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Ah, you said you had an Emerald ROM...I've looked at Youtube Emerald hacks and I really want to have a map editor so I can recreate my regions. Of course, for the last one I'd need to have a blizzard effect...Do you know of an effective hacking program? I DO know where to find Bagon...I found out several years ago when I finally saw a trainer's Bagon (thank that random Dragon Tamer in the middle of dangerous rip currents) and went off in search of it in the Falls. It was kinda obvious when I found that dragon-related thingy in that one room...
Ah, you said you had an Emerald ROM...I've looked at Youtube Emerald hacks and I really want to have a map editor so I can recreate my regions. Of course, for the last one I'd need to have a blizzard effect...Do you know of an effective hacking program? I DO know where to find Bagon...I found out several years ago when I finally saw a trainer's Bagon (thank that random Dragon Tamer in the middle of dangerous rip currents) and went off in search of it in the Falls. It was kinda obvious when I found that dragon-related thingy in that one room...
Uh, until what becomes accessible?
Feh, I'll make the chart soon.
{{User:Gyroid X/sig}} says "feh" too much. Thank his constant querying of DP for that...

Revision as of 11:47, December 22, 2008

Status: Life is a paradoxical enigma; and as such, it is not worth explaining why I ever was a part of this site, or what my true intentions are in life. Well, I sort of know... but they are not achievable. Farewell to this site.


  • Please post new messages at the very bottom of the page, even if you're continuing a recent conversation that only has one small message after it. Otherwise I sometimes miss messages.
  • No evil swear-words. I don't really care if you do *** to represent them, but NEVER direct swearing towards me. I'll get a Sysop!
  • Don't insult any religions... even though I'm not religious.
  • No racism either, unless it's about zombies (wait - do they count as a race? o_O)

Seven Archives:

Look, I've made another archive of old messages! Do NOT read them - they're private!

Dom's TOP SECRET Archives! Do NOT read!

Start messages here...

(if you dare...)

Holy Chap...stick! (That's what you use when you're lips are cracked)

Hey man, feel free to talk to me when you have a time. You never waste my time, so have no worries. ;) BTW, you said there was some wiki-related question you wanted to ask; what is it? — Stooben Rooben 16:14, 8 December 2008 (EST)

Brawl Tactics

Hey, I red both of your Brawl Tactics and I must say that they both were pretty good. Might I suggest that you choose Luigi for the next issue? He has many advantages:

  • Luigi's aerial game is fast, powerful, and perfect for comboing and edge guarding. Plus, Luigi has high jumping abilities and low falling speed further helping his aerials.
  • Luigi's low traction makes him great for spamming a sliding smash attack as opposed to his pretty bad running attack.
  • Luigi's fire punch, should not be overlooked as his best killing move, killing as low as 50%. You just got to make sure it sweet-spots.
  • Luigi's down smash and side smash have impressive range and both come out very quickly, his down smash also occasionally hooks people back towords Luigi for comboing.
  • Luigi's up-b, down-b (by rapidly pressing B), and side-b all give him a variety of recovery methods which makes him unpredictable, as well as gets him a lot of distance.
  • Luigi's Luigi cyclone (down-B) combos perfectly into his aerials. It also has good range on it, increases his speed (I think), and has fairly low ending lag, meaning that you can start a combo from a distance.
  • Believe it or not, Luigi's Dair can spike, but only when the opponent is just above his knee.
  • Luigi's front-Smash can KO as early as around 70%, even heavies!
  • The Negative Zone is one of the best final smashes in the game IMO. One Super Jump Punch will instantly kill the opponest(s).
  • Luigi's fireballs are spammable, thus making them good for approaching, edgeguarding, and disrupting laggy attacks.

So what do you think of this idea? WK

Hello Dom! Alex25, Aluigi, Master Hand, Whatever. 05:28, 10 December 2008 (EST)


Lulz Alex25, Aluigi, Master Hand, Whatever. 05:35, 10 December 2008 (EST) ALL HAIL WIKIA!!!

I'm doing my best to consume my anger

Haha, that's funny. I expected you to try and convince me to stay, but all I got was... well... stuff. I've been busy as well, going places (like outside) and stuff. -overuses the word "stuff"-

I really don't give a flying shit about how anyone views me as a player, I just do it for fun. I'm not a pro, and I'm sorry if I kinda bragged about my pokemons' win streaks and stuff. I'm in no position to say I'm better than anyone, so sorry if I made anyone upset. ;_; I, myself, am trying to improve too.

I'm going to have to disagree with that too. You know high level (by level I mean skill in which professionals use them) pokemon like Infernape or Blaziken, right? Fighting types, bug types, and grass types have the weakness of flying. My Lugia can easily wipe out any Infernape or Blaziken, and he has never lost to a Pinsir or Heracross, both high level bug types preferred by pros. My Lugia also knows Psycho boost, being that I received it originally from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (it also came with featherdance; now that, is a crappy move). Who says I use Dialga to finish off pokemon all the time? Whenever I'm at the clear advantage, I'll use RoT and lay as much damage as possible before whipping out my real good pokemon like Arceus or Darkrai. Dialga are not slow, they just have a lower speed base stat than Palkia does. RoT can also be useful if I ever have a "follow me" user as a partner, preferably Mew.

I'm not a bastard, and I'm not lucky. I'm living with my father and sister right now so don't try pulling the family card on me. As for the move, it hits 70% of the time. Normally, that's bad, but if you think about it, it's average. Heck, I've even landed alot of Dynamic punches and Zap cannons with no problem. You can call me... ACCURACY MAN!!! DUN DUN NA NUUUNN!!!

Again, who says I'm going to use my Giratina all the time? Who dammit!? -looks around- It's a finisher, Dom. I've said that, what? Like three times. Because I have, I'm going to assume that you prefer annoying your opponents with moves that induce status like paralysis or confusion. Well, I'm an attacker, and I've baffled many annoyers with my immense force, although I still suck.

Well get some moar! Read, boy, read!

Most rock types are bad because of their terrible special defense and speed, and Rampardos is somewhat of an embarrassment if you don't know how to use one. Golem is good in double battles and can be protected, sudowoodo is kkind of hit-and-run, especially with wood hammer and double edge. I'm an out-of-the-ordinary kind of guy so I try my best to make pokemon that suck, become good. Like my Aggron. He's a beast. Literally.


Rong. Again. No, just no. My Garchomp would not "fail", especially to a Bronzthong. It better have levitate. Mines has that ability whereas it is resistant to fire type attacks. Yeah, Heat proof. Also, I could send out my Heatran to finish you with a touch of irony. That's rite. I'm going to use magma storm.

"Hint: Swearing on the Wiki is frowned upon by all Sysops and Bureaucrats, so if you ever hope to be a Sysop (I'm not sure if this is your aim or not), avoid such words."

One thing I hate about being on the internet is that people think they can over power you with words. I don't fear text, dude. No, that is not my "aim". I'm trying to make as many edits as possible and I've only come up with a pathetic edit count of 17-something. Also, again you're being a hypocrite. "Dammit!" "One lucky bastard!" <-- counts as trolling, and trolls are the dumb fapping teenage boys that need to get off of the internet. For good. I've already successfully "defeated" 20 of them on youtube, and it's much harder to do at the wiki. I now ask you to refrain from committing general asshattery, as it is against teh rules. Oh, and another thing, quote arguments are very easy to win for me. I've lost count at how many arguments I've won against users within my age range, but yeah. Just a little warning.

Good. I need to make videos soon as well, although I won't be doing them on pokemon. It'll be a compilation video or something.

Hm. Nice.

30.pngR.O.B. 128User offline.gif I take it that you were a bit upset at me this time, and I'm sorry if I pissed you off or anything. I'm not enjoying my life either, and I'm not leaving this site. I would've if you weren't here, because you're just too awesome. And Stooby of course.

Big Bloody Bird Bang (Oh, Alliteration)

I'll tell all three, mainly because they're short.

The sound on my computer doesn't work.. :/ But the other parts, xD

Then TV lies terribly. I hope you don't eat wombats! :O

I'll get to that later on...

OK, first, The Bird With The Odd Name: I've seen lotsa birds in my life and heard some odd names of them. But this one, just wow. I was over my friend's house and we saw this one bird, and she is a REAL animal lover, so she knew the name off the top of her head. She told me it was, errm, a titmouse which if Australians have similar vocabulary, you'll know why it's odd. Next Band IS Bloody: It was your everyday band practice, obnoxious trumpets and the quietest flutes, and then there's me, on the trombone. So we started playing, and earlier that day I had bit my lip really hard. Man, did it hurt. >_< The song we were playing was marked ff, meaning fortissimo, meaning really loud. I was playing so hard, (and the fact we have to vibrate our lips didn't help) that I started bleeding into my mouthpiece! It wasn't gushing,just kinda saliva mixed with red. Ew. (I'd also like to note my teacher freaked out that class and began dancing and freaking out. xD) Now The Big Bang (On The Ground): It was my 6th-7th grade dance. No, not the dress up all pretty ones, just go there, eat, hang out with friends, and maybe dance. But there was this really big 7th grade girl, I mean height and width, who was (trying) to dance. Sadly, she had on high-heels and tripped, fell over, her shoe went flying, and BOOM! She was lying there, banged up, and just barely avoided crushing a 6th grader. She couldn't get up either, so she had to be brought away by wheelchair. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit, because, how many times do you see a humongous girl trip over relatively nothing and have to go out in a wheelchair? It wasn't in front of her, thankfully.

Please do!

OK, what might that be?

Very specific, indeed. Sure, why not? LuigiZ3r0 Tw0Zerotwo.jpg Avoid falling girls, K?

You seem to be trying your best...

You swing your moods alot moar than I do, which is common for people who think very low of themselves. If you believe you phail, then you phail. Not much moar I could add to that. =/

Before I continue this discussion, or argument, whatever you'd like to call it, I think we should cut the pokeyman chat. This is causing both of us to lose our tempers, and you know it. How? Allow me to explain. :)

"Your pokemon will fail"

Ok, wtf did I do to you to make you say something like that? Honestly, I'm offended when someone who thinks they're lower than the soles of my feet insults me. Uncalled for, dude. Un-f*cking-called for.

"Your pokemon's moves suck"

Hey, who gives a damn? As long as they benefit for me and me only. Who the hell is going to make me go to one of these stupid tourneys? That's right. Unless it's my mother Noone. Comprende?

w8wut? Quality over quantity? PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! No.

Yes I do. Enough respect to keep the "good" ranking for you in my user box.

Heh, so do I. But seriously? Arguing with me will get you nowhere. Try starting some sh*t on Wikia. See what happens. I dare you.

I'm not a robot. No moar role playing. What are you, 5?

30.pngR.O.B. 128User offline.gif Yeah, you did. I was just kidding about the last part of my message, by the way. *pretends to be a robot*

K, no rush.

Can you like read minds or something? My name was getting old and, yes, too generic, so I changed it. And I'm happy with it. :D LuigiZ3r0 Tw0Zerotwo.jpg So now I'm with this name.

A big YIDS secret...LIke anyone cares.

It's been a long time since I've had the time to do...anything, really. PM:TDW has somehow fallen at the bottom of my list of things to do. Oh, and in YIDS, I figured out a great way to easily get a 100 on Bowser's Castle. Once you get to the part with all the different rooms, pick Mario's. But when the giant Tap-Tap is chasing you, go backwards a bit onto a platform. You will get hurt, but only one star power thingy. The Tap-Tap will go on, and because it does, it breaks a few of the platforms in front of you. But if you flutter jump on, they continue like the Tap-Tap was never there. Remember to go through the place slowly, because sometimes you can catch up to it somehow and it'll destroy everything. But that leaves half of the level into a simple long path with a few Gusties.

BTW, do they make N64 controllers for PCs? Because playing Banjo-Kazooie is the pits on a keyboard.

I gettin Twilight Princess for Christmas! WOOT! Along with Metroid Prime 3, Sonic Unleashed, Wario Land: SI, etc. I've never played a Zelda or Metroid game, so itd be fun to try em.

Gyroid X

Holy Camp! (That's what I said this summer)

Nah, the possibilities are endless!

So you failed math? You don't have to redo the entire year, do you? D:

Well, even if I don't necessarily get the Pogeymanz videos, I'll still watch 'em. As of now, I only have one video; it's a video of me playing Guitar Hero III.

Er, I meant three. (Dunno why I typed two...) I beat him with Kirby, Meta Knight, and Peach. I didn't get a chance to use Marth or Toon Link.

Rofl. Yeah, I heard that you get a lot of our shows over there; oddly enough, we don't get ANY of your shows. o_0

Arbor Day is kinda lame, but it's okay; you basically respect trees on that day.

Yeah, Christmas this year is gonna suck for me too. We have no money, so that means NO presents. (Or maybe a few very cheap ones. :o) But, at least we get to have a huge meal, so that's okay. =) I enjoy the small things in life.

Thanks! I really appreciate it.

That really sucks. ;_; I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

BTW, I responded to your PM. — Stooben Rooben 16:42, 14 December 2008 (EST)

Do you speak-a any Engrish?

I tried that thingy with your last comment and....

It's a good choice for Christmas. If your number will not be one game Twilight Princess, and I will be a great surprise. Trust me, and how huge the whole game is not known. From any source without using any help, I have to get the end-credit hours of play took 80 hours. The joy of discovery and learning as to ruin me stronger, and you do not use the tutorial, is recommended. I have unleashed, Wii and DS this Christmas and for how offputting to some good game considering some of the reviews to hear, but I just have to get it . And me, I never played the game of Metroid Metroid Prime 3 is considering one.

Also, I made a MPC vid, but it was a tiny thing I did in my free time, and took only four minutes to upload (but my other two compositions will take a few hours) We finally have exams, which means only three more days of school! :D It's 18 minutes before this super-short school day, as I get out at 10:30. Yes. 10:30. We only have one exam today, which PWNS! I heard some schools have exams AFTER christmas break, so all through the break you're thinkin "Holy crap, I have exams in 20 days!" Just two more days, and I'm free!

I'm getting better at B-K, and I found out that there's a cable that hooks up to the USB port that connects it to a GC controller, which you can use for N64 games. They do have all the same buttons after all. I've heard that Rusty Bucket Bay is sheer hell. But I have the infinite oxygen code, so I'm freed.

80 hours? ZOMFG! Feh, Brawl gave spoilers already with trophies about EVERYTHING...

Gyroid X

Wowzer that was embarrassing. If I spelled that right. Oh, random question of the week: Do you like flatworms? Well thats all I got to say. Caio! :0) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars promotional artwork: Grate GuyGrate GuySuper Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars promotional artwork: Knife Guy

Merry Christmas! (Or is it "Happy Christmas" in Australia?)

I made you an expansion pack for your sprites! Ho ho ho!

— From, Stooby Clause

Stooben Rooben 23:33, 17 December 2008 (EST)

I am HERE! :P=

I was inactive, now i'm back :D Well, How are you? Long time no talk hã :P Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario.Super Luigi! Number one!Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario. Always drawing, drawing, and drawing

Addicted to Emerald...

I currently have 6 hours already and I've only beaten the first two gym leaders. Though, from all my work, I've got a kick-arse Tailow (O_o), and a bunch of other random pokes. I guess with those I could be considered a Youngster on meth, as all my pokes are generally from the start. I abandoned my Mudkip (I forgot that you got a million water types and grass types before the first gym leader) and now have a Lombre, which pwns more than it. I beat Brawly's level 19 Makuhita with my level 11 Zigzagoon (that's how much steroids its on). I'm saving up a spot for a Bagon, which will become an almighty Salamence. They seriously need Sound type Pokemon, as they already have abilities that prevent those and there's a good 13 moves already (plus Whismur can get that type). Light, Ancient, and Synth (Porygon, Voltorb, Mewtwo so far) should also be types, and I'm sick of Signal beam being Bug type.

Still, TP sounds teh PWN!

Gyroid X

*doesn't laugh at that poor quality joke*

You basically just said "I can only talk to you by insulting you". That makes no sense at all, dude.

YOU STARTED IT! *folds arms*

I won't. lol All you did was direct me to this tourney crap. Not interesting. I prefer playing for fun, even if it means losing.

Again with the bullcrap, eh? The word search feature at any wiki is unreliable. You've told me that my pokemon will fail against yours, and you know it. You're just trying to remain the calm one in the situation, which you aren't. Do us all a favor and stop lying. Thanks, but you're not an admin. OMG! WUT DUZ DAT MEEN? That means you're in no position to tell ANYONE what to do. I an ****ing swear all I ****ing want, since you seem to think the same way whenever you enter my page.

I'd actually like to see you tell the game developers that to their faces. I wouldn't be able to, but hey. It might end up on TV.

So now you're saying that I'm incapable of thinking properly? Please. I honestly believe a baby could have said it better. Of you think so too, since "I can't think" xD This is priceless. What else you got?


You could try and bring your little theories to Wikia if you wish, but I must warn you. You'll get owned. :(

*calls you an age below your actual age* NAO WUT?????

30.pngR.O.B. 128User offline.gif I'm starting to lose my view of the point of the internet. So much time is wasted...

Re: Sigs

If you can get MarioWiki:Personal Check to fully load, check for yourself – right next to the sigs section is the # of results in that DPL query – namely, the exact # of /sig pages in the entire week. No way it's 4000. Also, having that variable text CAN push you over the horizontal limit, so be careful. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 07:28, 22 December 2008 (EST)


Ah, you said you had an Emerald ROM...I've looked at Youtube Emerald hacks and I really want to have a map editor so I can recreate my regions. Of course, for the last one I'd need to have a blizzard effect...Do you know of an effective hacking program? I DO know where to find Bagon...I found out several years ago when I finally saw a trainer's Bagon (thank that random Dragon Tamer in the middle of dangerous rip currents) and went off in search of it in the Falls. It was kinda obvious when I found that dragon-related thingy in that one room...

Uh, until what becomes accessible?


Feh, I'll make the chart soon.

Gyroid X says "feh" too much. Thank his constant querying of DP for that...