Template:M&LBIS bestiary

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Revision as of 19:23, November 21, 2016 by Eldritchdraaks (talk | contribs)
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HP Power Defense Speed
Level Fire Fire Location(s)
Dizzy? Template:Nowrap KO? Battled by
Template:Nowrap Experience Coins Item Drop

This template is for information on enemies in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. The variables are as follows:

The enemy's name (the page title is the default).
The enemy's role (common, tutboss, boss, support, giant)
An image of the enemy.
Where the enemy can be found.
Who battles the enemy.
The enemy's level.
The enemy's HP.
The enemy's power
The enemy's defense.
The enemy's speed.
How much damage the enemy takes from fire attacks.
The enemy's susceptibility to being burned.
The enemy's susceptibility to becoming dizzy.
The enemy's susceptibility to lowering power/def.
The enemy's susceptibility to instant KOs.
The amount of EXP gained from beating the enemy.*
The coins gained from defeating the enemy.*
The item(s) dropped by the enemy.*
Enemies related to the enemy in question.

The asterisk'd ones (*) are ones that can be changed by Clothing and/or Badges, as explained in the hover-over text. If no items can be dropped, put "none" in that variable. For "Battledby=", the options are "Mario & Luigi", "Luigi", "Bowser", "Giant Bowser" or "Anyone". All of the stats, as well as explanations, can be found on the two tables included in the Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story bestiary article.