List of comics in WarioWare: D.I.Y.: Difference between revisions

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|Gone Fishin'
|Gone Fishin'
|''"The ocean is very mysterious."
|''"The ocean is very mysterious."
|A man watches a fisher holding a fishing net. It turns out the net is actually the web of a giant spider.
|[[File:WWDIY-Comics Jummy T.-14.png]]
|[[File:WWDIY-Comics Jummy T.-14.png]]

Revision as of 10:45, October 22, 2016


It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: 17:13, 13 December 2015 (EST)

This is a list of all the Diamond Software comics that appear in WarioWare: D.I.Y.. They are not created by the employees of Diamond Software, but by their respective favorite creators. They are organized by creators.

Kotobuki Shiriagari

"This section has comics by Mona's favorite artist, Kotobuki Shiriagari!"

Shelf Image Comic Description Summary
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: DS Dad #1 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. DS Dad #1 "Sometimes parents don't get it." A conversation between the dad and his son about the DS, the dad thinks that "DS" is a slang for "Dads are Splendid".
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: New Game! #1 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. New Game! #1 "How video games DON'T get made." An employee suggests a cooking game for the DS but his boss says he hates cooking and tosses away the proposal, asking for another idea instead, to his employee's dismay.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Aura Reading in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Aura Reading "Some deep-tissue spirituality!" An Aura reader girl talking with a boy regarding his spirit, it's weak, however it's good at back rubs.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Arrested #1 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Arrested #1 "You can't outwit the detective!" The detective accuse Mr. Jones Smith for the crime, Mr. Smith explain that he has an alibi, the detective responses by doubting that Mr. Smith had a clone.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: ...Dog? #1 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. ...Dog? #1 "Pets often look like their owners." The child begs his parents for a dog. Larry (the child's father) wears a dog disguise instead of getting a dog. Larry even unintentionally responds to his child calling his name.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Demands in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Demands "Careful what you don't wish for." A man walks by demanding justice, and then a cream-cheese danish.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: New Game! #2 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. New Game! #2 "A new way of playing games!" An employee suggests an ear-cleaning game, however the player's ear is not level 1.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Product Test in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Product Test "Not just the CEO for Dolly Hair..." A doll with real, growing hair spread widely, an employee used it to create a hair-growth tonic. Unfortunately, the user will only get the hairstyle of the doll.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: DS Dad #2 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. DS Dad #2 "Sometimes parents try too hard..." A conversation between the dad and his son about the DS, the dad thinks that "DS" is a slang for "Dandy and Swell".
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Rise and... in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Rise and... "The early bird gets...something!" A person wakes up early happily, only to fall asleep shortly afterwards.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Arrested #2 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Arrested #2 "Our detective is still trying..." The detective accuse Mr. Smith Jones for the crime, Mr. Jones explain that he has no motive, which the detective thinks is very suspicious.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: ...Dog? #2 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. ...Dog? #2 "Pets are full of surprises!" The continuation of "...Dog? #1": the child thinks that his dog is a strange as he is doing human habits, he even saw him about to take his head (disguise) off.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Easy Money in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Easy Money "There's no such thing..." A guy finds a button with a note saying "What to be rich?", the guy presses the button only to find the note saying "This button won't help."
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Arrested #3 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Arrested #3 "Our detective and his soft side..." The detective accuse Ms. Smith Jones Smith for the crime, who asks what she had done. The detective answers that she stole his heart.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: Polter-guys in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Polter-guys "The brave men of D.O.T." At the Department of Transportation. The employee alerts his boss about the confirmed existence of a ghost in the Bick Tunnel. The boss puts a sign "BEWARE OF GHOSTS" at the entrance as a solution.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: ...Dog? #3 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. ...Dog? #3 "Larry's adjusting, but..." The continuation of "...Dog? #1" and #2: the child still mentions that his dog is weird, as he cannot walk on all fours. However he begins to adjust, the child is pleased only to notice that his mom is concerned.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: DS Dad #3 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. DS Dad #3 "Parents get lonely sometimes..." A conversation between the dad and his son about the DS, the dad thinks that "DS" is short for David Stanley, and before he starts telling the story, he was interrupted by his child for the story being long.
The shelf sprite of one of Mona's favorite artist comics: New Game! #3 in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. New Game! #3 "The ultimate game idea!" An employee suggests a game where the main character has no goal, can't tell allies from enemies, everything he does gets wrong, and there is no reset button. The employee sadly calls the game "My Life".

Isami Nakagawa

"This section has comics by Jimmy T.'s favorite artist, Isami Nakagawa!"

Shelf Image Comic Description Summary
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Spectacles in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Spectacles "What a confusing spectacle!" The father and the son accidentally switched the snail and the glasses, therefore both are seeing things blurry.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Just the Fax in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Just the Fax "This is one upset stomach!" The doctor examines the patient who ate a fax machine and finds out that he is running out of toner.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Snack Talk in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Snack Talk "Who needs a mobile phone?" The two kids uses the noodles' cans to make a Play Telephone.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Out at Sea in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Out at Sea "Did he leave the keys inside?" A man sees two men kidnapping a squid, so he calls the Octo-police and report the "squidnapping" to them.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Hard Sell in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Hard Sell "One man's treasure..." The man tries to sell his magical slipper, which when he smashes a cockroach with, the cockroach doubles. The customer refuses.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Dough Boy in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Dough Boy "Cover your mouth when you sneeze!" The dough boy is spinning the dough. He sneezes and the dough flies and lands on the customer's head.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Morning Prep in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Morning Prep "Getting ready can take a while." After waking up, the boy has "bed-head", so he sprays it to have a "flowerbed-head".
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Monstrous! in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Monstrous! "What is the deal with monsters?" The monster is resting on the roof, destroying planes to eat the airline food.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Me Vs World in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Me Vs World "A lesson in humility." A scorpion shouts that nothing can stop him that day, but he then accidentally stings himself and falls unconscious.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Barbershop in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Barbershop "Just trim the sides. Well done." The barber asks the customer what to do with the muttonchops, the customer responds the usual. They both eat mutton chops.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Dating Scene in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Dating Scene "Meeting girls can be tough." Two men try to ask a girl out. To their surprise, she only dates men who can burp the alphabet.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Macho Man in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Macho Man "It's hard to let things go..." A man is trying hard to become masculine by spinning a balloon, it floats away and he is left crying.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Gone Fishin' in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Gone Fishin' "The ocean is very mysterious." A man watches a fisher holding a fishing net. It turns out the net is actually the web of a giant spider.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Competition in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Competition "Some people prefer an audience." "It takes drive to compete in the 400-meter freestyle. It takes even more for the 400-meter parade."
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Nature Walk in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Nature Walk "What a bunch of saps!" A man walks by a tree and notices bugs drawn to the tree sap, which are actually some men's hair because it is a Hair-growth Tree.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Nap Hazards in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Nap Hazards "Be careful when you-- Zzzzz..." A man is sleeping on the carpet and wakes up to find carpet pattern on his face. His dad comes home and the man thinks his dad has been sleeping on manhole lids.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Dog Trainer in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Dog Trainer "It takes patience to train a dog!" A man is commanding his dog, but it instead gives its shirt away, so he pretends like it was his command.
The shelf sprite of one of Jimmy T.'s favorite artist comics: Willpower in the game WarioWare: D.I.Y. Willpower "There must be an easier way!"

Sekaiichi Asakura

"This section has comics by Ashley's favorite artist, Sekaiichi Asakura!"

Comic Description
Fire Away! "A feat few have attempted..."
Speed Limit "You know how fast you were going?"
Look! Ghost! "Raise awareness AND the dead."
Style Update "Time for a change?"
Sunny Day "The dangers of too much sunshine."
Origin Story "Thor's earliest days."
Be Still "Zombies have music idols, too."
Chimney Man! "The Adventures of Chimney Man!"
Death Rock "Sing your zombie heart out!"
Look Inside "An educational look inside!"
As You Wish "He likes pastry! Who doesn't?"
Mummy Belt "What do they do with their time?"
Sally's Tip "Another valuable tip from Sally!"
At Midnight "When we're not around..."
Zombie Abs "Even the undead need to tone up."
Embarrassing "Sometimes you have to stop dancing..."
The Secret "Success comes with a price."
Whoops! "Bring ALL your school supplies."

Masakazu Amahisa

"This section has comics by Orbulon's favorite artist, Masakazu Amahisa!"

Comic Description
Our Hero #1 "Destiny has to start somewhere."
Our Hero #2 "The first step is to get equipped!"
Our Hero #3 "An enemy appeared!"
Our Hero #4 "Let's take down the first boss!"
Our Hero #5 "Now we need proper hero garb!"
Our Hero #6 "Can our hero save the day?"
Our Hero #7 "In search of an...unlikely ally."
Our Hero #8 "A hero is polite in all things."
Our Hero #9 "Have you seen this, uh...person?"
Our Hero #10 "The quest completed!"
Our Hero #11 "A hero's reward."
Our Hero #12 "A hero encounters his nemesis!"
Our Hero #13 "What kind of villain is this?!"
Our Hero #14 "All the world's a stage..."
Our Hero #15 "Even heroes fall in love!"
Our Hero #16 "A fond farewell."
Our Hero #17 "There's always a second quest!"
Our Hero #18 "Final words of wisdom."

Rei Betsuyaku

This section has comics by 9-Volt's favorite artist, Rei Betsuyaku!

Comic Description
Cacti Style "Beauty is only spine deep."
ゆうれいくん (Mr. Ghost) あるてんこうせいのかなしいものがたり。 (The sad story of a transfer student.)
Ta-da! "Detective Magician is on the case!"
Half Back "A half-baked story."
Fish Tale "I've heard this story...I think."
Pedigreed "Breedful things."
The War "The history of the future of history."
かぐやひめ (Princess Kaguya) べつやくどうわシリーズだい2だん!(Betsuyaku's fairy-tail series step No. 2.)
Our Visitor "Expanding your horizons is fun!"
Smelltone #1 "Custom ringtones are SO last year."
しつもんほうほう (Question method) しつもんほうほうっていろいろありますよねー。("Questions have various methods!")
Smelltone #2 "Getting the most out of your phone."
バナナ (Banana) バナナはおやつにはいるのだろうか?("I wonder when a banana is the snack?")
R-E Man #1 "Rock-Eating Man, hero of a new age!"
R-E Man #2 "Our hero reveals his secrets!"
World Class "The best athletes in the world!"
Gran's Tale "Folktales get better with age."
とりにんげん (Birdman) とりにんげんコンクールのみらいをうらなう! (Read the future of the birdman competition!)
Similarities "A useful field guide."
Pocket Cat "Some mysteries are best unsolved."
Uncle Ted "Good old Uncle Ted..."
Teacher Tale "You can learn a lot from pasta."
Gentleman "Being a gentleman is challenging."
  • Gran's Tale, The War, Cacti Style and the Smelltone comics are exclusive to English versions of the game.
  • The page order of the comic "Half Back" in the English and Japanese versions are different.
