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< User:Yoshi876
Revision as of 13:12, November 13, 2014 by Yoshi876 (talk | contribs) (Will finish and make article either today tomorrow or over the weekend)
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This is my workpage where I'll create tables, and other stuff for mainspace articles. I'll also draft proposals and maybe some other stuff here as well.

Luigi's Mansion Stuff

  • Interactable objects with the Game Boy Horror (mirrors, mouse holes, cheese).
  • A complete section of the Game Boy Horror and its functions.
  • A table listing each enemy, with a short description and small image
  • A table listing Mario's items and their locations. Flavor text upon finding the item is encouraged but not really needed.
  • A table listing miscellaneous objects that don't quite fit with others, such as Poison Mushrooms, Hearts, and Cheese. Other objects, including treasure chests and keys, should also be included.
  • A better controls section, listing what each button does rather than lumping the thing into one paragraph.

Miscellaneous items

Item Effect
Cheese If Cheese is interacted with using the Game Boy Horror, then a Gold Mouse will be spawned.
Elemental Medals The Elemental Medals allow Luigi to catch and use Element Spirits.
Hearts Hearts restore health to Luigi.
Keys Keys are used to unlock locked doors and locked treasure chests.
King Boo's Crown King Boo's crown gives 5000G to Luigi.
Poison Mushrooms Poison Mushrooms appear after a Portrait Ghost has lost a certain amount of health. They shrink Luigi and free the ghost that he is trying to capture.

Common Ghosts

Other Ghosts

Game Boy Horror

Objects that can be interacted with

Article in progress

Here is the complete List of Palutena's Guidance conversations by alphabetical order.


  • Pit: When I think of Bowser, I always picture him deep in his castle, steeling himself for a fight.
  • Viridi: Or you know, playing golf or racing a go-kart.
  • Pit: He's looking pretty aggro today. Must be because he's in a fighting game.
  • Viridi: When Mario first fought Bowser, I hear he had to use an axe to chop down a rope bridge and drop the big guy.
  • Palutena: It all sounds like something from an 8-bit action movie!
  • Pit: I won't lie. I'm a little scared.
  • Palutena: Don't be. Bowser may be powerful, but he also leaves big openings. Fight smart and look for chances to counterattack.

Bowser Jr.

  • Pit: Is that Bowser Jr.?
  • Viridi: Yes. He's the heir to the Koopa throne.
  • Palutena: I wonder if his father bought him that Junior Clown Car. It's decked out with all sorts of bells and whistles.
  • Pit: Hey, I just thought of an even better name for it. How about...the Shellicopter?!
  • Viridi: ...Needless to say, the Junior Clown Car is one tricky vehicle.
  • Palutena: It's immune to many attacks, so strike when Bowser Jr. is exposed.
  • Viridi: So what you're saying is to hit him from above, right?

Diddy Kong

  • Pit: Oh look! It's Diddy Kong.
  • Viridi: He's Donkey Kong's little buddy.
  • Pit: Wonder if he'd let me win for a banana.
  • Palutena: Don't underestimate him just because he's a monkey. He's faster and stronger than any human.
  • Pit: As long as he can't fly, I'm good.
  • Palutena: He can't fly, but he does have a Peanut Popgun and an inexhaustible supply of peanuts to shoot at you.
  • Pit: So? I love peanuts!
  • Palutena: Not when they're pelting you in the face.
  • Pit: I don't know. Still sounds pretty good to me.
  • Viridi: Oh Pit! What WON'T you do for a snack?
  • Palutena: Fighting does take strength.
  • Viridi: Anyway, if you can hit Diddy Kong at just the right angle, he'll drop his Rocketbarrel Pack.
  • Palutena: However, it explodes when it lands on the ground, so watch out.

Donkey Kong

  • Pit: Looks like it's me versus DK.
  • Palutena: His arms are like tree trunks, so his attacks are incredibly powerful. Given his size, he also moves quite quickly. Combine that speed and power with his long reach, and you've got an opponent who's good at almost everything!
  • Pit: Yeah...except for dressing himself. That necktie really doesn't leave much to the imagination.
  • Palutena: True, but it is his signature look. It's probably best not to mention it.
  • Viridi: Yeah, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of his Giant Punches or smash attacks! When he attacks you, don't use your shield. Just get out of the way, and then counterattack.
  • Palutena: And watch where you come in for a landing!


  • Pit: Of all the fighters, Link is the one I most want to take down!
  • Palutena: Oh? Why's that?
  • Pit: We were born around the same time, and we both use a bow. He's totally ripping off my style.
  • Viridi: Puh-lease! Comparing Link to you is like comparing a star to a campfire.
  • Pit: What?!
  • Viridi: Just look at those chiseled features! His cheekbones could seriously cut glass.
  • Pit: Uh, earth to Viridi!
  • Viridi: Oh, I'm only kidding. The goddess of nature would never be interested in some hairless monkey!
  • Palutena: Oh, humans aren't all that bad. I could introduce you to him, if you'd like.
  • Viridi: Hmph. If you insist.
  • Palutena: Back to the fight at hand. Pit, you can reflect Link's projectile attacks using your Guardian Orbitars.
  • Viridi: Just watch out for his dreamy Clawshot!


  • Pit: Look! It's Luigi!
  • Viridi: Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
  • Pit: Aw, don't say that. After all, he even had his own year.
  • Viridi: I don't remember that. Though I suppose if he's number two out of all of these fighters, that's actually pretty good.
  • Pit: His attacks are no joke.
  • Viridi: You're right. Have you seen his Super Jump Punch and Green Missile? In some ways, he might even be stronger than his brother. Too bad about that unfortunate L on his forehead...
  • Pit: I'm sure that stands for "winner."


  • Palutena: You know who this guy is, don't you, Pit?
  • Pit: Of course I do! It's Mario!
  • Palutena: He was your first ally in the fight against the Subspace Army. What you may not know is that he's actually quite famous. There aren't many people who don't know who Mario is.
  • Pit: Man, I don't know whether to fight him or ask for his autograph.
  • Palutena: Fight first, fanboy later.
  • Pit: Oh, do you think he'll sign my wings?!

Mr. Game & Watch

  • Pit: Hey, it's a Shadow Bug!
  • Palutena: No, that's just Mr. Game & Watch.
  • Viridi: Watch out for number nine, Pit.
  • Pit: Uh, what are you talking about?
  • Palutena: Mr. Game & Watch's Judge attack displays random numbers. And when it displays "9," the attack is devastating.
  • Viridi: Getting hit with a nine will knock out any fighter with a single strike, no matter who it is. When his back is against the wall, Mr. Game & Watch might try his luck with a Judge attack.
  • Pit: Leaving victory to luck doesn't seem like the best strategy.
  • Palutena: Well, luck is part of every victory.
  • Viridi: So you better watch yourself, Pit.

Princess Peach

  • Pit: Oh, it's Princess Peach!
  • Viridi: Guess she's taking a break from being kidnapped.
  • Pit: I'm so glad we never have to worry about Lady Palutena. She can take care of herself.
  • Viridi: Really? Wasn't she imprisoned by Medusa for a bit there?
  • Pit: That hardly counts. After all, we were just freshmen back then. That would never happen now that we're more experienced!
  • Viridi: Peach has been in plenty of scrapes herself, so she ought to be quite experienced. And yet she never learns. Sometimes I wonder if she just lets herself get kidnapped for fun.
  • Palutena: I don't know about that. It seems like tossing vegetables is more her idea of fun. She'll pelt you with them the whole match if you don't watch it. But she can't reload when she's jumping, so keep your eye on what she's up to.

Rosalina and Luma

  • Palutena: And here we have Rosalina.
  • Viridi: Yes, she's the keeper of the Comet Observatory and mother of the Lumas.
  • Pit: Why is that comfy pillow following her? ...I love pillows!
  • Palutena: THAT is a Luma. And this is no pillow fight.
  • Viridi: It does look pretty plush, I have to say.
  • Pit: You know, Rosalina seems kinda rough with the little guy.
  • Viridi: There are plenty of Lumas, so losing a few isn't a big deal.
  • Pit: Not a big deal?!
  • Palutena: Lumas will sacrifice everything to protect Rosalina. They may not look like much, but they're powerful enough to send you flying, so be careful.


  • Pit: Um, Wario kind of smells.
  • Palutena: That's to be expected. For his Final Smash, he munches Nasty Garlic and transforms into his super-antihero alter ego... Wario-Man!
  • Pit: Uh... Wario-Man?
  • Palutena: Yes. Legend has it that Wario once caught a cold, accidentally ate a piece of Nasty Garlic, and turned into Wario-Man.
  • Pit: Huh. So Nasty Garlic is the key to Wario's power. Great.
  • Viridi: He's a real charmer, that one.
  • Palutena: Speaking of which... Eating seems to make Wario very gassy.
  • Pit: Ugh! TMI!
  • Palutena: I'm only telling you this for your own good. He's a ticking time bomb. Watch out for his sudden farts. And all farts in general. They're gross AND dangerous.
  • Pit: ...This job is really the worst sometimes.


  • Pit: It's Yoshi!
  • Viridi: Let me get this straight. Yoshi lays eggs, but he's actually male?
  • Pit: Uhh, shouldn't you know that, O goddess of nature?
  • Viridi: There's nothing natural about this guy!
  • Pit: Yeah, I see your point.
  • Palutena: Well all living beings contain both female and male elements. It appears that Yoshi is no different.
  • Pit: I wonder what's inside all those eggs... Chocolate?
  • Palutena: Focus, Pit. If you use your shield when Yoshi's pulling off an Egg Roll, you can grab him. Keep that in mind.


  • Palutena: This isn't quite the Zelda you're used to.
  • Pit: I hear she no longer changes form in battle.
  • Palutena: That's right, but she's got a new special move: the Phantom Slash.
  • Pit: Where does she get the Phantom from?
  • Palutena: It's hard to say. Magic?
  • Pit: Wow! I didn't realize she was such a powerful magician.