Art and Deco
Art and Decko are two very different looking musicians of Mona's rock band in WarioWare: Touched!. The band is called "Mona and The Hot Slices". While Mona plays the bass guitar, the yellow, slightly bear-like Decko raps and the small, dark-gray, and slightly imp-like Art plays a banjo. In "Ear Candy", a television show of the DBS, Ken the VJ announces that Mona and her hot slices reaches the top of the record charts and displaces the pop singer Vanessa from the first place, who performs with The Dinosaurs as the background guitarists. He also states that the Hot Slices will have a gig at the Hawt House. Vanessa watches the show and gets furious along with the Dinosaurs about it and plotted to ruin the Hot Slices chances of performing there. At that time, Mona, Art, and Decko were doing their last bit of practice at Mona Pizza before their gig. When they are done, Mona drives her scooter towards the Hawt House, Art and Decko followed her in a van with Mona's logo on it. As Mona and her hot slices were on their way, Vanessa and the Dinosaurs appeared on motorcycles and hamper the trio. Vanessa then drove towards the Hawt House while the Dinosaurs hopped into their bird-like machine and flew over Mona, Art, and Deco. They then used a grabber and kidnapped Art. Pizza Joe and Mona's animal friends came to help, but they are kicked away by the machine. 4.1 and 4.2 then fly in and shoot soccer balls at the machine but are unable to stop it. Decko then used the lever from the van to eject himself at the Dinosaurs' machine and releases Art. The Dinosaurs' flying machine then came falling down on the street and the band hurries their way to the Hawt House. At the Hawt House, the fans were already waiting for the appearance of their performers. Then a speaker announces the gig of "Mona and The Hot Slices" and they came on the stage and rock the house. Vanessa, who was also present at the Hawt House, got very angry. However, when Mona realized that she had to deliver pizzas, she drove away on her scooter with her guitar. While Art and Decko stop playing and are embarrassed, Vanessa got an idea and wore a wig and a hat on her head similar to Mona's and described herself as Mona but didn't trick the public. The people booed and threw various objects at her. Later in the game, Art and Decko are still seen performing with Mona and Vanessa at the Hawt House.
In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Art and Decko made a brief apperance in Young Cricket and Master Mantis's story where they along with Mona's animals were helping Mona and Joe sell dumplings.