User:MacGyver: Difference between revisions

From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
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(fixing broken links)
Line 311: Line 311:
Image:DSi.PNG|<center>[[Nintendo DSi#Nintendo DSi Series|Cool]]!
Image:DSi.PNG|<center>[[Nintendo DSi#Nintendo DSi Series|Cool]]!
Image:DSiLL White.jpg|<center>[[Nintendo DSi XL#Nintendo DSi Series|Hm]]...
Image:DSiLL White.jpg|<center>[[Nintendo DSi XL#Nintendo DSi Series|Hm]]...
File:Nintendo3DS_1.png|<center>[[Nintendo 3DS|I've got it]]!
File:Aqua Blue 3DS Open.png|<center>[[Nintendo 3DS|I've got it]]!

Line 320: Line 320:
=====6-C1: NES=====
=====6-C1: NES=====
Image:Donkey Kong NES Cover.PNG|<center>Looks tricky, [[Donkey Kong (game)|that game]].
File:Donkey Kong NES Cover.png|<center>Looks tricky, [[Donkey Kong (game)|that game]].
Image:Dk1.jpg|<center>A [[Donkey Kong Classics|game combo pack]]!
File:Donkey Kong Classics.png|<center>A [[Donkey Kong Classics|game combo pack]]!
Image:Donkey Kong Jr. NES Cover.PNG|<center>Go, [[Donkey Kong Jr. (game)|Donkey Kong Jr.]]! Get up there & sock Mario as hard as you can!
File:Donkey Kong Jr NES Cover.png|<center>Go, [[Donkey Kong Jr. (game)|Donkey Kong Jr.]]! Get up there & sock Mario as hard as you can!
Image:DrMarioBox.jpg|<center>Personally, I think it'd be better if Luigi was the [[Dr. Mario (game)|doctor]].
Image:DrMarioBox.jpg|<center>Personally, I think it'd be better if Luigi was the [[Dr. Mario (game)|doctor]].
Image:Golf Boxart.PNG|<center>Weird Looking [[Golf|game]].
File:Golf Boxart.png|<center>Weird Looking [[Golf|game]].
Image:Mario Bros. NES Cover.PNG|<center>WANT..TO..PLAY...[[Mario Bros. (game)|MARIO BROS.]]!!
File:Mario Bros NES Cover.png|<center>WANT..TO..PLAY...[[Mario Bros. (game)|MARIO BROS.]]!!
Image:Mism1.jpg|<center>I WILL play that [[Mario is Missing!|game]] if its the last thing i do!
Image:Mism1.jpg|<center>I WILL play that [[Mario is Missing!|game]] if its the last thing i do!
Image:Mario's Time Machine Box Art.jpg|<center>This [[Mario's Time Machine|game]] is a must-play.
Image:Mario's Time Machine Box Art.jpg|<center>This [[Mario's Time Machine|game]] is a must-play.
Image:Cover.jpg|<center>[[NES Open Tournament Golf|No comment]].
File:NESOTG cover NA.jpg|<center>[[NES Open Tournament Golf|No comment]].
Image:1194794648-00.png|<center>[[Nintendo World Championships 1990|How rare]]!
File:Nintendo World Championships Title Screen.png|<center>[[Nintendo World Championships 1990|How rare]]!
Image:SMB Boxart.png|<center>Go [[Super Mario Bros.|SUPER MARIO BROS.]]
File:SMB USA box art.jpg|<center>Go [[Super Mario Bros.|SUPER MARIO BROS.]]
Image:SMB2 Boxart.png|<center>[[Super Mario Bros. 2|Want to play!]]
Image:SMB2 Boxart.png|<center>[[Super Mario Bros. 2|Want to play!]]
Image:SMB3 Boxart.png|<center>I love that [[Super Mario Bros. 3|game!]]
Image:SMB3 Boxart.png|<center>I love that [[Super Mario Bros. 3|game!]]
Image:WWoods NESCover.jpg|<center>[[Wario's Woods|Never played it & don't intend to.]]
Image:WWoods NESCover.jpg|<center>[[Wario's Woods|Never played it & don't intend to.]]
Image:Wrckcover.jpg|<center>Um...[[Wrecking Crew|interesting]].
File:WC NES Box Art.jpg|<center>Um...[[Wrecking Crew|interesting]].
Image:YoshiBox.jpg|<center>[[Yoshi (game)|come again]]?
File:Nes Box - Yoshi.png|<center>[[Yoshi (game)|come again]]?
Image:YoshisCookieNES.gif|<center>I love [[Yoshi's Cookie|Yoshi Cookies]]!
File:Nes Box - Yoshi's Cookie.png|<center>I love [[Yoshi's Cookie|Yoshi Cookies]]!

Line 342: Line 342:
Image:Nipponbros.jpg|<center>WHAT THE [[All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.|CRABCAKES]]?
Image:Nipponbros.jpg|<center>WHAT THE [[All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros.|CRABCAKES]]?
Image:F1Race.PNG|<center>[[Famicom Grand Prix: F-1 Race|uh]]...
File:F1Race.png|<center>[[Famicom Grand Prix: F-1 Race|uh]]...
Image:HotRally.PNG|<center>[[Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot Rally|same as before]].
File:HotRally.png|<center>[[Famicom Grand Prix II: 3D Hot Rally|same as before]].
Image:Nesgolf.gif|<center>MORE [[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|G]][[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|O]][[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|L]][[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|F]]?
File:MarioNOTG.png|<center>MORE [[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|G]][[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|O]][[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|L]][[Mario Golf (series)#Golf (Famicom Disk System)|F]]?
Image:Mario sweater.jpg|<center>[[I Am A Teacher: Super Mario Sweater|hm]]...
Image:Mario sweater.jpg|<center>[[I Am A Teacher: Super Mario Sweater|hm]]...
Image:Kaettekita Mario Bros Title.png|<center>[[Kaette Kita Mario Bros.|Mario Bros.]] returned for a while?
Image:Kaettekita Mario Bros Title.png|<center>[[Kaette Kita Mario Bros.|Mario Bros.]] returned for a while?
Line 351: Line 351:
=====6-C3: SNES=====
=====6-C3: SNES=====
Image:ENTIRE warioMario box.JPG|<center>Now [[Mario & Wario|this one]] i recognize.
File:MnW cover art.jpg|<center>Now [[Mario & Wario|this one]] i recognize.
Image:MarioPaintBox.jpg|<center>A [[Mario Paint|paint game with Mario]] in it? COOL!!
Image:MarioPaintBox.jpg|<center>A [[Mario Paint|paint game with Mario]] in it? COOL!!
Image:Mariopre3.jpg|<center>What in the world is [[Mario's Early Years! Fun with Letters|this]]?
Image:Mariopre3.jpg|<center>What in the world is [[Mario's Early Years! Fun with Letters|this]]?
Line 364: Line 364:
Image:TetrisDrMario.jpg|<center>Whoa, [[Tetris & Dr. Mario|bio-enhanced deja vu]].
Image:TetrisDrMario.jpg|<center>Whoa, [[Tetris & Dr. Mario|bio-enhanced deja vu]].
Image:TAT.jpg|<center>[[Tetris Attack|No comment]].
Image:TAT.jpg|<center>[[Tetris Attack|No comment]].
Image:Samegame.gif|<center>[[Undake30 Same Game|Come again]]?
File:Samegame.png|<center>[[Undake30 Same Game|Come again]]?
Image:WC98 Boxart.jpg|<center>[[Wrecking Crew '98|same as before]].
Image:WC98 Boxart.jpg|<center>[[Wrecking Crew '98|same as before]].
Image:Yckodc t.png|<center>[[Yoshi's Cookie - Kuruppon Oven de Cookie|strange]]...
File:YNC Title Screen.png|<center>[[Yoshi's Cookie - Kuruppon Oven de Cookie|strange]]...
Image:Yoshi'sSafariBox.png|<center>I want to [[Yoshi's Safari|play]]!
Image:Yoshi'sSafariBox.png|<center>I want to [[Yoshi's Safari|play]]!
Line 378: Line 378:
Image:DM64 Cover.jpg|<center>It should totally be [[Dr. Mario 64|Dr. Luigi 64]].
Image:DM64 Cover.jpg|<center>It should totally be [[Dr. Mario 64|Dr. Luigi 64]].
Image:MG64.PNG|<center>Ah, the [[Mario Golf (Nintendo 64)|classics]].
File:Mario Golf 64 box.png|<center>Ah, the [[Mario Golf (Nintendo 64)|classics]].
File:MK64_Cover.png|<center>[[Mario Kart 64|Vroom!Vroom!]]
File:MK64_Cover.png|<center>[[Mario Kart 64|Vroom!Vroom!]]
Image:Mariopictures.jpg|<center>[[Mario no Photopi|huh]]?
Image:Mariopictures.jpg|<center>[[Mario no Photopi|huh]]?
Image:MP1 Cover.png|<center>Oh yeah time to [[Mario Party|party]]!
File:MP1 Cover.jpg|<center>Oh yeah time to [[Mario Party|party]]!
Image:Mario Party 2 box art.jpg|<center>[[Mario Party 2|Party Time]]!
Image:Mario Party 2 box art.jpg|<center>[[Mario Party 2|Party Time]]!
Image:Mario Party 3 box art.jpg|<center>What a [[Mario Party 3|party]].
Image:Mario Party 3 box art.jpg|<center>What a [[Mario Party 3|party]].
Image:MT64.PNG|<center>ooh, [[Mario Tennis (Nintendo 64)|tennis]].
File:Mario Tennis 64 box art.jpg|<center>ooh, [[Mario Tennis (Nintendo 64)|tennis]].
Image:Paper Mario 64 box.png|<center>[[Paper Mario|Cool lookin']]
Image:Paper Mario 64 box.png|<center>[[Paper Mario|Cool lookin']]
Image:Super Mario 64 Boxart.png|<center>[[Super Mario 64|(whistle)]]
Image:Super Mario 64 Boxart.png|<center>[[Super Mario 64|(whistle)]]
Line 427: Line 427:
Image:SarasalandBoxArt.png|<center>[[Super Mario Land|O-Kay]].
Image:SarasalandBoxArt.png|<center>[[Super Mario Land|O-Kay]].
Image:Supermarioland2logo.jpg|<center>Heeeeere's [[Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins|Wario]]!
Image:Supermarioland2logo.jpg|<center>Heeeeere's [[Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins|Wario]]!
Image:Golf Boxart.PNG|<center>Please see [[Golf|6-C1:NES]].
File:Golf Boxart.png|<center>Please see [[Golf|6-C1:NES]].
Image:DrMarioGBCover.jpg|<center>Please see [[Dr.Mario (game)|6-C1:NES]]
Image:DrMarioGBCover.jpg|<center>Please see [[Dr.Mario (game)|6-C1:NES]]
Image:Y Cover.jpg|<center>Please see [[Yoshi (game)|6-C1:NES]]
Image:Y Cover.jpg|<center>Please see [[Yoshi (game)|6-C1:NES]]
Line 434: Line 434:
=====6-D2: Game Boy Color=====
=====6-D2: Game Boy Color=====
Image:Gameandwatch2.jpg|<center>[[Game & Watch Gallery 2|Dos]].
File:Game Watch Gallery 2 NA boxart.png|<center>[[Game & Watch Gallery 2|Dos]].
Image:Wario Land 2 GBC NA cover.jpg|<center>And [[Wario Land II|you]] are?
Image:Wario Land 2 GBC NA cover.jpg|<center>And [[Wario Land II|you]] are?
Image:SMBDX Boxart.PNG|<center>[[Super Mario Bros. Deluxe|Let's-a go]]!
File:SMB Deluxe cover art.png|<center>[[Super Mario Bros. Deluxe|Let's-a go]]!

Line 466: Line 466:
====6-E: #====
====6-E: #====
Image:18-volt.png|<center>Wario really needs to give his [[18-Volt|friend list]] a makeover.
File:18-Volt WW Twisted artwork.jpg|<center>Wario really needs to give his [[18-Volt|friend list]] a makeover.
===6-4: Places===
===6-4: Places===
Line 472: Line 472:
====6-F: #====
====6-F: #====
Image:40 Below Fridge.PNG|<center>Wario should be glad he's so fat; it acts like [[40 Below Fridge|blubber]].
File:40 Below Fridge.png|<center>Wario should be glad he's so fat; it acts like [[40 Below Fridge|blubber]].
===6-5: Items===
===6-5: Items===
Line 478: Line 478:
====6-G: !====
====6-G: !====
Image:Redswitch.jpg|<center>[[! Switch|Grr]]...
File:YIDS Redswitch.jpg|<center>[[! Switch|Grr]]...
===6-6: Species===
===6-6: Species===
Line 484: Line 484:
====6-H: A====
====6-H: A====
Image:Ackpow.PNG|<center>Is [[Ackpow|this]] from Gloam Valley or Sammer's Kingdom?
File:SPM Ackpow Sprite.png|<center>Is [[Ackpow|this]] from Gloam Valley or Sammer's Kingdom?
===6-7: Allies===
===6-7: Allies===
Line 496: Line 496:
====6-J: #====
====6-J: #====
Image:WHAT THE.png|<center>[[????|WHAT THE?]]
File:Sharkbone.png|<center>[[????|WHAT THE?]]
===6-9: Special Moves===
===6-9: Special Moves===
Line 513: Line 513:
Image:Fawful artwork MLBiS.png|<center>[[Fawful|Favorite Villain]]
Image:Fawful artwork MLBiS.png|<center>[[Fawful|Favorite Villain]]
File:Princess Rosalina Super Mario Galaxy.png|<center>[[Rosalina|Favorite Princess(?)]]
File:Princess Rosalina Super Mario Galaxy.png|<center>[[Rosalina|Favorite Princess(?)]]
Image:591px-YOSHI.png|<center>[[Green Yoshi|Favorite Yoshi]]
File:YoshiTouchAndGo - Green Yoshi.png|<center>[[Green Yoshi|Favorite Yoshi]]
Image:LarryKoopa2_SMB3.png|<center>[[Larry Koopa|Favorite Koopaling]]
Image:LarryKoopa2_SMB3.png|<center>[[Larry Koopa|Favorite Koopaling]]
Image:MeleeDr.Mario.jpg|<center>[[Dr. Mario (character)|Favorite SSBM Character]]
Image:MeleeDr.Mario.jpg|<center>[[Dr. Mario (character)|Favorite SSBM Character]]

Revision as of 17:48, June 1, 2024

MacGyver's Userbox Tower
The cross.PNG
Concept artwork of Pit from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Shellcreeper, as seen in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
F ThatsMamaLum fb9046e.gif
Previous Nintendo logo (2006-2016): In 2006, the logo's color scheme was changed from red to gray and the registered symbol was made more smaller.
Kamek's Library
A green check mark, used to indicate when something is true or applicable.
The sprite for Mario in Super Mario World after being caught in an explosion.
Yoshi is cute.gif
A Sad Rex from Super Princess Peach.
Green Yoshi
Unused animation of Larry Koopa in Super Princess Peach
Chain Chomp
SMG Thwomp Alternate Render.png
The screenshot of the product, Super Mario Bros. Ice Cream Bar.
The Dictionary from Paper Mario.
Icon of an item from Paper Mario
Mask Gate SMAS SMB2.png
A Brown Yoshi in Paper Mario.
A badge of Koopa Troopa.
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga artwork: Mario and Luigi
Sprite of a Shy Guy from Paper Mario
Sprite of a Bob-omb from Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Icon of an item from Paper Mario
1-Up Mushroom from New Super Mario Bros.
Chuck Norris.jpg
Chuck Norris.jpg
Princess Daisy in Mario Strikers Charged.
Icon of an item from Paper Mario
Artwork of Princess Daisy in Mario Party 8
A Boo hiding and revealing itself.
File:Floating fortress.jpg
Earth small.png
Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario.
Luigi's battle stance
A figure of some Musical Notes.
File:Funky Kong DKKoS art.png

Hello, Users! I'm MacGyver(Formerly Layoshi, Drew 10, Agent A & Super Luigi Galaxy) Anybody who wants to be my friend Don't hesitate to ask on my Talk page!!

World 1: Intro Land

I'm 16 years old & a christian.I also have Aspergers Syndrome.

1-1: My Internet Life

1-A: Standard Sites

  • LEGO: KINGscoopa2(For those who can't figure out how i got the name, go here.)
  • Kongregate: DeadOcean1(What? I ran out of ideas.)

1-B: Other Wikis

None yet. Planned:

  • Brickipedia(LEGO)
  • Wookieepedia(Star Wars)
  • Sonic News Network(Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • TARDIS Index File(Doctor Who)
  • Civilization Wiki(Sid Meir's Civilization)
  • Kane Chronicles Wiki(Kane Chronicles)
  • Kirby Wiki(Kirby)
  • Professor Layton Wiki(Professor Layton)
  • IcarusPedia(Kid Icarus)
  • Zelda Wiki(The Legend of Zelda)

1-C: MMOs


World 2: Owned Mario Games Land

2-1: Nintendo Entertainment System

  • 2-in-1 Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
  • Super Mario Bros. 3

2-2: Nintendo 3DS

  • New Super Mario Bros.-Beaten it 27 times.
  • Super Mario 64 DS -Beaten it 24 times.
  • Mario Party DS -Please wait while i update my data.

2-3: Nintendo Wii

  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Super Mario Galaxy

World 3: Played Mario Games Land

3-1: NES

3-2: Game Boy Advance

3-3: Nintendo 3DS

3-4: PC

3-5: Nintendo 64

3-6: Nintendo GameCube

3-7: Nintendo Wii

3-8: SSBB Masterpieces

3-9: Demo's

3-A: DS

3-B: Wii

World 4: Wanted Mario Games Land

4-1: PC

4-2: Nintendo 64

4-3: GameCube

4-4: Wii

4-6: Nintendo 3DS

World 5: Owned Non-Mario Games Land

5-1: NES

5-2: Nintendo 3DS

5-3: Wii

5-4: PC

5-5: Demos

5-A: 3DS

World 6: CMPDb Land

This part of my page is under construction

6-1: Consoles

6-A: Home

6-B: Handhelds

6-2: Games

6-C: Home

6-C1: NES
6-C2: Famicom
6-C3: SNES
6-C4: Satellaview
6-C5: Nintendo 64
6-C6: Nintendo 64DD


6-C7: Nintendo GameCube
6-C8: Wii
6-C9: WiiWare

6-D: Handhelds

6-D1: Game Boy
6-D2: Game Boy Color
6-D3: Game Boy Advance


6-D4: e-Reader
6-D5: Nintendo DS
6-D6: DSiWare

6-3: Characters

6-E: #

6-4: Places

6-F: #

6-5: Items

6-G: !

6-6: Species

6-H: A

6-7: Allies

6-I: A

6-8: Enemies

6-J: #

6-9: Special Moves

6-K: #

6-10: My Mario Character Favs

Note:This part of my page is currently undergoing serious restructuring and I apologize for the mess.

Coming Soon:Favorite MPDS Minigame,Favorite NSMB Boss,Favorite Enemy,Favorite SM64DS World,Favorite Power-Up.

6-11: My Yoshi Army

6-12: GO WEEGI!

Coming Soon!

World 7: Youtube Land

7-1: StH Music

Coming Soon!

7-2: Weird Al Yankovich

Coming Soon!

7-3: Orchestral Zelda Music

Coming Soon!

World 8: Life List Land

8-1: Places

Coming Soon!

World 9: Random

9-1: Peoples

9-2: Anatomy

9-3: Attack!

Coming Soon!

9-4: Minions

Coming Soon!

9-5: Bacteria

Coming Soon!

9-6: RAWR!

Coming Soon!

9-7: Globin

Coming Soon!

Special World: To-Do List

  • Start up a status.
  • Reply to GalacticPetey's, GamingGal9's, and Dry dry king's friend requests.
  • Update the "Intro" section of my page.
  • Update the Userbox tower of my page.
  • Add a "Luigi gallery" subsection to the "CMPDb" section of my page.
  • Add a section of Youtube video to my page.
  • Add a section of "life lists" to my page.
  • Complete my CMPDb.