image on his page wouldn't appear because it's rather large.

@Gofer: Thanks. I'll try to stay as active as I can. .:User:Fly Guy:.