Confused is a status ailment found in the game, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, indicated with an orange spiral found above the victim. Confusion can affect either Mario or one of his partners. When confused, there is a chance that they might disobey commands from the player; which can make Mario or his allies to attack each other instead of an enemy or use healing items on enemies instead of on theirselves. Not only that, but it can cause partners to be switched out instead of attack, defending or appealing instead of using an item, and many other situations. Enemies can also gain this ailment, which can cause them to attack their teammates instead of Mario or his party. Confusion is very similar to the Dizzy ailment, as both can cause a less chance of hitting the enemies.
Vivian's Infatuate attack can create Confusion on the enemies, but it doesn't affect Bosses or sub-bosses. An attack from an displeased audience or random effects from the stage itself - such as a smack on the head from a fallen bucket - can also cause the confused status.