Bashmaster, referred to as Bashmaster, the Unbreakable, is a boss of Juicy Jungle in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
Bashmaster is first seen in a large ice floe, lying down carefreely and licking a popcicle. Suddenly Donkey Kong and his friends fall down from one of the juice pipe, falling into a ice floe which causes Bashmaster to lose his popcicle. After seeing his popcicle being eaten by piranhas, Bashmaster turns to look at Kongs, who seemed embarrassed. Taking his spiky hammer, he roars and challenges Kongs into a battle.
Physical Appearance
Bashmaster is a large polar bear. He wears a belt, with the jewel that has a snowflake pattern in the middle. He also has two wristbands in each arm.
Bashmaster mainly uses his spiky hammer to attack. At first, he comes to Kong, and swing his hammer on the ice. However, he cannot pull his hammer back, which gives a chance for Kongs to step on him. When stepped on, Bashmaster will stagger and fall into the fruit juice pool, and comes back to the ice floe. He then jumps high and falls down, which causes Kongs to move slightly backwards. He then summons ice blocks and push them to Kongs; some of them contain items such as Bananas, Banana Coins, Watermelon Bombs, and Hearts. In this case, throwing a Watermelon Bomb causes him to take damage, and doing to will make him to fall into the juice pool.
After taking three hits from either stomping or Watermelon Bombs, Bashmaster's fur color will change into a light purple. He will hit the ice floe to summon 2-3 ice blocks from the above. When the ice blocks are set, Bashmaster will dash toward Kongs, break the ice blocks, and spin at the end, which will make him dizzy. When he gets dizzy, he is again vulnerable to stomp attack which causes him to fall into the juice pool. His hammer-swinging attack now creates an icy wave which causes Kongs to take damage. Another pattern involves him summoning ice blocks and hit them with his mallet to create a spiky ice block that goes to Kongs.
After taking three hits his fur color will change into a purple completely. However, other than the change of coloration of his fur, and attack speed, his pattern will remain same. Hitting him with another three stomp or bomb, the boss is defeated.
Unlike other Snowmad members, he doesn't wear helmet to protect himself from stomp attacks; however, he does have a spiky hammer which will protect him from most of the stomp attacks.