List of Boos in Luigi's Mansion
During the events of Luigi's Mansion, Luigi releases and must catch fifty Boos. Thirty-five of these Boos are named and each one always starts out in a particular room. Once Luigi uncovers a Boo, he must drain all of its HP with the Poltergust 3000 to capture it. Boos are capable of fleeing to other rooms, forcing Luigi to chase them down. Some Boos, when threatened, will tackle Luigi, others do not. Luigi can still take damage from these on contact, however.
The following chart shows each Boo, its amount of HP, whether or not it has the ability to attack, the room it starts out in, and the different hiding places in that room. Note that if the game is turned off before any particular Boo is caught, it will return to the room it started in with all its HP restored.
Area One
Name of Boo | HP | Attacks? | Found in | Hiding Places |
BamBoo "I am BamBoo, if you please." |
30 | No | Parlor | China Cabinet, Portrait, Bookcase, Coffee Table, Corner Table |
Bootha "Looking for me? Bootha!" |
50 | No | Anteroom | Vase Table x3 |
GameBoo Advance "Wanna play GameBoo Advance?" |
30 | Yes | Wardrobe Room | Wardrobe Closet x3, Shoe Stand |
TaBoo "Speak not my name: TaBoo!" |
50 | Yes | Study | Hat Rack, Desk, Easy Chair, Ship-in-a-Bottle |
Boolicious "I am the yummy Boolicious!" |
30 | Yes | Master Bedroom | Nightstand, Bed, Dresser, Vanity |
Turboo "I am TurBoo, and off I go!" |
50 | No | Nursery | Dresser, Table, Chair x2, Picture, Crib |