Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
- Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
- "Vote" periods last for one week.
- All past proposals are archived.
A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed using the code {{user|User name}}. Signing with the signature code ~~~(~) is not allowed due to technical issues.
How To
- Actions that users feel are appropriate to have community approval first can be added by anyone, but they must have a strong argument.
- Users then vote and discuss on the issue during that week. The "deadline" for the proposal is one week from posting at:
- Monday to Thursday: 17:00 (5pm)
- Friday and Saturday: 20:00 (8pm)
- Sunday: 15:00 (3pm)
- Every vote should have a reason accompanying it.
- At any time a vote may be rejected if at least three active users believe the vote truly has no merit or was cast in bad faith. However, there must be strong reasons supporting the invalidation.
- "# " should be added under the last vote of each support/oppose section to show another blank line.
- Any proposal that has three votes or less at deadline will automatically be listed as "NO QUORUM." The original proposer then has the option to relist said proposal to generate more discussion.
- All proposals are archived. The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it. If it requires the help of a sysop, the proposer can ask for that help.
- Proposals can not be made about System Operator promotions and demotions. Sysops can only be promoted and demoted by the will of Bureaucrats.
- There shouldn't be proposals about creating articles on a underrepresented or completely absent subject, unless there is major disagreement about whether the content should be included. To organize efforts about completing articles on missing subjects, try creating a PipeProject.
The times are in EDT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after work/school, weekend nights). If a proposal is added on Saturday night at 11:59 PM EDT, the deadline is the next Saturday night at 8:00 PM. If it is a minute later, the deadline is a day plus 15 hours (Sunday), as opposed to a day minus 4 hours.
CURRENTLY: 07:28, 31 March 2025 (EST)
New Features
Word From a Mario Game of the Day
I propose a "Word From a Mario Game of the Day" feature, or "Word of the Day" I don't care what it's called. It would be sort of like "quote of the day" except it features a unique word. For example, "scintillating" which was said by Professor Frankly in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, is a prime example of a big, juicy word uttered in a Mario game (or Wario game, DK game, whatever is good.) Now a younger, or even an older editor may see these words, be interested in the word (for it came from a game he loves), and look up the word. These words, (be they big, odd, or uncommon words, or even old words like "verily", can stay with the Mario wiki editor forever. It can make them better editors to have a more extensive vocab. Or it can be just for fun for most words added. It can even be a Mushroom Kingdomey related type of word. It can even have words from other languages, i.e., "Fantastico". Anything big or interesting (such as "chortle" by that Demon Chest from TTYD?). Mariowikite: "Oh, yeah! I love that evil creature trapped in a chest from TTYD! That's right I remember now! He said, "I can't help but chortle! I'm gunna look that up and add it to my every day vocabulary!" It is scientifically proven that the best way to learn something is through association with something you love. How 'bout it? A lot of the words might come from Super Paper Mario, as it has more colorful words, such as "discombobulated", than you can shake a stick at! This isn't just some educational thing, more just an interesting feature.
Proposer: JerseyMarioFreak (talk)
Deadline: February 4, 2009, 17:00
- JerseyMarioFreak (talk) - Aforementioned reason. There is no reason not to support it.
- Bloc Partier (talk) - Frankly, this feature sounds pretty strange, considering we already have a "Quote of the Day." It would also clutter up the main page even more than it already is, and we don't want that, do we? Additionally, it would be extremely hard to implement this feature to be automatic, and users would have to change the word every day themselves. There would be disagreements on the word choice, as well. And I don't want to leave it to the sysops to make a list or always do it themselves, and they would be the only ones who wouldn't argue about stuff.
- Stooben Rooben (talk) - Per Bloc Partier.
- Paper Yoshi (talk) - Per Bloc Partier.
- Mario3v (talk) - Per all.
- Blitzwing (talk) - ... Only one word? That's incredibly pointless.
- Clay Mario (talk) - Per All
- Walkazo (talk) - Per all. Also, if you want to expand peoples' vocabulary, just inject the fancy language into the articles. If they want, the readers can look the words up, but even if they don't, the context will give them some idea of what it all means, and learning through osmosis can be just as effective.
Note: When creating a Proposal, create a Comments subsection after the Support and Oppose. I had to create this section. Dom (talk)
Well, I can't decide whether to Support or Oppose. I don't really think it's necessary to have something similar as well as the already-existing Quote of the Day, and the Main Page is already quite cluttered. Also, if a person who played a game was really intrigued by a word used in a Mario game, I'm sure they would have looked it up at the time. And I think most younger users would already be learning new words by playing a wordy Mario game (the RPGs mainly), as it's necessary to understand the story. So yeah, I can see your good reasoning behind adding this feature, but I just thought I'd point out those things. Until further discussion, I am undecided. Dom (talk)
Well I'm surprised it looks like it's not going to pass. You CAN make it automatic; I know atleast a good 100 words that could be used that can randomly generate each day. Oh, someone who doesn't know a big word from an RPG will look it up? No they won't, they are focusing on the game. Unless they have a pen and paper to write down a good word, (Which was implemented most brilliantly by the producers of the game), they're not going to write the word down and remember to look it up! Even if they are interested later on, odds are they won't remember the word! They will just go on playing. But if they see a good word on while online, on their favorite site (Mariowiki), it will be most easy to look the word up right away. Obviously it was important to the game makers and the translator's from Nintendo of America for the language they use to stay with and touch the gamers. To quote dialouge from the games. Who plays with a pen and paper handy to write down interesting words? And it is just one word, and maybe the title of the game it was used in, that is it. Nothing more. Not much space. Hardly no space taken up whatsoever. It will just take up a tiny square. It can go right under the quote of the day. There is nothing wrong with changing your votes, to those who have voted in opposition. JerseyMarioFreak (talk)
- I know you wanna win this proposal, but you're losing by 1-7, so it's very difficult to change the opposers' opinions. Also, the one who should decide where in the Main Page this feature would go is Steve. And I understand Dom's point. If someone gets intrigued by a word, they certainly would look it up to see what it means. The "Word of the Day" feature would be a smaller "Quote of the Day" in my opinion. Just it. Paper Yoshi (talk)
Add a Youtube Embedding Feature
Whoa, it's been months since I've been here, but I'm back. Happy new year everyone. Forgive me, I have forgot the proper format for a proposal, so correct me if I'm doing this wrong which I probably am. Getting back on topic, I think we should add a youtube embedding feature so we could watch some Mario trailers or walkthroughs, etc. on youtube. So, what d'ya think?
Proposer: Clay Mario (talk)
Deadline: February 1, 2009, 15:00
- Clay Mario (talk) - Reason given above.
- R.O.B 128 (talk) - Per Clay Mario.
- Walkazo (talk) - There was a similar proposal about this a while ago and it failed. It's too much trouble to get the formatting set up, just link to the videos at the bottom. Plus, YouTube videos are murder if you use an old computer (mine crashes when I try to access video-containing sites).
- Z3r0 Tw0 (talk) Per Walkazo. It takes people long enough to load large pages (i.e. Mario.) Finding videos and adding coding would be a bit irritable, and loading pages even worse.
- Bloc Partier (talk) - It would more than likely make articles worse because of crappy quality and placing.
- Dom (talk) - Australia's internet speeds are pathetic compared to the US (or so I've heard), so I always do whatever I can to load less data. And also per Walkazo.
- Zafum - I've seen other wikis that use youtube videos and they stink, as well as look unformal. Per all.
- Mario3v (talk) - It would just be to difficult k. Per all.
- Shadowbowser (talk) - Okay, I like the idea I really do. To tell you the truth not many people have new PC. I had a hard time getting the laptop I have right now. With the way things are now people don't have the newer PCs. Most people still have old PCs. Old PCs can lag or even crash when a Youtube video or any video is playing on there. Can't we just link them. If people had money and more people had newer PCs I would say yes.
- Coincollector (talk) - See my comment.
- Stooben Rooben (talk) - Per all. YT vids really bog down computers, depending on the video's quality; putting that directly on an article could be horrible for this wiki. Just leave a link at the bottom of the page, as long as its a useful video or is a good citation.
- Storm Yoshi (talk) - I tried this a while back, sorry, it ain't happening.
- Grapes (talk) - Per all.
- Super Luigi! Number one! (talk) - Per Grapes (lol)
- Dark Lakitu 789 (talk) We can't have videos on games like Conker's Bad Fur Day even Super Smash Bros. Brawl it can scare little kids.
- Paper Yoshi (talk) - Per all.
- JerseyMarioFreak (talk) - Nooo way we don't need that kind of junk here.
- Bob-omb buddy (talk) - Per all. Why do we need walktroughs, anyway?
Don't we already have this feature? -- Son of Suns (talk)
- Yeah, but it can't be used on Mainspace articles. Blitzwing (talk)
- Oh okay. Thanks. -- Son of Suns (talk)
Wikia has this feature. Besides, we can embed it in a way where the video just doesn't automatically start, I think, therefore not crashing your computer. Clay Mario (talk)
- Videos never automatically start. Bloc Partier (talk)
I don't care. I would like to have one but if you have a slow or an old PC it can make it lag or even crash. With a faster and newer PC maybe it would be alright. -- ShadowBowser (talk)
- Unfortunately not everyone has newer and faster compters, and those of us who don't shouldn't be penalized for it. YouTube videos are already externally linked to around the Wiki, and a lot of the time, even if the videos could be imbedded it would make the article look bad (i.e. imbedding one clip of The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach would not work out, whereas linking to a page with videos covering the entire movie makes perfect sense). The external linking system already works fine, and changing it would do more harm than good. - Walkazo (talk)
- I think we should just link the videos. If the way things are now I don't think anybody will be getting a new PC soon. I had a hardtime getting this laptop. If people get newer PCs then maybe we would go for it. I know alot of cousins and friends who have old PCs models.
Shadowbowser (talk)
Son of Suns recently decided that, because of their low quality, images pulled from normal quality YouTube videos cannot be put on a featured articles. Would an article with a YouTube video embedded on it then not be acceptable as a featured article? Stumpers (talk)
On the other hand, we could upload a video under the ogg. format, which Wikipedia does employ most. This will result that any video uploaded will be played by Java. Coincollector (talk)
- That might be better: computers that can't handle ogg. files merely don't load them, instead of crashing (or at least that's what mine does), so it hopefully won't inconveience anyone too much. However, if animated images are considered gaudy (see this discussion), wouldn't videos end up in sorta the same boat? - Walkazo (talk)
- You can't stop an animation, you can only cry in horror as it's sheer awfulness destroy the eyes and ruin the rest of the page. --Blitzwing 07:01, 26 January 2009 (EST)
- The OggHandler extension to make OGG playing an embedded javascript function (currently utilized by Wikipedia very well) is only available in 1.11+. Remember we're stuck in 1.10.2, so we're stuck with users having to find an OGG player on their own. Wayoshi (talk) 21:40, 26 January 2009 (EST)
Regardless of what happens with this proposal, I have a question regarding walkthrough videos. Would videos made of someone playing the game count as "official" or as fan-made content? -- Son of Suns (talk)
If we could use embedded youtube videos, we'll have to add only videos that talk or show what are we talking about in an article, even though it is acceptable to show certain videogames' intro or a gameplay - if there is one, of course. However, it's hard to find a decent video from such site, and thus, a page of this wiki would look less professional and formal if we put a video containing some editions made by informal users (like subtitles, comments and so on). Coincollector (talk)
- In response to SoS's question, I think we'd have to classify walkthroughs (etc.) as fan-made. The games might be official, but how they're played, how the dialogue is voiced, and any commentary isn't. It'd be like if someone posted a game summary, but explained all the discontinuities themselves - the summary part's okay, but we wouldn't want to quote the whole thing on our articles because of the fanon. External linking to walkthroughs should be okay though, because they are an invaluable source of info, and hopefully the readers/viewers have enough common sense to differentiate between the canon and the unofficial aspects of the video. - Walkazo (talk)
Sorry Clay Mario, I shouldn't have voted. Whichever side I'm on is always opposed by you lot of users. -__- - R.O.B 128 (talk)
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Splits & Merges
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