Shadow Ball
Shadow Ball is a move used by Mewtwo in the game Super Smash Bros. Melee. It is executed simply by pressing the B button. If done correctly, Mewtwo should start charging up a ball of dark matter in his hands. The player could hold the B button to charge it even more. One could even walk with it. Once charged enough, the player must either let go of the button (if charging it up), or press the B button (if walking around with it) in order to shoot it at the opponent. The attack is very powerful once charged up to the most, but it also bounces up and down while hovering, so there is a good chance Mewtwo will miss the foe.
Shadow Ball is a real attack in the Pokémon series, used by many Ghost and Psychic Pokémon. Mewtwo was just one of the many Psychic types that could use it.