User talk:Bro Hammer/Archive 2

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< User talk:Bro Hammer
Revision as of 18:22, November 20, 2013 by Glowsquid (talk | contribs) (Glowsquid moved page User talk:Ultra Koopa/Archive 2 to User talk:Mr. Ice Bro./Archive 2: Automatically moved page while renaming the user "Ultra Koopa" to "Mr. Ice Bro.")
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Ultra Fuzzy's Archives

Hello, users. Thanks for visiting! Leave a message if you wish!


Wanna chat? PS I <3 that archive, Now your page is organized.KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 17:10, 7 December 2011 (EST)


Desculpe por sair do chat. A minha região tá com problemas de internet, e o chat não deixa eu entrar ;_; ThePremiumYoshi 09:44, 8 December 2011 (EST)


Me desculpe por tudo que está acontecendo hoje. Quando consertarem a internet, tudo vai ficar bem :) ThePremiumYoshi 11:22, 8 December 2011 (EST)

  • Eu vou tentar ir no chat de novo! Quer vir? ThePremiumYoshi 12:43, 8 December 2011 (EST)
  • Desculpe por não te responder no chat ;_; É que eu estava no banheiro :( ThePremiumYoshi 19:12, 16 December 2011 (EST)

Hey buddy

Do you remember that I painted an picture with Ultra Fuzzies? I've got a large grade! Yay to me! PS can I use your concept of making pixl dust around an character? PS it's Thanks for visiting. (On top of your talk page) ~ Qyzxf (talk)


Wow. That nenolod thing sounds scary, I'm yring it now.KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 11:49, 11 December 2011 (EST)

So the ban is only a week?KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 12:19, 11 December 2011 (EST)

Thats good cuz I was banned from #mwchat but I cant remember yKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 14:59, 11 December 2011 (EST)

Can I join the nenolod strikes back thing?KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 15:00, 11 December 2011 (EST)



  • If you made a proposal that has passed, but you don't know how to do the job, you can always ask someone else to take care of the work. RedYoshiMK7Signature.png M&SG (talk) 15:34, 12 December 2011 (EST)
  • No. The way the proposals work is that when their deadline is met, and the results are final, they're moved here. All past proposals are archived, including your recent one. RedYoshiMK7Signature.png M&SG (talk) 19:22, 12 December 2011 (EST)


Something happened on #rpg_hub, and it was like nenolod, but instead it was kurigu!!!KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:07, 12 December 2011 (EST)

yes u betcha cuz the flood message appeared in a massKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:17, 12 December 2011 (EST)

The flood message appeared in a mass!KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:25, 12 December 2011 (EST)

Oops sorryKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:32, 12 December 2011 (EST)


Vellidragon's on wikipedia as well!!!!KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:33, 12 December 2011 (EST)

Vellidragon's a user. Apperently she's also an admin.User:VellidragonKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:40, 12 December 2011 (EST)

Koopa,Sponge and Yoshi

Meet me and tpy in the chatroom #rootspirit.KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 18:04, 12 December 2011 (EST)

Your in chat right? KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 18:30, 12 December 2011 (EST)

Eu vou aproveitar esse header aqui ;) Venha pro chat! Tenho boas novas! :D ThePremiumYoshi 07:52, 14 December 2011 (EST)

Quando você for editar a wiki ao invés de ir ao chat, me avise que daí eu nem vou pra lá! ThePremiumYoshi 10:18, 15 December 2011 (EST)

if u have a ds lets pictochat.KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 12:43, 15 December 2011 (EST)

  • Essa história de eu ter sido hipnotizado pelo nenolod é mentira! Chat? ThePremiumYoshi 08:03, 19 December 2011 (EST)

NO HES LYING I SAW IT IN ChaTROOMKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 16:04, 19 December 2011 (EST)

Hey check this out

We're going on a 20-Day Spy Mission!!!!!

Featuring Archenemies, Puzzles and YOU! And of course, Chop-Chomp! (My pet chain chomp) wHO DOESN'T LOVE cHOMPS? Do-da-dedeee-dooodado----I' still workin' on the theme.KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 12:54, 15 December 2011 (EST)

So whadda u think?KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 13:05, 15 December 2011 (EST)

Its a spy thing. I made it upKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 13:10, 15 December 2011 (EST)


Template removed by the administrators.

Ha! A fake warning! Don't worry, you won't get in trouble for it!

Green YoshiYoshiKong34x (talk · edits)


TPY's been hypnotyzed by nenolod in the chat room to get his revenge! It went like this:

+++ set the channel to mode +n

+++ set the channel to mode +t

<ThePremiumYoshi>: Look, stop skipping multiple lines in my talk page!

<SpongeBlobby>: Sorry

<ThePremiumYoshi>: So...

<SpongeBlobby>: Watcha wanna chat about?

<ThePremiumYoshi>: DKC :3

<SpongeBlobby>: The original?

<ThePremiumYoshi>: The series

<SpongeBlobby>: oh

<ThePremiumYoshi>: DKC3 <3

<SpongeBlobby>: well I've beaten Tiki Tong.

<ThePremiumYoshi>: Tiki Tong?

<SpongeBlobby>: Final Boss of dkc r

<ThePremiumYoshi>: This is from DKCR. I wanna from DKC to DKC3

<SpongeBlobby>: O NO

<SpongeBlobby>: I dont have

<ThePremiumYoshi>: Wut?

<ThePremiumYoshi>: ;_;


<SpongeBlobby>: Anti Koopa has stolen the Scythe of Beauty

<ThePremiumYoshi>: You don't have any of the DKC games besides DKCR?

<SpongeBlobby>: Its a game

<SpongeBlobby>: No


<ThePremiumYoshi>: That's sad. You don't know what you're missing!


<ThePremiumYoshi>: ?

<SpongeBlobby>: Put a text message on a paper, its still a paper.

<ThePremiumYoshi>: You're far too confusing. I'm going away.

<SpongeBlobby>: NO

<SpongeBlobby>: I heard N64Dude is online

<SpongeBlobby>: Maybe we could send him?

<ThePremiumYoshi>: So?

<ThePremiumYoshi>: Send him what?

<SpongeBlobby>: hes a friend

<SpongeBlobby>: Lets chat w/ him

<SpongeBlobby>: IT PBJ TIME

<ThePremiumYoshi>: Again: You're far too confusing. I can't stand it...

+++ SpongeBlobby has given op to ThePremiumYoshi

<SpongeBlobby>: I still scared of nenolod

<ThePremiumYoshi>: AAAACK! HELP ME!!!

ThePremiumYoshi has been hypnotized by nenolod

<SpongeBlobby>: Wut du?





<SpongeBlobby>: I know your in there tpy.


<SpongeBlobby>: Ugh

<ThePremiumYoshi>: KICK IN

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 3

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 2

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1,5

<SpongeBlobby>: NO

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1,4

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1,3

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1,2

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1,1

<SpongeBlobby>: Koopa blast

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 1,0

<ThePremiumYoshi>: 0

<SpongeBlobby>: GIZIZZLE!!

<ThePremiumYoshi>: "kick SpongeBlobby

<ThePremiumYoshi>: BZZZT!!!

<SpongeBlobby>: That did not hurt nenolod


<SpongeBlobby>: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

<SpongeBlobby>: A Yoshi Story


<SpongeBlobby>: The Mighty Pokey


+++ SpongeBlobby has taken op from ThePremiumYoshi


<ThePremiumYoshi>: YOU FOOOL!

<SpongeBlobby>: If U dont have op then nenolod cant control u KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 21:07, 16 December 2011 (EST) It was in #RootKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 10:11, 17 December 2011 (EST)


The page(s) you recently created (Piano (souvenir)) has/have been put up for deletion, has been deleted, or turned into a redirect. This may be because it violated at least one of the policies and/or guidelines of the Super Mario Wiki. There are some things you can do to ensure this doesn't happen again.
  1. Make sure there is no other article about the same subject with a different title, especially for conjectural articles.
  2. Make sure the article has enough information to make it a worthwhile read (i.e. it does more than state the obvious, such as "Luigi's Mansion is a mansion that is owned by Luigi"). Overly short articles are known as stubs and their creation is strongly discouraged; it is better to amass enough information to make a solid article right off the bat instead.
  3. Make sure the article is significant enough in the Super Mario franchise to have its own article.

If the article has only been tagged to be deleted you can still fix or expand it, but an administrator may delete it at any time, so please act quickly. Thank you for reading, and keep contributing!

--Knife (talk) 13:59, 18 December 2011 (EST)

meet me in the chtroom #rootspirit

.KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 17:24, 20 December 2011 (EST)

Sorry the chat was delayed. Meet me i promise this time cuz I was eating dinner yesterdayKoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 17:11, 21 December 2011 (EST)

Not #Root, #rootspirit. EXACTLY!KoopaMan (talk) Gumball of the Stars (talk) 17:13, 21 December 2011 (EST)

Querido Ultra Koopa...

...Aqui estamos nós! Fim do ano, com as festividades chegando, clima alegre enchendo nossos corações de vida, papai noél vindo de lá do Polo Norte pra nos dar presentes. Enfim, estamos nos aproximando cada vez mais de um momento muito especial - o Natal. Nesse momento mágico, as famílias se reunem, se divertem, choram, pulam, e muitas coisas mais - porém, família está longe de significar somente quem tem o nosso sangue. A Família se constitue de todos os parentes, sub-parentes, cachorros, gatos, e principalmente - dos melhores amigos. Todos os Natais da minha vida, foram entre "Família", mas estava faltando uma certa Koopa Troopa de casco azul esverdeado, pra deixar as coisas ainda mais natalinas. Não são presentes que definem a alegria do Natal, é a Família! E, com certeza, a Super Mario Wiki faz parte da minha família. Todos nós, usuários, somos uma família, independente de não nos conhecermos, de não nos darmos bem. Até mesmo os sysops são parte da nossa famíia! Mas, você, caro Koopa, é mais do que um amigo - é um irmão! Aquele irmão que a gente se dá super bem. E é com essa mensagem que eu desejo um...
Feliz Natal! e um Ótimo Ano Novo! ThePremiumYoshi 06:42, 24 December 2011 (EST)


Yo.I was wondering if you would like to be friends.Spr 3e 004 s.gif JoeypmarioPin007.gif 14:56, 24 December 2011 (EST)


Yes. You can take it. It is on my Userpage.Spr 3e 004 s.gif JoeypmarioPin007.gif 14:59, 24 December 2011 (EST)


I'm going to have to ask you to stop changing all those navigation templates. Major changes to multiple templates need to be discussed and approved by the community beforehand, which was not the case here. You'll have to make a proposal outlining the changes you want to make before you can enact them. - Walkazo 16:06, 24 December 2011 (EST)

Knife said your proposal didn't outline what you wanted to do so it didn't matter if it passed or not Raven Effect (talk)
"The Mario Wiki could be more beautiful and organizated by changing game Navigation Templates by series" was what you proposed. You were changing species templates, not game templates, and you weren't organizing them by series, you were making them all one colour and messing up the text formatting. Also, just because the community agreed that the templates need colour-coding doesn't mean they were giving you free reign to redo everything as you see fit: not even the admins get that amount of freedom. You have to post drafts and outlines and make proper policies before you can make such drastic alterations. - Walkazo 16:19, 24 December 2011 (EST)
Yes, they agreed that something needs to be done: even most of the opposers agreed something needs to be done, but the proposal did NOT mean that you could choose every colour for every template yourself without running your choices by anyone first. I say again, NO ONE is allowed that much free reign over the wiki. - Walkazo 16:36, 24 December 2011 (EST)


Hey there, I saw one of your userboxes that said you have a 3DS. Can I get your friend code? And while I'm here, you wanna be friends? Sprite of Yoshi's stock icon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tails777 Talk to me!Sprite of Daisy's stock icon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Oh, O.K. don't worry about it. Still wanna be friends? (On the wiki I mean) Sprite of Yoshi's stock icon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tails777 Talk to me!Sprite of Daisy's stock icon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Awesome. Here is my userbox. |-


Super Yoshi.JPG

Sprite of Yoshi's stock icon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tails777 Talk to me!Sprite of Daisy's stock icon from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Boas festas de PokeLucas!

Oi Ultra Koopa! Eu sou o oposto do que em linguagem, eu sei melhor do que o meu Inglês Português e você sabe melhor do Inglês Português por isso, desculpa o meu Português, se a sua incorreta. Eu queria desejar um Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo para você e ThePremiumYoshi! Também eu queria te agradece, porque apesar de eu ter falado mal a você ou a conhecê-lo e ThePremiumYoshi, fora do monte de amigos em todos os anos, ambos turened para fora para ser o meu favorito. Então, muito obrigado por ser meu amigos que são os melhores! Boas festas e desfrutar do seu tempo! :D PokeLucas


Thank you! I try to practice my Portuguese here and there one in a while so I can learn it. And for your age your pretty good in English! I once came to America not knowing any english and 3 years later I got the hang of it! But you are really good! =)


Thanks again! But actually I made many mistakes in some pages. Bro Hammer (TalkCont) 11:52, 27 December 2011 (EST)

Hey! Help?

Hey Eu vi que você tem um 3DS e que você não sabe como / não pode se conectar a redes Wi-Fi nele ... você precisa de ajuda? Eu sou muito experiente, com todas as conexões Wi-fi por isso, se você precisar de alguma ajuda para conectá-lo eu seria mais do que o prazer de cruzar-lo através do caminho :D

Ok so...

Ok, então você quer que eu para ajudá-lo, em caso afirmativo, em seguida, com o que você precisa de ajuda, quando você quer começar, tudo é uma decisão sua! =)


Hi Ultra Koopa! You know the Yellow Yoshi thing you made for PremiumYoshi? If it's not too much trouble, I would like one :) File:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg That image please, except the Yoshi should be orange. Thank you! --File:YoshiMP8a.PNG SuperYoshiBros File:YoshiMP8a.PNG 12:45, 31 December 2011 (EST)